He works all the year round without a holiday. 他一年到头工作。没有假日。 Then the child has private lessons all the year round. 然后,小孩子就好像是一年到头地由家庭教师授课。 Drinking and driving is a problem all the year round. 酒后驾车是个常年存在的问题。 It's a treat to be enjoyed all the year round. 这是全年都能享受到的款待。 You can see peaks covered with snow all the year round from the balcony of that room. 从那间屋子的阳台上能够看到终年被积雪覆盖的山峰。 上一篇:前缀英文 下一篇:forget的形容词形式怎么写 |