标题 | starve的用法及搭配 |
范文 | starve的用法例句: 1. The animals were left to starve to death. 那些动物只能等着饿死。 2. We shall wait the enemy out, and watch them starve to death. 我们将以等待来拖垮敌人, 看着他们饿死. 3. You can't see your sister starve without trying to help her! 你不能让你姐姐挨饿而不想法去帮助她! 4. They decided to starve the enemy out. 他们决定使敌人受饿而出来. 5. Don't starve the kitten. 别饿着小猫. 6. They tried to starve the army into surrender. 他们试图使守军因饥饿而投降. 7. The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission. 军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。 8. The most damaging thing the West could do is to starve Russia of new foreign capital. 西方能够祭出的`最阴险一招就是不让俄罗斯得到新的外资。 9. The enemy lay siege to the town in attempt to starve the people to death. 敌人围城,企图将人们饿死. 上一篇:我国两带四圈两带是指 下一篇:北京服装学院是几本大学 |
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