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范文 | 童话故事作文精彩 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的'童话故事作文精彩,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 童话故事作文精彩1今天上午,阳光明媚,小猫拿着鱼竿和木桶去湖边钓鱼。 This morning, the sun was shining brightly. The cat went fishing by the lake with a fishing rod and a bucket. 小猫坐在凳子上,拿起鱼竿用力地把鱼饵甩进水里,静静地等鱼上钩,突然,飞来了一只蝴蝶,吸引住啊小猫,小猫没了心里,去抓蝴蝶。 The kitten sat on the stool, took the fishing rod and threw the bait into the water, quietly waiting for the fish to bite. Suddenly, a butterfly flew to attract the kitten. The kitten lost her heart and went to catch the butterfly. 爸爸看到小猫,对小猫说:“小猫三心二意是掉不到鱼的,只有一心一意才可以掉到大鱼。”小猫听了,拿起鱼竿一心一意地开始钓鱼,后来小猫钓到了许多大鱼,妈妈和爸爸都夸小猫真能干。 When Dad saw the kitten, he said to the kitten, "A kitten can't fall into a big fish if it is half hearted." After listening to this, the kitten picked up the fishing rod and began to fish wholeheartedly. Later, the kitten caught many big fish. Both her mother and father praised the kitten's ability. 童话故事作文精彩2森林中有一个兔子家族。有一天,小兔贝贝趁妈妈不在家,一蹦一跳地冲向它向往已久的世界。 There is a rabbit family in the forest. One day, when her mother was not at home, Little Rabbit Beibei rushed to the world she had been longing for. 它玩着玩着,发现太阳已经在西方,这是它才知道迷路了,他想再玩一会,妈妈回来找我的,于是他就去玩,可是玩了很久,妈妈还是没有来,于是它哇哇大哭并喊着妈妈。 He played and found that the sun was already in the west, which was why he knew he was lost. He wanted to play for a while, and his mother came back to find me, so he went to play. But after playing for a long time, his mother still did not come, so he cried loudly and shouted to her. 它想起妈妈的话,它自力更生,每天清早就起来建房子,房子终于建好了。 He remembered his mother's words. He was self reliant. He got up early every morning to build a house, and the house was finally built. 它去种田,春天,它去播种,夏天,它去除草,捉虫,施肥,苗长得很快,秋天结果了。小兔贝贝去煮饭,煮菜,吃饱了,喝足了,去买菜,卖了一点钱。 It goes to the fields. In spring, it goes to sowing. In summer, it goes to weeding, catching insects, and applying fertilizer. The seedlings grow quickly and bear fruit in autumn. Little Rabbit Beibei went to cook and cooked food. After eating and drinking enough, she went to buy food and sold some money. |
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