标题 | 学好英语作文 |
范文 | 关于学好英语作文锦集五篇 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的学好英语作文5篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 学好英语作文 篇1English is important and useful to us、 How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions。 First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs、 Watching English movies is also helpful to us、 Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible、 Don’t be afraid of making mistakes、 The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make、 We'd better join the English club and practice with others、 Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines、 It’s good for us、 At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries。 In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well。 英语对我们是非常重要和有用的。我们怎样才能学好呢?以下是我的建议。 首先,我们应该经常听磁带,英语歌曲和节目。看英文电影对我们也有帮助。其次,我们应该尽可能地在课堂上说英语。不要害怕犯错误。你说的越多,你犯的错误就越少。我们最好加入英语俱乐部,练习与他人。第三,我们可以多读英语报纸和杂志。它对我们是有好处的。最后,我们应该背诵一些好的文章和日记。 一句话,只要我们做更多的听,说,读和写,我们会学好英语。 学好英语作文 篇2几天来,因为下定决心要更好地学习英语,我重新拿起了几个月之前学过,但是因为时间紧等等原因而扔掉了的《巧用歌诀学英语》。 以前学习很轻松,完成老师布置的各项作业后,每天都有大量的时间留给我自己,但是我却用它们来玩游戏,导致很多宝贵的时间都被我浪费了。但是,现在我上了更高的年级,课程多了起来,学习内容的难度也在上升,所以我感觉时间更紧了,负担也重了。因此我就必须提高学习效率,每天在很短的时间内完成很多课程的学习,而且不是走马观花地看个大概就行,必须要认真地学习,这样才能做到在完成老师布置的课堂学习任务的前提下,挤出一部分时间来复习以前学过的旧知识,与此同时,我还应该学习一些课外的新知识。 以前,我用了将近一个半月的时间,学了一些英语的语法口诀,大约有这本书所有内容的八分之三,很是又用,只是后来因为忙于其他事情就不得不中断了。现在我要把这些知识再度温习一遍,这样以后就不容易忘了。于是我每天晚上用十多分钟的时间来复习以前学过的课程。毕竟有以前学过打下的底子在那里,而且还做过题目,复习起来还算轻松。 在复习的.过程中,我也挤出了时间往下学习新的英语课程,在这几天内,我学习了八年级《新概念英语》语法的几个知识点,比如“情态动词用法”等等,感觉非常有收获。 学习就是这样,对自己严格一些,坚持少玩多学,就一定能有收获。我下定决心,以后一段时间里,一定要坚持每天都学习这个《口诀》,直到它全部被我学会的那一天。即使再忙再累也要学,每天学一点,积少成多就有用了,至少可以为我今后初中阶段的英语学习打下坚实的基础。 学好英语作文 篇3A Diary September 20th Friday Rainy At the beginning of the term, I made up my mind to learn English well in my plan. Then I carried out the plan full of determination. I stu-died as hard as I could,and so the days and weeks went by. Soon the time for the mid-term exam came. I went over my lessons in earnest,because Iexpected to get good marks. But to my surprise, I got a low mark of 73.I made quite a few grammar mistakes. Besides, I was unable to use some words or idioms correctly. I felt very sorry about it. I sat in the classroom in low spirits. Knowing about it,my English teacher asked me to go to his of-fice and told me not to be so disappointed. He also told me to listen to the teacher attentively in class,to make notes while listening and to do more reading and writing,and that only in this way could I learn Eng-lish well. What he said struck me greatly. I am determined to do as my tea-cher told me to. I'm sure I'll make some progress next time. 参考译文: 日记:如何学好英语 9月20日 星期五 雨这个学期刚开始,我就在计划中下定决心学好英语。然后我充满信心地执行计划。我尽可能的努力学习,日子就这样一天天过去了,马上期中考试就到了。我认真地复习了这门课,因为我期望取得好成绩,但令我吃惊的是,我只得了73分,我犯了很多语法错误。而且,我不能正确的使用一些词和词组,我感到很难过,我坐在教室里,情绪很低。 知道这件事后,我的英语老师把我叫到他的办公室,叫我不要太失望了,他还告诉我上课要仔细听讲,边听边做笔记,多阅读,多写作,这样才能学好英语。 他说的话令我很感动,我决心按老师教的去做,我相信下次我将会有一些进步。 学好英语作文 篇4Learning English is important for me. When I first came to the United States of America, I found out the importance of knowing English. Whenever I went to a market to buy food, to a post office to mail a letter, or to take a bus to the bank, I had to communicate in English or things would not go smoothly. The two most important reasons for learning English for me are it is for my future goal and I want to continue my studies. First, it is for my future goal. I want to be a professional ESL teacher. I used to learn English in my country for several years but when I came to the United States, I found that my English was still very poor. Many times I couldn't understand what Americans were talking about and they couldn't understand me either. The bad pronunciation was embarrassing me but in China people didn't care about this. Some people call this Chinese English. Now in China ESL teachers are very welcome by young people, business men, and students. In big cities, a lot of private schools supply English remedial courses. Students must learn English from middle school to high school. I think now in China being an ESL teacher is a good job foe me. Second, I want to continue my studies. I believe that a person who lives needs to learn. Whether it is one language or other things. I want to improve my English I can imagine that when I can speak English very well, how proud I am. I am also interested in learning the custom of United States, watching the United States movies, reading books, talking to Americans, and touring United States. I think if I get a degree from the United States it will be good for my future whatever I stay in the U.S or return to my country. I am thankful that I have a chance to continue my studies in the U.S. In conclusion, it is important for me to learn English for my future goal. It is also important because I want to continue my studies by learning English. I can do this. In fact, learning English is the answer to a lot of things that I need and want. 学好英语作文 篇5暑假期间,我跟随家人去国外旅游。跟外国人交流要用到英语,因为英语是国际通用语言,很多国家都会用到。 在候机室和旅游景点,经常会遇到要找洗手间。洗手间用英语有三种说法:WC、washroom、toilet,我记住了这三种,就能飞快的辨认出洗手间的标牌和位置,很轻松的帮助外公外婆找到洗手间。在飞机上,空姐会送果汁饮料、飞机餐以及小礼物给我们小朋友,我熟悉了苹果汁、橙汁、茶、咖啡等英语单词,当收到礼物时我会用英语“Thank you!”来感谢空姐的服务。妈妈说好!离开欧洲时,妈妈在德国法兰克福机场问路去海关办理退税手续,机场工作人员跟妈妈说了一些话之后说了一句:“follow me!”我马上就听懂了,问妈妈是不是这个意思。妈妈很惊讶,大大夸奖了我,说我好棒! 通过这次出国旅游,我感觉学好英语很重要,对我学习英语有很大的启发和促动,我以后要多花点时间来学英语,把英语学好。 |
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