双语例句: 松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。 The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree. 松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。 The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter. 不久前我在花园里看到一只松鼠。 The other day I saw a squirrel in my garden. 松鼠在树丛中上下蹿跳。 Squirrels were bouncing up and down in the trees. 松鼠乖觉得很,听到一点儿响声就溜跑了。 The squirrel is very alert, and will flee at the slightest noise. 上一篇:开学用具清单女生初中 下一篇:学生开学需要买什么 |