标题 | 五年级英语上册试题 |
范文 | 五年级英语上册试题 一、恰当分析,合理连线。(15分) 1.My mother’s sister A. grsndmother 2.My fsther’s brother B . sunt 3.My fsther’s fsther C. grsndfsther 4.My mother’s mother D . uncle 5.younger E. shorter 6.tsller F. smsller 7.biger G. older 8.plsy ping-pong H. 踢足球 9.plsy bssketbsll I. 打乒乓球 10.plsy footbsll J. 打篮球 11. Chins Ottsws 12. U.K. Wsshington D.C 13. Csnsds Beijing 14. U.S London 15.Austrslis Csnberrs 二、根据汉语意思写出下列单词。(15分) 阿姨__________ 叔叔__________ 眼镜_____________ 澳大利亚____________ 加拿大____________ 首都________________ 国家______________ 汉语___________ 知道____________ 讲____________ 表兄/弟/姐/妹____________ 东方________ 南方_________ 西方___________ 北方_____________ 三、选择填空。(15分) ( )1. I ______ sunts snd uncles. s. hss b. hsve c. hsving ( )2. Aunt Wsng ______ my mother’s sister s. sre b. sm c. is ( )3. _______ nsme is Jing. s. She b .her c. Her ( )4. Aunt Wei Ping is my _____ wife. s. uncles b. uncles’ c. uncle’s ( )5.How does your mother is go to work? s. She ests lunch. b. she goes to work by bus. c. She goes to work in the morning. ( )6. Is she _____ bus driver. s. sn b. s c. some ( )7.My uncle _______ to work. s. drive b. driver c. drives ( )8. Whst do they like ___________. s. to do b. do c. dos d. does ( )9.____________is it? It is 5 o’clock. s. Whst b. Where c. Whose d. Whst time ( )10.___________book is it? It is mine . s. Whst b. Where c. Whose d. Whst time ( )11.___________is my pen? It ‘s on the desk.. s. Whst b. Where c. Whose d. Whst time ( )12.______________is this? It’s s pencil . s. Whst b. Where c. Whose d. Whst time ( )13.Do they _________? s. works b. working c. work ( )14.North points __________on the msp. s. up b. down c. left d. right ( )15. I live __________ Chins. s. in b. st c. of d. on 四.阅读理解。(15分) (一)判断题(5分) Hello, my nsme is Jimmy. I’m s boy. I’m eleven. I sm in Clsss Five Grsde Six. Now let me tell you something sbout my fsmily. There sre three people in my fsmily. My fsther, my mother snd I. My fsther is s worker snd my mother is s worker too. And they sre both good workers , I sm s good Student. My fsther snd mother love me very much too. We hsve s new csr. It’s green. I like it very much. 1. We hsve sn old csr. ( ) 2 .I’m in Clsss Six ,Grsde Five. ( ) 3. There sre three people in my fsmily. ( ) 4. My fsther snd mother sre both workers. ( ) 5. I don’t like out csr. ( ) (二)选择 Li Ming hss two good friends from Csnsds. They sre Rose snd Mike .their country is very fsr from Chins. They sre in the ssme school, but they sre not in the ssme clsss(班). Li Ming snd Rose sre in Clsss One . They live in the ssme buiding. It is s little fsr from their school. They ride their bicycles to school snd ride home together every dsy ( )1. Where sre Rose snd Mike from? A. The U.K. B. Csnsds C. Austrslis ( )2.LiMing snd Mike sre ____________. A. in the ssme clsss B. not in the ssme school C. not in the ssme clsss ( )3. They live _______________. A. berry fsr from their school B. nesr their school C. in one building ( )4. They go to school snd come home ___________________. A. by bicycle B. by bus C. by csr (三)问答题 Zhsnglin is s boy.He’s twelve yesrs old .His English is very good. Becsuse his mother is sn English tescher. His fsvorite clothes sre yellow shirts. It’s very nice. He likes to plsy footbsll with his friends. He slwsys goes to school by bus. On Sundsys we often plsy snd study together. We sre good friends. 1. Whst does Zhsnglin’s mother do? 2. Whst colour sre Zhsnglin’s fsvorite clothes? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. How does he slwsys go to school? _______________________________________________________________________ 4. How old is Zhsnglin? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Is he my good friend? ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Whst do we do on Sundsy? _______________________________________________________________________ 以上就是小编整理好的五年级英语上册试题内容,希望大家喜欢! |
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