标题 | 情感和态度中英语句 |
范文 | 情感和态度中英语句 1.不要求特殊照顾ask no odds 即使在特别困难得情况下,他也从未要求过特殊照顾。 2.感情不好be on the outs 自从她从美国会来以后,她和丈夫的关系就一直不好。 She’s been on the outs with her husband since she came back from the US. 3.满不在乎 like water off a duck’s back 老板在会上严厉的批评了他,可他却满不在乎 The boss criticized him at the meeting, but it was just like water off a duck’s back. 4.站在某人一边side with someone 但我和爸爸发生争执时,姐姐总是站在爸爸那一边。 My sister always sides with my father against me in my argument with him. 5.不要声张be hush-hush 这件事可不要声张,千万别向任何人吐露一个字。 This business is hush-hush. Never breathe a word to anyone about it. 6.置若罔闻turn a deaf ear to 他对老板的话置若罔闻,根本不把它当回事 He turns a deaf ear to what the boss says, never taking it seriously. |
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