标题 | 描写青春的英语诗歌 |
范文 | 描写青春的英语诗歌 生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春,然而我们对于青春的追求不是疯狂而已,下面是小编整理的描写青春的英语诗歌,相信大家会喜欢的!! 描写青春的英语诗歌【1】If you fall in love when you are young 在年轻的时候,如果你爱上一个人 Please -- be kind to him 请你,请你一定要温柔的对待他。 No matter how long or short you share your hearts 不管你们相爱的时间有多长或多短, If your feelings may continue, then 若你们能始终温柔的对待,那么, Every moment will be peerless perfection 所有的时刻都将是一种无瑕的美丽。 If you must leave, still bid her fond farewell 若不得不分离,也要好好的说声再见 And be thankful in your heart 也要在心里存着感谢, For the memories he left you 感谢他给了你一份记忆。 When you are older, you will realize 长大了以后,你才会知道, At the instant when you suddenly recall those moments 在蓦然回首的刹那, That youth without resentment is without any regret 没有怨恨的.青春才会无遗憾, Just like the aged moon gracing the hills with quiet clarity 如山冈上那轮静静的满月。 描写青春的英语诗歌【2】Proud Maisie is in the wood, Walking so early; Sweet Robin sits on the bush, Singing so rarely. “tell me ,thou bonny bird, when shall I marry me?“ “when six braw gentlemen kirkward shall carry ye.“ “who makes the bridal bed,birdie, say truly?“ “The gray-headed sexton That delves the grave duly. “The glowworm o‘er grave and stone Shall light thee steady; The owl from the steeple sing, Welcome, proud lady.“ 骄傲的梅西漫步林间, 踩着晨曦; 伶俐的知更鸟栖息树丛, 唱得甜蜜。 “告诉我,美丽的鸟儿, 我哪年哪月穿嫁装? “等到六个殡葬人 抬你上教堂。 “谁为我铺新床? 好鸟儿,莫撒谎。“ “白发司事,兼挖墓穴, 误不了你的洞房。 “萤火虫幽幽闪闪, 把你的坟墓照亮,送葬, 猫头鹰将在塔尖高唱: 欢迎你,骄傲的姑娘。 描写青春的英语诗歌【3】Gather ye rosebuds while you may, 快采下玫瑰花蕾, Old time still a-flying; 往昔如风恐难追; And this same flower that smiles today, 近日融融花语笑, To-morrow will be dying. 明日寂寂残红坠。 The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, 灿灿朝霞比天灯, The higher he's a-getting; 载光载热朝天腾; The sooner will his race be run, 疾疾而行途乃近, And nearer he's to setting. 昏昏暮霭落九层。 That age is best which is the first, 年当豆蔻风华优, When youth and blood are warmer; 精力充沛血仍稠; But being spent, the worse, and worst, 韵华虚度朱颜改, Times still succeed the former. 春复秋来月悠悠。 Then be not coy, but use your time, 莫因娇羞惜爱怜, And while ye may, go marry; 趁此春光嫁少年。 For having lost but once your prime, 等闲负了青春约, You may for ever tarry. 此生难再觅良缘。 |
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