Most experts agree that babyhood is the best time to learn a second language. 多数专家都认为孩童时期是接受第二语言的最佳时期。 Every nappy changed is a step away from babyhood. 每换一次尿片,婴儿就脱离襁褓多一些。 Think further back into your childhood. 再往前回想你的.童年。 Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place. 她的童年是在不断迁移中度过的。 The likelihood is that these companies now will show excellent profits on a two-year time scale 如今这些公司很可能会在两年内创造丰厚的利润。 上一篇:形容食物的英文单词语 下一篇:long的名词是什么英语 |