标题 | 初中毕业感言作文 |
范文 | 2020年初中毕业感言作文 2020年初中毕业感言作文1“终于还是走到这一天,要各自飞向自己的世界“没次听这首歌都带有点伤感,因为我即将毕业,有的人对毕业很开心,因为他们自由了。对于我呢……有一天晚上我做在我的卧室,呆呆的坐了一晚不为别的,就是不知道改怎么办?要毕业那天我知道大家一定会很高兴,但那都只是表面的。 或许是我自己想得太多了吧,或许我应该更认真,更努力去面向未来。而不是在这发呆……但是毕竟在一起读了三年了。三年以来每次开心的时刻都时时的浮现在我眼前。哎~有想太多了。 现在大家更关心的应该是中考吧,因为那将是像我们老师所说的――人生的转折点。快毕业了,我该喜还是忧。忧,忽然产生这个词。我为何忧呢?我应该努力去迎接中考!! 现在心情乱呀,或许是自己过多的想吧。想,晕,人总是不知不觉老想想。既然这样,不如早点毕业吧,中考早点来吧。当然,想想还是慢点好。因为我可以多一点时间去想这三年的快乐时光;因为我可以多一点时间去复习,备考;因为我可以多一点...... 忽然发现自己累了,差点忘记了。自己还有一大堆作业等着做呢。 毕业?毕业! 2020年初中毕业感言作文2One year we repeat the gathering and parting, but this time, we really want to leave, leave our campus, leave our teachers, away from morning and evening students, leaving the joyful and tears that day. Graduation, we found the difference between each other, the bottom of the fish floating to the surface, the water sink to the bottom of the fish. We seem to be far away from our sense of loss, the past youthful fellow often filled with this feeling - in a drink the night smashed the past, because they can not completely dominate their own destiny, all sorrowful break up due to graduation and become inevitable , So, in the dark woods in the dark tears is not hypocritical, artificial. And now this heartbreaking scene will be us to continue to play. When I crossed the distance of 3 years, walking in the edge of love and pain, a huge sadness eroded my soul, loneliness and melancholy like a hurricane at sea, from time to time to blow my field. Considering the attribution of the problem, it agreed on the moonlight exceptionally bright night. We sat hand in hand under the dim lights, playing guitar, drinking beer, singing over and over again, "graduation song" and "all the way downwind", and then cried, until dawn, so that the scene will always freeze In the depths of memory, forever, forever ... ... from small to large experienced numerous parting, primary school graduation, we and childish farewell; junior high school graduation, we and reckless farewell. Every graduation means that we have to lose a group of friends, and then meet new friends. Jinxi He Xi, the stars bright! Tomorrow, we will graduate, it will become the most unbearable part of our life, because Yang Guan has been singing thousands of times. In any case, always go, really go, go, go - since the time to go - since the more mature and dull age - tomorrow, we will enter the ivory tower, in the face The future may not be a good way to go, do not forget that many beautiful songs, many beautiful days, many people who love us and we love. When we import the crowd, do not forget to ideal, love and had a junior high school life left a sky, a forever fresh, high-Jun, blue sky. Cicadas when the luggage are good RBI. Pull sword off, road it, graduates. 2020年初中毕业感言作文3Always thought that three years of junior high school life is always as long, living in the same campus with each other friends will always live together, never parting. However, when the sad things wet my heart, touched the words sprinkle my heart. At that moment, I know: we want to graduate, the students really want to say goodbye. As if a dream, once the crazy, once the magnificent, once unscrupulous, once domineering, the result, in a certain year somewhere, suddenly found that it was just a dream. Suddenly look back, that dream, the number of bitterness and helplessness hidden, we do not want to rethink because, wake up, leaving us only Yiyi farewell, hard to score. After graduation, my short journey was interrupted and I had to start thinking about our own future. I stand at the inflection point of life, confused overlooking the future, even if this is our countless times to look forward to the moment, but it is still the sudden arrival of us unprepared. Maybe my real life has just begun, confused in front, began to bring courage to move forward, in front of the road in the end will need much perseverance. This is about to be a test. Colorful junior high school life is over, look back, everything is like yesterday. Three years of junior high school life, endless ups and downs, in this upcoming farewell day, together in my heart ... ... Junior high school life is very sweet. Three years of friendship between the students rich mellow, sweet heart into Hom. From the beginning of the strangers, to gradually talk about nothing, sweet, like honey into the mouth, a little sweet to the heart. We are together reading, writing, talking about; we are playing basketball, football, full field flying. Happy, we share; difficult to play together. Happiness is so! Really, junior high school life is very sweet. Junior high school life has acid. Whenever the exam failed, I will hate their own disappointment, shed tears of regret; occasional teacher softly of the blame, I will feel wronged and sad. However, the acid is a sincere gift, when I am bad because of bad exams, I will understand: results need to pay, efforts will be rewarded. Whenever I am critical and sad, I will tell myself: self-inflicted, must not repeat. Is the case, every sorrow and grief, will give me a warning - "Acid, I am not afraid! Junior life is very bitter. For the ultimate goal, in order to dream of the future, we need to pay hard work. Day just to get up is to seize the time to recite; 10 pm also refused to rest, in order not to leave today's work tomorrow. During the day, "language, number, politics, science, chemistry, health," classes have homework; night, candle night reading, because the teacher to check tomorrow. Think about TV on the World Cup, but also had no alternative but to face the pile of work that shook his head. Junior high school life, really tired! Junior high school life, let me taste the ups and downs of the world, but also state Subway. And sour but bitter but sweet, there will always pay to return. When I easily answer the paper finished, for his junior high school life draw a full stop when the twilight of looking back, the original everything is so memorable. My dear junior high school life, goodbye! 2020年初中毕业感言作文4“青云有路总须上,人生能有几回搏,此时不搏何时搏!”。苦闷以及怨恨不是青春的主旋律,惟有奋斗以及拼搏才是人生的歌咏调,在这里,我但愿你们每个人都是中考赛场上的成功者! 今天,你们将厚积薄发全力以赴,背着理想的行囊,用三年的跋山涉水,像虔诚的朝圣者,接受选择,圆梦理想。请你们记住:不论你身在何处,人在何方,在城关中学的校园里,一定会有你们的老师,你们的学弟学妹,在为你们默默地祝福、静静地祈祷,更但愿你们常回家看看。 同学们,青春是一本太仓促的书!三年的时光,一千多个日昼夜夜就这样匆匆擦肩而过,似水流年,有些记忆会随着岁月渐渐的淡去,有些成绩会随时间的流失而淡忘。但学校的发展有你们的付出,你们的成功是学校的培养。今天你们以学校为荣,明天学校以你们为荣! 2020年初中毕业感言作文5三年的生活啊!我们一起追逐过,一起打闹过,一起幻想过,一起哭泣过,一起欢乐过,一起分享过。也许初中的三年生活,就犹如晴澈天空下的云,另人向往,想永远留住,却无法实现…… 七月是一个离别的季节,也是一个流火的季节,我是一个刚刚中考完的初中生,坐在陌生的考场里考试,看着周围一张张陌生的脸,我感到了一中离别的酸涩滋味。 我们在校的最后一天,处处弥漫着伤感,飘洒着不舍,我们都恍恍惚惚的问道,为什么这么快就到了离别之际?当初第一次来到学校报到,第一次参加军训,站在火热的烈日下,我们都在想着怎么装晕倒。但是,那都已经成为回忆,世上有些事物是不能重来的,比如回忆,比如生命。我们只能珍惜。 初中的三年稍纵即逝,回想当初我们在课堂上的昏昏欲睡,在为一道题出现歧异而争吵,在遇人节的时候和老师们开玩笑,把粉笔藏了,在运动会上的呐喊与拼搏,在足球比赛上奇迹般的获得第一名,字艺术节上的合唱。每每想到这里,我就感到怀念,那是我们共同一起走过的青春时光,有我们的汗水,眼泪,拼搏,奋斗,呐喊。 也许时间真的是那么的不等人,我们眼睁睁的看着中考倒计时上的数字一天天变小,直到我们逐渐感受中考的来临,感受这份离别的酸楚与战斗的紧张。我们合影留念,为的是记下每一张我们曾经共同生活过的笑容。我静静地仰望蓝天,我曾经在它的怀抱下生活了三年,那分眷恋,那分难忘。 在离别时我没有哭,我认为我很坚强。当我站在主楼前,却莫名的忍不住的流泪。我舍不得三年的母校,还有三年初中的感慨生活。 2020年初中毕业感言作文6已经到了六月,我即将毕业,离开学习三年的初中。此时站在漫漫求学道路终点站的我心潮澎湃,思绪万千,昔日的点点滴滴,林林总总,跃然而起,历历在目。此时面对着我可爱的同学,面对着美丽的校园,我心中虽有千言万语,却只字难出。漫漫求索,细细寻思,最后我想对自己的初中生活,也对身边将远踏异地的同学说三句话。 第一,苦难是一笔财富。道路没有永恒的平坦,人生没有不变的常态。悄然回首四年的初中生活,晨曦与泛星可以为证,图书馆和自习室也曾见证,其实每一个人的初中之路并非 轻松,并非坦途。我们每个人都会不可避免地遇到一些困难和挫折,当面对困难,面对挫折时,我们应当敢于拼搏,勇于攀登,不应该自暴自弃,怨天尤人,更不应该生活在那自己所幻化出来的五光十色的自我解脱的肥皂泡中蹉跎岁月,虚度自己的青春年华。“苦耕春前片片土,笑采秋后粒粒珠”,只有耕耘,才会有收获。其实成材就是追求的跋涉,成人就是求索的历程,只有经历过了苦难的砥砺与磨练人生才能逐步走向成熟,走向完美,才能让青春无悔,让年华无愧! 第二,好男儿应少流泪多流汗,珍惜眼前拥有。不是因为时机我们才拥有才华,而是因为才华我们才能把握时机。而才能的积累,其实并非在朝夕间。人生短暂,韶华难留,青春是一件不耐久藏的东西。人们也常说在青年人的字典里没有“失败”两字,然而却存在“易逝”一词。作为初中时代的我们应该是求知似渴,激情无限的,我们应当好好珍惜并把握当下的每一分,每一秒,用自己的实际行动去拼搏,去奋斗,最终赢得属于自己的一片蓝天。但有时由于道路上有太多的坎坷,或是现实太过于残酷,使我们的付出,我们的努力,得不到满意的回报。此时我们也没有理由因为心情的'不如意而责备世道沧桑,我们也没有理由因为受到生活的重创而埋怨命运多舛。这时我们所需要的应是正视现实,珍惜眼前,无需太执着于昨日,即使它再平凡,也改变不了今天的现状,即使它再美好,也已经成为过去。只有把握住了今天,充实而勤恳的度过了今天,我们才能赢得精彩的未来! 第三,离开是一种痛苦,是一种勇气,但同样也是一个考验,是一个新的开端。无穷无尽是离愁,天涯海角遍寻思。当离别在即之时,当面对着相濡以沫兄弟般的朋友时,当面对着经历了四年的磨合而形成的真挚友谊之时,我内心激动无语,说一声再见,道一声珍重都很难出口。回想自己四年初中的风风雨雨,回想我们曾经共同经历的岁月流年,我感谢大家的相扶相依,感谢朋友们的莫大支持与帮助。虽然舍不得,但离别的脚步却不因我们的挚情而停滞。离别的确是一种痛苦,但同样也是我们走入社会,走向新环境、新领域的一个开端,希望大家在以后新的工作岗位上能够确定自己的新起点,坚持不懈,向着更新、更高的目标前进,因为人生最美好的东西永远都在最前方! 忆往昔峥嵘岁月,看今朝潮起潮落,望未来任重而道远。作为新时代的我们,就应在失败时,能拼搏奋起,去谱写人生的辉煌。在成功时,亦能居安思危,不沉湎于一时的荣耀、鲜花和掌声中,时时刻刻怀着一颗积极寻找自己新的奶酪的心,处变不惊、成败不渝,始终踏着自己坚实的步伐,从零开始,不断向前迈进,这样才能在这风起云涌、变幻莫测的社会大潮中成为真正的弄潮儿! 2020年初中毕业感言作文7时光流逝,转眼间,三年的时光就这样过去了。昨天,我还是一个刚入学的新生,今天,我竟要含泪说这句:“再见了,母校!” 母校,是你让我从一个什么都不懂的顽童,变成了一个有理想、有抱负的少先队员,是你把我领进了那无穷尽的知识海洋。母校,是你把我和敬爱的启蒙老师联在一起,是你让我交到了这么多的知心伙伴。 在这三年的中学生涯中,我从老师那里学到了多少知识,从小伙伴那里得到了多少欢乐。母校,您让我懂得了要热爱祖国,要勤奋,要做正直诚实的人。 母校,在您的怀抱里,我留下多少回忆。曾记得,我们那朗朗的读书声;曾记得,老师站在讲台上的黑板前认真地写字;曾记得,我与伙伴们在操场上玩耍;曾记得……亲爱的母校,虽然您的教室不大,虽然您的操场不宽广,虽然您的器材不高级。但是,我一点都不嫌弃,我仍然深深地爱着您,因为,是您让我们学到了很多知识,懂得了很多道理,是您培养出多少国家栋梁,是您造就了有用人才! 亲爱的母校,我要和您说再见了,我能憧憬一下您的未来吗?十年后,我再回到母亲,教室宽敞明亮,器材先进高档,绿色布满校园,那是多好呀!再见了,我亲爱的母校! 2020年初中毕业感言作文8翻开预备年级时候的照片,那时你们非常稚嫩,眉宇之间都是孩子气,一年又一年,你们长高了,悄悄地一个个都比老师高了,不经意间你们都一个个人高马大了,站在老师面前都像个小大人了。还记得我们当年一个班级都是四十多个孩子,但渐渐班级里外地的孩子都陆续回老家,年级从270多个到初三只剩下130几个,虽然有些孩子我只陪他们一年,但是他们都在在我脑海中留下深刻的印象,因为每个孩子都有每个孩子的特点和个性,他们都是独一无二的,每每接到远方学生的祝福和问候,总是能在心里回味那些我们一起度过的日子。 还记得预备的时候经常有人为了鸡毛蒜皮的事情到老师这告状吗?还记得我们一起为班级荣誉而战的运动会吗?还记得我们一起为勇士加油的激动瞬间吗?还记得我们一起去春游秋游的自在心情吗?还记得炎热的下午我们一起闷在教室里一张张做题和讲题吗?还记得考试不如意时,我们一起在教室里总结和反省吗?还记得因为背英语单词放学被老师留下来的无奈的日子吗?还记得中考送考那天,紧张的你们要握遍老师的手才能信心满满地走进考堂吗?太多了,是呀,四年,满满的四年的回忆,点点滴滴都在我心间,久久不能忘怀,对于你们,人生只有一个初中四年,这也将是你们一生的一笔经历的财富。 2020年初中毕业感言作文9毕业之际,我想对同学们说:感谢你们对我、对其它老师、对全校事情的支持!你们是老师飞翔的天空,腾飞的翅膀,成长的快乐! 时光如梭,白驹过隙,不知不觉间,你们渡过了初中三年的学习生活。三年来,你们在校园里,留下了脚印,放飞了理想,挥洒了汗水,收成了但愿,带走了成熟,留下了回忆。几天来,在我的脑际里,时常会呈现存你们伏案作业的情形;疯狂打闹的笑声;让老师逼着吃早点的苦象;艺术节上的嘹亮歌声;体育场上拼博的身影;更有个别同学偷抄作业的狼狈;翻越围墙的危险;有互相帮助的友爱;更有为了点小事大打出手的鲁莽……我觉得这是你生活中的偶尔,也是成长中我必然。 时间是单程路,你买不到返程票。但有些风光不会随时间的流淌而消逝,有些面孔不会随时间的消磨而模糊,有些信念不会随时间的洗涤而褐色。让所有的眷恋与不舍、郁闷与忏悔、但愿与憧憬,成为你们永恒的美好回忆! 2020年初中毕业感言作文10那一天,我哭了,哭的撕心裂肺。不明白为什么,上帝让我们在一起六年,现在却要分开不知何时再相聚。毕业了,美好的时光化为零。曾经厌恶的人,曾经喜欢的人,曾经闺蜜。现在看来,没有什么区别,都是那么的不舍。心里纵使有千万句话,却什么也说不出口,只是掩着面放声大哭。遗憾遗憾遗憾。 最后的时候,彼此珍惜。快乐的,可笑的,吵架的时候,打架的时候。第一次觉的我们在一起的时光很好,很快乐。觉得上帝给我最大的恩赐就是有了这个班级,让我们在茫茫人海中相聚,这样的缘分,每个人都有吧? 六二班的,一定要再相聚! 巴森绿兔 |
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