标题 | 国际会议闭幕式致辞 |
范文 | 国际会议闭幕式致辞 致辞指在举行会议或某种仪式时请具有一定身份的人讲话。下面是小编为大家整理的国际会议闭幕式致辞范文,供大家参考! 国际会议闭幕式致辞(一)女士们,先生们,朋友们,同志们: 下午好! 20xx年国际食品安全会议即将结束。在此,我谨代表中国国务院食品安全委员会办公室、国家食品药品监督管理总局,对出席本次会议的各位国际组织官员、监管机构同仁、驻华使节、业界代表和专家学者们对中国食品安全的关心表示诚挚的敬意,也对大家给予本次会议的帮助和支持表示衷心的感谢! 本次会议上,与会代表围绕“食品安全国际共治”这个主题,针对食品安全国际合作框架构建、法律法规和政策研究、风险交流方式方法、风险评估的科学基础、技术标准和要求的全球协调、监管与产业协同进步等多个议题交流了信息,分析了形势,分享了经验,提出了应对的思路和举措,为世界各国共治食品安全提供了有益借鉴。 中国有13亿人口,既是食品生产大国,也是食品消费大国。食品安全始终是我们党和政府高度重视的头等大事。中共中央总书记、中国国家主席习近平多次强调,食品安全关系中华民族的未来,能不能在食品安全上给老百姓一个满意的交代,是对我们执政能力的重大考验。中国国务院总理多次强调,要健全覆盖从“农田到餐桌”全过程最严格的监管制度,确保农产品和食品安全。 近年来,我们认真落实党中央提出的“最严谨的标准,最严格的监管、最严厉的处罚、最严肃的问责”的要求,与社会各方面共同努力,切实加强监管工作,食品安全状况总体稳定向好。 我们致力于建立统一、权威的食品安全监管体系。2010年中国国务院成立食品安全委员会及其办公室,加强对食品安全工作的组织领导、统筹协调;组建国家食品安全风险评估中心,加强风险监测评估和标准制定等基础工作。2013年重组食品药品监管机构,整合分散在多个部门的食品安全监管职能。地方各级人民政府都成立了食品安全委员会,组建了职能统一的食品安全监管机构,努力实现从农田到餐桌、从生产到消费全链条的无缝监管。 我们致力于完善食品安全监管的法律法规。2009年全国人大颁布了《食品安全法》。今年4月,全国人大通过了新修订的《食品安全法》,明确了预防为主、风险管理、全程控制、社会共治的工作原则,为依法严惩食品安全违法行为提供了重要的法律武器和制度保障。 我们致力于食品安全风险的防范。食品安全最大的风险是农药兽药残留和食品添加剂的滥用。防范食品安全风险最重要的基础性工作是完善食品安全标准及其检测方法,把各种可能的风险纳入到我们监管的视野。防范食品安全风险最重要的基层工作是市、县两级监管部门把农药兽药残留、添加剂使用的抽样检验制度化,把食品、餐饮企业的日常检查制度化,建立起覆盖所有生产经营企业及各类食品的网格化管理体系。防范食品安全风险最重要的执法手段是信息公开。公开不合格产品信息,是对消费者最好的保护,是对违法者最大的震慑,是对执法者最有力的约束,是对社会舆论最主动的引导,是对诚信体系建设最大的贡献。 我们深知,中国的食品安全工作仍然面临着很多挑战。我们相当一部分农业种植养殖和食品加工的生产方式还比较落后;我们的食品安全标准还不够完善;我们的监管视野还存在盲区;我们的一些监管制度还未完全落实。我们的工作距离广大人民群众的期待还有较大的差距。 我们坚信,有党中央、国务院的高度重视、坚强领导,有广大生产经营者主体责任的'自觉落实,有广大媒体和广大消费者的共同监督,我们一定能够履行好食品安全监管的职责,维护好广大人民群众“舌尖上的安全”。 女士们,先生们,加强食品安全国际合作,是做好食品安全工作的重要保障。 食品贸易的发展需要国际合作。随着国际分工越来越细,食品领域的国际贸易规模越来越大。中国每年从国外进口上亿吨的大豆、谷物、肉制品和乳制品;向国际市场出口近千亿美元的食品。加强食品安全领域的合作,是食品贸易发展的基本前提。 食品安全的监管需要国际合作。食品安全监管是一项复杂的系统工程,既要从各国实际出发,又要符合国际通行的规则。从国际上看,这一领域的监管实践也不过100年左右。中国食品安全监管工作起步更晚。互相通报食品安全领域的风险隐患,互相通报食品监管的法律、技术法规,有利于相互学习借鉴,节约成本,少走弯路,共同提高食品安全的保障水平。 食品科学的发展需要国际合作。食品安全是随着现代科学技术发展而出现的问题。现在的监管,是建立在我们对已知世界认识的基础上的监管。在食品科学领域,还有很多未被我们所认知的世界;已经认知的领域,还有很多不同的认识需要讨论和探索,这些都需要各国科学家们、技术专家们的合作。科学发现永无止境,技术创新永无止境,国际间食品安全的合作也永无止境。 女士们,先生们,保障食品安全,只有进行时,没有完成时。中国食品安全监管机构愿与各国、各界同仁共同努力,携手共治,为保障人类健康做出更大的贡献。 谢谢大家! 国际会议闭幕式致辞(二)Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, At the closing ceremony of ISPA 28th Annual Colloquium, please give me the honor to express my sincere thanks to the following: Thanks to EC of ISPA, for your letting us once more to hold such an important colloquium in China, especially after we had to cancel the 26th annual colloquium in 2003, because of SARS happening. Thanks to all of the participants , you sitting here or those not sitting here, for your sincerely supporting us and for your warmly joining us in all the programmes; Thanks to all my colleagues, LOC members, for your hard working and close cooperating all these months. And my special thanks to Betts Rivet, for your careful concern and patient direction in all of our working during the past years. Thanks to all of my friends who assisted our colloquium with their heart and energy, and also thanks to all the volunteers from Zhejiang University for your careful working and warm services. Thanks to Hangzhou OTC tour company and Zhijiang Hotel for your professional service and friendly work during the colloquium. It is only because all your effort and warm supporting and enjoying, ISPA 28th Annual Colloquium can be going so well and so exciting until now. All this reminds me of one of my dreams, a beautiful dream appeared in the summer of 1998. It was in the spring of 1998 that I went to USA to participate NASP annual conference, where I met Tom Oakland, the past president of ISPA. He invited me to participate in ISPA Colloquium to be held in Latvia, in that July. At the beautiful Baltic Seaside, it was the first time that I went into ISPA. At that time, only I myself came from Asia with black hair. All happened during the colloquium made me have so strong and so vivid an impression that ISPA feel like a great and warm family, in which we are all the members of the international school psychology. Then I had my dream, one beautiful dream, in which I wish, some year, some day, my motherland, China, could invite all our ISPA members of to come to China, to my beautiful hometown, Hangzhou. All I would try to do is to help my colleagues from all over the world to know of China, to push forward school psychology in my motherland, as well as in Asia, and to let all the participants to see the great changes happened in China all these decades. In 2003, ISPA 26th Annual Colloquium would be held in China. Together with my colleagues, during about one year time, I plunged all my spare time into the preparation for that colloquium. Everything went well before the spring of 2003. As everybody knows, it was unfortunate that the worst thing happed, SARS came. We insisted on working with our best wishes. But at that time, the human being could not stop it. With the greatest sorrow, we, together with EC of ISPA, had to cancel the colloquium at the end of April, although we did have got more than 100 registrations at that moment. We sent back every penny to everybody who had prepaid. In the last Colloquium in Athens, we once again got the new glorious project from EC to hold the 28th annual colloquium in China. In the past 12 months, all of us kept working hard during our spare time. In many nights I could not fall asleep even the whole night, planning what should be done in the following days, considering what should be sent out and what should be taken in. In some days, especially during May and June, each day I could get more than 20 to 30 emails and post letters, and also, more than 20 to 30 emails and post letters should be answered each day. Now, what happened to us is only the past, and what we expected has been realized. I would like to say, only if all of you feel happy, get excited, sense successful while your staying in Hangzhou during the past 5 days, my dream has really come true. Thanks! Thank you a lot for your enjoyment and your appreciation! Chair of LOC, ISPA |
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