标题 | 英语的日记 |
范文 | 英语的日记(合集4篇) 忙碌而充实的一天结束了,心中一定有不少感想,让我们一起认真地写一篇日记吧。如何把日记做到重点突出呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的英语的日记,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语的日记1怎么?你认为这节课是英语课?那我告诉你,你是完完全全的错了,是音乐课啦! 今天我们正在学一首新歌,叫《DO RE MI》,可是,老师竟然让我们把里面的英语学会,真是麻烦死我呀,不知道我们班英语超差呀!老师说这句话时,哀怨连篇,好吧,老师命令都下了,慢慢学吧! 过了一会儿,音乐老师笑笑说:“你们有谁能把这首歌的英文读一下?”我们大家左右张望,没有一个同学“毛遂自荐”,老师可是这样,又说:“没有人试试吗?”这,大家都不认识呀,怎么试试呀,哎!我把头缩得矮矮的,跟个缩头乌龟没两样,但只要是我真不知道呀,根本看不懂,也听不懂啊! 可是,听老师这么一说,咱班还真有一个“毛遂自荐”的——胡宇翔。只见他站了起来,自信的说道:“doe a deer a······”哇塞,这么牛,英语这么好!在下实在是佩服、佩服,哇!太牛了,我们英语不是还没学这么多吗?好吧,人家还是比我牛呀,现在想想还“望而生畏”呢!太牛了,我的妈呀,这么流利,我也是醉了好吗?这······(此处正在发怔)终于读完了,老师说:“你看,人家怎么会读呢?一定是在家练了呀!”谁知,胡宇翔这么来了一句:“没有,我以前就会。”啥?你以前就会,不是在唬我吧! 哎呀,这······是人吗? 英语的日记2今天是星期六,我又一次踏进文化馆,你猜我干嘛,是学作文?是学舞蹈?是学奥数?NO,都不对,告诉你吧!俺是去学英语,没想到吧,嘿嘿!“叮铃铃”开始上课了,首先我们和Miss耿互相问了好,接着便正式开始上课了。“今天要学习的是元音字母a和e的单词,下面请同学们组单词。”Miss耿的话音刚落,未等Miss耿允许,我马上站起来说:“在a的前面加上c.在后面加上t就是cat,中文是猫。”“ok!”Miss耿向我投来一个胜利的`微笑。 渐渐的,一个半多小时过去了,我们也学懂了。于是,Miss耿便教我们玩游戏,在游戏中学到知识,第一个游戏是这样的,Miss耿说一个单词,我们便跟读一次,再说出中文,同时出石头、剪刀、布。第一轮,Miss耿说的是rat,于是我们跟读一遍,说出中文,老鼠。我原本以为赢定了,谁知......,哎,老天不从愿,让我刚上马就败下来。偏偏让Miss耿出剪刀,我出布,我和几个同学,只好在一片哎声中坐下来看着别人玩。几分钟后,许多同学与我们一样“归天”了,最后只剩下一个人了,可他最终还是输了,第二个游戏开始了,规则是:Miss耿伸出右手的几个手指头,便读左手指的单词,不过Miss耿会捣乱哦!开始了,Miss耿伸出五个手指,左手指egg,她却读cat,结果好几个同学都被骗了。还好我比较机灵逃出了她的“魔爪”,这时Miss耿一看手机,快到点了,没办法,我们只好玩最后一次。就这样,我们在笑声中结束了这节课,笑声飘得好远,好远..... 在快乐中学英语,可真好玩.既学到知识,又玩了游戏,我好喜欢啊,那么你们心动不心动,心动不如行动,快来参加我们的行列吧! 英语的日记3The beginning of the spring sports meeting of the new village primary school of northwest new village was officially opened, and under the announcement of the teacher, the vigorous athletes stepped into the sports meeting. The composition The athletes with vigor are confident, young breath like the morning sun, the vigorous power like the sunshine. The day, we are the performers on the stage, the sound of the gas is our awards, theory of any success or failure, talk about what, the faith of the heart is only one, "fighting:, distant finish line must have your shadow, forte is your feet tread ring of The Times. The classmates; Come on! Keep going, whether it's success or failure, remember, you already have... 英语的日记4This is my first time to join the summer camp in Zhejiang University. In the morning, we took part in opening ceremony. There were more than four hundred students in this sumer camp. I felt very happy because I know I can make more friends in this beautiful city. It took us nearly one hour to listen teachers’ talk. Then we had to begin our first exam.it was not very hard. On, I forgot to talk about our headteacher. He was a student, too.but he becaemeour teacher for twenty days. I though he was a good teacher, too. He was very handsome. I was very happy t met him. He came from Australia. It was a very beautiful country. In his class, not only we can learn many English knowledge, but also can develop our spoken English. We talked about many things. On, it was very nice. Today is my first day to come to this university. I am very happy. |
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