标题 | 七年级上册英语课本中英对照说课稿 |
范文 | 七年级上册英语课本中英对照说课稿 《My name is Gina》英文说课稿 It’s my pleasure to be here. Today , I’m going to talk about my plan for teaching Unit 1 (Book 7a). First, I’d like to say something about the teaching content .For it’s the first lesson in primary school, it’s easy to learn. In this unit,we will learn how to introduce ourselves, learn how to speak and write numbers 0-9,and learn the construction of English names. Second, the aims of this lesson are: 1. Knowledge of language: Learn the sentence”What’s your name? My name is…What’s your telephone number?” Learn new words of 0-9; learn the construction of English names. 2. Practical skills: To understand the passages in book and learn to immigrate knowledge from “What’s your name?” to “What’s his/her name?” 3. Personal development : inspire students to learn English, develop the ability to make friends. Third, the focus and difficulties are: Learn the new sentences and the construction of English names. Next, my way of teaching. Teaching English at primary schools aims at students’ basic skills in listening and speaking and their interest in English. So I find it necessary to design a task-based class: students will be assigned to do a survey. This task will make it possible for the students to pick up the language in an authentic way. Teaching aids: a recorder, number cards , pictures, head ornaments and a form. I shall have the students join in the singing, ridding guessing and doing a survey. I’m going to take the following procedures: Step 1 Warm-up Start class with a song, to make student’s attention in class. Step2 Presentation Show the new words and new sentences, explain the meaning. Step3 Practice the practice between teacher and students, strengthen their comprehension and the use of new lesson Step 4 Consolidation make the whole class into 6 groups, each member ask another one a question, use the sentence we had learn this unit. the others write down what they said. Step 5 Assignment Make a classmattes’ phone book and write a self introduction. 《My name is Gina》中文说课稿 各位老师大家好!我今天说课的主题是义务教育新课程标准教科书七年级上册第一单元的内容《MY name is Gina》.我将从以下几个方面展开我的说课。 一,说教材 作为初中第一次所学的单元,内容相对较为简单。主要是让学生做到能有英语介绍自己,熟悉并掌握数字0-9的写法与读法,以及相关句型。这是一篇在新学期第一课让学生间互相了解、建立友谊、了解中西方文化的课程。因此,我将这个单元的重点、难点归纳如下: 重点:1,理解并掌握句型What’s your name? My name is…. Nice to meet you. What’s your telephone number? 2,学习并掌握数字0-9的写法以及读法 3,掌握英文姓名的读法 而本单元的教学难点归为:对句型What’s your name?What’s your telephone number?的掌握以及对它们的回答方式的掌握。 另外,我把本单元的教学目标分为三个:知识目标、能力目标、情感目标。 知识目标:理解并掌握句型What’s your name?What’s your telephone number?能听出、读出、写出0-9的英文数字。 能力目标:能听懂课文中的对话,并在其基础上编写对话。能扩展句型,由What’s your name?到What’s his name? What’s her name? 情感目标:1、激发学生的学习热情,树立学生学习英语的自信心,培养他们观察和主动竞争的意识。 2、提供良好的学习氛围,让学生敢于开口,主动模仿,培养同学间合作交流的能力及广交朋友、和谐相处的品质。 二,说教法与学法 针对这一阶段学生好胜、好奇、表现欲强的特点,经过三年的小学英语启蒙,他们对英语有了一定的认识,这一阶段主要培养的是学生的理解能力以及学生的听、说、读、写各方面的能力,在传授的基础上,培养学生对英语的兴趣以及学习英语的能力。 教法:根据“以教师为主导,学生为主体”的 My name is… Nice to meet you!第二课时主要教予学生中英文姓名的'区别,掌握英文姓名的读法。最后一课时学习句型What’s your telephone number?以及数字0-9的读法和写法。我将在课堂上多创造机会让学生练习本单元内容,让课堂活起来,在第一堂课增进生生、师生间的友谊。 学法:这一单元的学法是以合作、活动为主线,在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、参与、合作、游戏感悟等方式激发学生运用所学知识进行交流,使教学源于生活、用于生活。运用丰富的课堂活动,提高学生学习兴趣,让学生在玩中学,在玩中做。 三,说教学程序 根据教学目标,我把教学程序设为五步: 1、 口头教授 让学生初步了解What’s your name? My name is…句型, 并创设情境师生进行互动,加强学生对这一句型的理解与运用,起到调节课堂氛围、拉近师生距离的作用。 2、 做游戏 我将拿着标有数字0-9的卡片,要求学生迅速用英语读出相关数字,巩固数字0-9. 3、 分小组活动 将全班分成6-8个小组,小组成员之间互相询问What’s your name? What’s your telephone number?并要求对所提问题作出相关回答以及相关记录,从而增进学生间的了解,培养学生广交朋友的品质。 4、 听录音 我将重复三遍录音,要求学生在第一遍时掌握大概意思;第二遍时将减缓速度,逐句复述对话;第三遍要求全班整体复述对话。最后分角色扮演对话中的人物,活跃课堂,并发掘学生的表演才能。 5、 归纳单元知识 我将所学重点、难点重新复述一遍,在学生脑海中建立起一个知识框架,增强知识的完整性。 四,板书设计 My name is Gina 一、句型: What’s your name? My name is… What’s your telephone number? 二、新词: One two three four five six seven eight nine ten 三、Jack Smith First name: Jack Last name: Smith 五,作业设计 制作全班座位表以及通讯录 写一篇自我介绍。 《My name is Gina》初一英语说课稿就分享到这里了,希望各位老师和同学们可以喜欢! |
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