标题 | 钢铁是怎样炼成英语读后感 |
范文 | 钢铁是怎样炼成英语读后感范文 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》通过记叙保尔·柯察金的成长道路告诉人们,一个人只有在革命的艰难困苦中战胜敌人也战胜自己,只有在把自己的追求和祖国、人民的利益联系在一起的时候,才会创造出奇迹,才会成长为钢铁战士。下面是语文迷网整理的英语读后感范文,欢迎阅读。 钢铁是怎样炼成英语读后感一 读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》一书,感触很深。读时的心情是随着保尔•柯察金的成长、命运而起伏。细细品味着这本书,品味着保尔的精神。越发觉得我们应从保尔精神中汲取营养,坚定理想信念,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。记得书中有段名言脍炙人口:人的生命是最宝贵的。当他回首往事的时候,不应该为碌碌无为而悔恨…… Read "How the Steel Was Tempered" book, has strong feelings. Reading the mood is with the growth of Paul • Ke Cha Kim, fortunes rise and fall. Savor the book, taste the spirit of Paul. Increasingly feel that we should learn the spirit of Paul nutrition, firm convictions, a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. I remember a famous section of the book are popular: "Human life is precious. When he looked back in time, will not have to live that regret ... ... 差不多没有一个人甘心平平庸庸的生活,因为即使是小草也在努力着为春天增添一丝绿色,希望在春回大地的彩卷上留下自己的身影 。但是却未必人人都会炼就一块好钢。 Almost no one Ganxin Ping Yong mediocre life, as even with the spring grass is also working to bring a little bit green, like Spring's color film to leave their presence. But not everyone will be condensed on a good steel. 那么钢铁是怎样炼成的?相信大家的脑海里一定会出现那烈焰熊熊的炼钢场面。其实,人生就如同炼钢!没有什么东西是与生俱来的,铁”变成钢”,只有一种途径——炼!有人说保尔是天生的英雄,其实,在这个世界上是没有天生的英雄的。 So Hero's? I believe everyone's mind is certain that there was a scene of flame steel. In fact, life like steel! Nothing is born, "Iron" to "steel", there is only one way - mixing! Some people say that Paul was born a hero, in fact, in this world is not born heroes. 人生,可以说是一段曲折而坎坷不平的路。在人生的旅途中,你会遇到重重的困难,要去面对失败的打击和不被人理解的痛苦,等等。但是,这一切都是短暂的。在突破障碍、战胜困难后,回顾走过的道路,我们就会领悟到,那是磨炼人生的火焰。多少英雄、伟人,都是在熊熊燃烧的火焰中锻炼出来的 Life can be said that a winding and rocky road. In the journey of life, you will encounter numerous difficulties, going against the face of failure and pain is not understood, and so on. However, all this is temporary. In the break barriers, overcome difficulties, Looking back on the road, we will realize that it is tempering the flame of life. How many heroes, great men, the flames are burning out in training 正如人们常说的:宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”和保尔相比,我们在学习和生活中遇到的困难实在是微不足道的,我们有什么理由唉声叹气、裹足不前呢? As often said: "Bao Jianfeng out from sharpening, plum blossom from the bitter cold." And Paul compared to our study and the difficulties encountered in life is trivial, and we have no reason sighed, hesitate to do? 一个人只有树立崇高的理想,造就优良的素质,并有执着的追求,在正确的生活目标,他才不会被生活所拖累,不会被不幸所压倒,他才会在苦难的熊熊烈焰中坚强起来,成熟起来,去热爱生活,去充实自己,迎接美好的明天 person only a lofty ideal, creating excellent quality, and a persistent pursuit of life goals at the right, he will not be dragged down by life, not be overwhelmed by misfortune, he would in the raging flames of suffering be strong, mature, to love life, to enrich themselves and build a better future 当今的社会是竞争激烈的信息社会,知识经济已初见端倪。从国际社会来看,和平与发展成为时代的主旋律,国际围绕经济和科技展开的竞争日趋激烈,各国都着眼于抢占21世纪发展的制高点,这就使我国面临着新的机遇和新的挑战。中国赶上时代”的步伐正在加快,这就使我们中华民族面临着走向全面振兴的机遇和挑战。国家需要学识渊博、意志坚强、处事果断、敢于创新的人才。所以,我们别无选择,只能是跨越知识的坎坷,勇往直前Competitive in today's society is information society, knowledge economy began to take shape. View from the international community, peace and development become the main theme of the times, the international focus on economic and technology start becoming more competitive, countries are focusing on the development of the 21st century to seize the high ground, which makes our country is facing new opportunities and new challenges. China "catch up" the pace is accelerating, making us a comprehensive revitalization of the Chinese nation faces the challenges and opportunities. Country needs knowledgeable, strong-willed, decisive doing things, for the innovation and talent. Therefore, we have no choice but across rough knowledge, courage 21世纪的钟声即将敲响,我们站在新世纪的门槛上,寻找往日的英雄情结,重塑保尔精神”,意义非同小可。为了我们伟大祖国的繁荣昌盛,让我们以保尔为榜样,去炼就人生,乐观地拥抱未来吧! Bell will ring in the 21st century, we stand on the threshold of the new century, looking past the hero complex reconstruction "Paul Spirit", meaning no trivial matter. To our great motherland's prosperity, let us Paul as an example, to refining the lives, embrace the future with optimism it! 人最宝贵是的生命,生命属于每个人只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过,回首往事,不应虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧……” "The most precious is life, life is only once per person. One's life should be spent this way, looking back, should not idle away the remorse, not because of mediocrity and shame ... ..." 人应该怎样活着?”看完了这本书,我对这个问题有了最完美的解答。 "How should people live? "After reading this book, I had the perfect question to answer. 钢铁是怎样炼成英语读后感二 Summer, I saw "How the Steel Was Tempered", can not help much inspiration. "How the Steel Was Tempered" author - Ostrovsky, born in a worker's family, suffered human suffering, aged 20, attended the party members, led by overwork paralyzed, after the blind, removed his sick bed for nine years, but Just then, the unimaginable difficulties, he did not disheartened, but the pen as a weapon, the literature as their new jobs, start a new struggle and perseverance to write this amazing immortal masterpiece. Text, Ostrovsky shaped hero, Pavel Korchagin, also inspired millions of readers. Pavel Korchagin - a blind, paralyzed people, obstacles in the path of life before the heavy, iron will and their own friends and relatives encouraged courageous struggle with illness, and finally created a "storm agile birth The "this book. Paul's strong and I was touched by the spirit of ceaseless. Imagine if a person blind, he can not see friends around, see this colorful world. He can only rely on the ears to survive, a will, how can ordinary people do? . Not to mention Paul paralysis of the legs, and could not move his left hand? ! Paul is honest, he was a teenager, because justice, the courage to punish the city of rogue; Paul is a clever, living in prison, he can seize the opportunity to easily make in total ignorance of the enemy and escape the claws; Paul is brave, just join the army, he brandished a knife and horse forward dash, full access to the personal danger and ecstasy kills the spiritual realm; Paul was strong, he was fighting in severe head Burns, in firm support of revolutionary faith, miraculously survived, to continue the war; Paul is great, his life and death struggle with death several times, ultimately to win back their loved ones around and back to comrade's side; in learning, we should learn from Paul not afraid of difficulties, the spirit and assiduously; in life, we should learn from Paul-motivated and not afraid of setbacks in the spirit; in the labor, we should learn from Paul hard-working, perseverance; when we fail, we should follow the example of Paul, analyze the causes and the courage to start again; When we succeed, we should follow the example of Paul, serious, modest, continued efforts ; 'How the Steel Was Tempered "This is a paean to life, a hero in the years of wind and rain to grow, life in the era of the torrent sing. Life can always willing to release nuclear energy, like life, always flashing light, like the friendship of the magnetic field into a life-hwan, like life, emit radio waves of emotion. Hero's soul forever immortal, life will never drop the songs! |
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