标题 | 安娜卡列尼娜英文句子 |
范文 | 安娜卡列尼娜英文句子 My line was almost as smooth and good as Titus’.以下是小编为大家整理分享的安娜卡列尼娜英文句子,欢迎阅读参考。 安娜卡列尼娜英文句子I was hanging down that dark well. 我当日陷入痛苦的黑暗深渊 But the one thing I held onto was work. 只能寄情于工作。 I clutched it and clung to it with all my might. 倾尽全力,心无旁骛 Once I lost my temper with a bailiff,and in a fit of anger took a scythe and began mowing. 我怒火中烧时,就拿出大镰刀来刈草。 It calmed me. So I resolved to mow with them all day long. 这使我冷静下来。于是我决定与他们一起整天刈草。 As I mowed, I lost all count of item. 刈草时我忘掉了时光流逝。 I had no idea whether it was late or early. 有时不辨晨曦。 A change came about my work, which gave me intense satisfaction. 工作带来的改变令我悠然自得。 When I forgot what I was doing and mowed without effort, 我释然于怀,刈草毫不费力。 My line was almost as smooth and good as Titus’. 我用镰刀的纯熟可以跟泰特斯媲美。 More and more often now came those moments of obllivion. 往事浑然淡忘。 When it was not my arms which swung the scythe, the scythe seemed to mow by itself. 镰刀好像不是有我的手臂挥动,仿佛是自行刈草。 Some externalforce seemed to propel me on. As though by。 同时恍若 有些外来力量推动着我,似乎是天降神力。工作完成得轻而易举,井井有条。 There were the most blessed moments. 这段最好的.时光,仿若天赐。 So spirited and ye so gentle. 充满活力,却又很温柔。 Everybody’s betting on you. Not entirely for the right reasons. 大家都打赌你会在那回事中胜出。 What are you implying? 你在暗示什么? Don’t be coy with me. 别在我面前装蒜了。 You must know how you’re become the center of gossip. 你明知大家已经对你议论纷纷。An affair in the highest society,puts a finishing touch to a brilliant young man. 在高尚社会竟与有夫之妇撕磨,这会断送一个有为青年的前途。 Lord knows I shouldn’t preach, but there are those who are becoming displeased with you. I want you to break it off. 我并非说教,但的确有些人对你不满,我希望你慧剑斩情丝 I will not have anyone cast doubt on the honor of my 大家不该诋毁她的清誉 Her honor is nonexistent. So is yours. 她已经无清誉可言,你也是。 I would ask you respectfully not to pry. 我求你不要探究此事了。 You only get one chance at a career. Why throw it all away on some passion? 官阶晋升,机会难得。何必为一时情欲而毁诸一旦 A brilliant, wordly ilaison I would approve of. 你若与淑女相好,我怎么会反对? My love were some ordinary 我的相恋只是随波逐流 |
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