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商务英语专业求职简历表格 个人求职简历的作用是推销自己,表现自己,你有什么特长,尽量在个人简历上表现出来,让用人单位发现你的价值。下面小编整理了关于商务英语专业求职简历表格范文。欢迎参考! 
商务英语专业求职简历表格【一】 姓名: | - | 国籍: | 中国 | 无照片 | 目前所在地: | 广州 | 民族: | 汉族 | 户口所在地: | 江门 | 身材: | 158 cm 44 kg | 婚姻状况: | 未婚 | 年龄: | 24 岁 | 培训认证: | | 诚信徽章: | | 人才类型: | 普通求职 | 应聘职位: | 服装/纺织/皮革跟单:跟单员 | 工作年限: | 4 | 职称: | 无职称 | 求职类型: | 全职 | 可到职- | 一个星期 | 月薪要求: | 2000--3500 | 希望工作地区: | 广州 | 个人工作经历: | 公司名称: | A&M国际内衣贸易有限公司起止年月:2006-10 ~ 2008-06 | 公司性质: | 中外合资所属行业:纺织,服装 | 担任职务: | 板房跟单 | 工作描述: | 工作範圍負責跟蹤貨期,全部都是外單,主要經營外國品牌內衣,有Etam,Femilet etc... | 离职原因: | | | 公司名称: | 新会荣星制衣有限公司起止年月:2005-08 ~ 2006-10 | 公司性质: | 中外合资所属行业:纺织,服装 | 担任职务: | 板房跟单 | 工作描述: | 工作範圍負責跟蹤貨期,全部都是外單,主要經營外國品牌內衣,有Huber tricot,skiny,Palmers etc... | 离职原因: | | | 公司名称: | 江门市恒雅实业有限公司起止年月:2004-08 ~ 2005-08 | 公司性质: | 私营企业所属行业: | 担任职务: | 跟单 | 工作描述: | 工作範圍負責跟蹤貨期,全部都是內單,主要是經營有關PC袋PC膜等等塑膠有關的産品!! | 离职原因: | | | | 毕业院校: | 江门新会电视大学 | 最高学历: | 大专 | 毕业- | 2004-07-01 | 所学专业一: | 商务英语 | 所学专业二: | | 受教育培训经历: | 起始年月 | 终止年月 | 学校(机构) | 专 业 | 获得证书 | 证书编号 | 2001-09 | 2004-07 | 江门新会电视大学 | 商务英语 | 公共英语三级、计算机三级证书 | | | | 外语: | 英语 良好 | | | 国语水平: | 优秀 | 粤语水平: | 优秀 | | | 本人工作态度认真,刻苦耐劳,性格活泼好动,具有强烈的工作责任心和团队精神,能够承受一定工作压力。喜欢研究新事物,曾多次担任跟单一职,对一切文书办公软件的处理以及外贸书面翻译较为熟悉,同时对纺织行业也非常感兴趣,了解欧洲风格时尚,思维灵活,对潮流有一定的洞察力。对外单有良好的掌握(Etam、Femilet、Huber tricot、skiny、Palmers等等)。 | | | 月薪要求:2500-3000元 希望工作地区:天河区 | English Resume: | Hello~~! My name is bebe.Hope for giving me a chance for the interview. My basic materials are on the resume,I will make a brief introduce on my job advantage and my value here. Working on these jobs for many years make me realize the importance of the merchandiser job deeply. And must posesses a extreme strong sense of responsibility .I like the job very much. In my opinion, the merchandiser jobs are very important of a company. I am willing to accompany with your company's development and progress. Your trust and my capability will bring us success ! Thanks! | 商务英语专业求职简历表格【二】 姓名: | - | 国籍: | 中国 | 无照片 | 目前所在地: | 深圳 | 民族: | 汉族 | 户口所在地: | 湖南 | 身材: | 160 cm kg | 婚姻状况: | 未婚 | 年龄: | 23 岁 | 培训认证: | | 诚信徽章: | | 人才类型: | 普通求职 | 应聘职位: | 文秘/文员:办公文员 | 工作年限: | 0 | 职称: | 无职称 | 求职类型: | 全职 | 可到职- | 随时 | 月薪要求: | 1500--2000 | 希望工作地区: | 深圳 | 个人工作经历: | 公司名称: | 无起止年月:2006-01 ~ 2007-06 | 公司性质: | 所属行业: | 担任职务: | 兼职 | 工作描述: | 2006年:桂林阳朔听说实训、任贝特英语宣传员; 番禺大排档当服务员,番禺市桥一家鞋厂打包装。 2007年:在校写作技能实训和在校国际贸易模拟实训; 暑假广东一家公司当质检员。 | 离职原因: | | | | 毕业院校: | 湖南铁道职业技术学院 | 最高学历: | 大专 | 毕业- | 2008-07-01 | 所学专业一: | 商务英语 | 所学专业二: | | 受教育培训经历: | 起始年月 | 终止年月 | 学校(机构) | 专 业 | 获得证书 | 证书编号 | 2005-09 | 2008-07 | 湖南铁道职业技术学院 | 商务英语 | 大专,全国商务英语认证,计算机等级证书 | | | | 外语: | 英语 良好 | | | 其它外语能力: | 日语水平一般 | 国语水平: | 优秀 | 粤语水平: | 一般 | | | 本人擅长与人沟通,熟悉办公室电脑的各种操作程序,善于使用WORD,EXCEL操作等,并且能够熟练的运用英文与外国人交流,应变能力强,具有较强突发事件处理能力。 | | | 月薪要求:1500-2000元/月,请提供住宿。 如果您对我满意,我坚信我将以百倍的.努力回报您慎重的选择!希望您能感受到我是该职位的有力竞争者!最后衷心的希望能得到您的赏识与任用。 | English Resume: | RESUME LIJUAN Hunan Railway Professional Technology College 18 Tianxin Road Zhuzhou ,Hunan 412001 China Cellphone number:13719039263 My name is lijuan and Amanda is my English name .I was born in Yueyang,Hunan Province,China and July 28th,1985 and raised in a happy family including my parents ,younger brother and younger sister. I began my eleventary school at the age of seven ,and attended the middle school in my town in 1999, Hunan Banjiang middle school ,and then into the high school in 2002, Hunan NO.4 middle school ,I attended the Hunan Railway Professional Technology College from 2005 to 2008,majoring Business English,and the following courses are including Cambridge Business English,intensive reading , Foreign trade letters and telegrams , listening English and oral English International rade etc .I have got Computer Certificate and International Business English Certificate through my hard working. Foremost, I like to combine theory with practice through in society , like in 2006 summer holiday I worked as a waiter in a Big gear in Panyu ,and in 2006 Winter holiday I worked as a Member of packaging in a company in Shiqiao , what‘s more, in 2007 summer holiday ,I worked as a QC in a company in Guangzhou , so I know what I have learnt in school through these practices. I will complete my happy studying in my college this July and will be seek employment in relate field .Iam sure that my oral English and written English is good and I have mastered a certain amount of knowledge of international and civil trade .Also ,I can operate computer well,like Word and Excel etc. I sincerely hope to find a job in your company which will allow me to serve my nation and put to use much of what I have learnt .Ihough lack of work experience , Iam confident that my academic records will prove that I'm a diligent that responsible and honest person and so much would only a positive effect on your company's business relations . I sincerely hope that you will give me a opportunility to explain more of my capabilities to you in a personal interview . I believe I would be of great value to your company .Thank you ! Your early reply will be appreciated. Yours sincerely Li Juan |