标题 | 我的周末作文 |
范文 | 我的周末作文(通用10篇) 我的周末作文1一周很快就过去了,又到了我期待的周末了。 回到了家,我很快就写完了作业。吃过晚饭,我打开电视,正看得起劲,妈妈就叫我去做家庭作业,我不耐烦地说:“我已经做完了。”谁知妈妈却扯着嗓子叫道:“做完了?你不会去背背英语,练练字,看你写得那几个狗爬子。”哎,听了妈妈的话,我满面愁绪地拿起英语书开始读起来。“错啦!错啦!”耳边又听见妈妈的喊声,我的脑子像煮开的一锅水,“咕噜”“咕噜”翻滚着,久久无法平静,那几个英文字像蝌蚪一样在我眼前游动,怎么也看不进去了。我只好放下书,很不情愿的去练字,谁知,刚写了没几个字,妈妈又叫了起来:“整天磨磨蹭蹭的,快去洗澡睡觉了,明天还要上培训班呢……”妈妈在我耳边不停地唠叨着,我躺在床上,翻来覆去,怎么也睡不着。我生气地想:真烦人,什么时候妈妈不管我了,那该多好呀,可是又转念一想:如果妈妈不管我了,谁给我做美味佳肴,又有谁在我生病难受的时候,给我关心和温暖呢?想着想着,我渐渐进入了甜蜜的梦乡。 我的周末作文2我最喜欢放假了,放假时我最爱在家里看课外读物,因为看书不仅可以放松心情,还可以增加知识,更可以了解其中的人生启示,真是一举数得。 我在假日闲散时,总会拿出书柜里的世界名著来看,有时看着看着,还一不小心被书吸进去了,有时来到欢乐和平的世界,有时来到惊奇可怕的世界,总是身历其境。俗话说:“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有言如玉”有时看到优美词句时,我总是把它写一遍,再查它的意思是什么,所以每当暑假过后,我总是又学会了许多优美词句,也使作文更胜一筹,真是受益匪浅阿! 可是时光匆匆,总是看得意犹未尽时,假日又快没了,这时又听到妈妈大喊:“喂!功课写好了没?”这时我心想惨了!又要被妈妈骂得狗血淋头。只好马上把手边的书放在一旁,准备“开夜车”和功课拼得你死我活。所以经过以前的教训后,我决定惩前毖后,好好的拟定假日生活,才不会浪费时间,“一寸光阴一寸金、寸金难买寸光阴。”我一定要好好利用时间,才不会像以前要“开夜车”,才能解决功课问题,也不会让美好的假日时光流逝。 总而言之,假日的时光宝贵,大家要好好珍惜,才不会像我落得“临时抱佛脚”的下场,也不会让原本快乐无比的假日,变得痛苦不堪。 我的周末作文3Yesterday was Sunday,and it was my 12years birthday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my friends to come to the party. At the party. They gave me many small presents. They sang Happy Birthday to me. My mother made a big cake for me.We really had a good time at the weekend. 我的周末作文4Last weekend, I was very happy. Last Saturday morning, I got up at seven o’clock. Because I must go to piano class and English class. It was so interesting. In the afternoon, father mother and I went to my grandparents’home. We had lunch together. Grandma cooked well. The food was tasty. I was so happy. Last Sunday morning, I did my homework. It was so easy. Afternoon, I cleaned the bathroom and swept the floor. My mother was so happy. In the evening, I read a book in my bedroom. The story was interesting. I like it very much. This is my weekend. I like weekend very much. 我的周末作文5上中学了,我几乎终日忙碌不停。如同电脑程序员一样每天重复着同样的事情。茫茫书海,何处是岸? 又熬过了一个夜晚。 今天,我决定不再浪费这属于我的周末。扔掉书本,走出房间…… 我当然不会像现在大多数学生一样沉迷在游戏里的刀光剑影当中,我要度过一个真正属于我的周末! 首先,我会带着我的弟弟和牵着我们家那条毛色枣红的`泰迪犬漫步在落满银杏叶的河道上。在那里既放松了自己的身心,又可以陪伴自己的家人,最后还可以看到令人赏心悦目的风景;这难道不是极好的吗? 好了,漫步完美丽的河边小道,接下来我要去的地方就是——“图书馆”。可能大家会很奇怪,既然是放松,那为何又要拿起那枯燥无味的书本呢?其实看书也是一种享受,正如苏联作家高尔基说的“读一本好书,就像与一位高尚的人谈话”一样,书,不一定全像我们厌倦了的课本那么乏味,而如果你真的读到了一本你喜欢的书,你会读地“津津有味”。所以,看书也是一件愉悦、放松的项目呢! 最后一件大事儿——吃一顿美美的晚饭。这顿晚饭,我并不奢求菜式繁多,美味无比,非要一桌子的山珍海味,而是我想让全家人一起动起手来,大家伙合伙做一顿洋溢着“爱”的晚餐。平时本来在家中只待一天,爸爸有些时候又要出去办事,而妈妈一天到晚也在打麻将,我呢,又大多数在外面和同学一起吃。一家人团圆在一起吃顿饭的次数也是少之又少,所以,我周末最后一件想做的事情就是与家人一起美美的吃一顿晚餐,让亲人与亲人之间的关系更加的亲密。 好啦,这个周末或许是我人生漫漫路上过得最愉悦、最放松的一个周末。毕竟,一切的所有根本来源都源于身体,只有身心和学习共进,以后才能成为在各方面都很成功的人:所以,大家一定不能忙于学习而忽视了自己的身体健康,一定要多放松,多休息,我们的身心健康才能得到保障。 我的周末作文6时间过得真快,又是一个周末假期,下文是为大家精选的我的周末英语作文,欢迎大家阅读欣赏。 我的周末英语作文一:My weekend I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday Party which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend. 我的周末英语作文二:My weekend Last Sunday, I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. I felt tired because I didn't sleep well last night. After I had breakfast, I decided to stay home. So I called my friend to ask her if she could come to my home and we could play videio games. She said yes. After one hour, she came to my home. We played my favorite games. We really enjoyed it. We had a good day. 我的周末英语作文三:My weekend I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents' and my brother's. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents' house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend. 我的周末英语作文四:My weekend I'm have a busy weekend. On Sturday, I'm going to the bookstore with my mother . We are going to buy some books.? Then we're? going to eat breatfast. On Sunday .I'm going to visit my grandparents with my? father, mother and brother. Then? we're going to the park .that well be fun ! What about you? What are you going to do this weekeng? Can you tell me? 我的周末英语作文五:My weekend I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning. I do my homework and went to the math cram school. In the afternoon. I played. Baketball and played with my friends. In the evening. I watched TV. On Sunday morning. I cleaned my room at home. In the afternoon, I went. To English cram school. At Sunday I readed some books. This is my weedend. What is your weekend. 我的周末作文7在这个陌生的城市有我的亲人,有关心、爱我的人,感觉自己很幸运,我怕因为自己太幸运,会让老天嫉妒,因此会夺走一些属于我自己的东西。我没有什么水平,没什么文化,更没有什么见识,在这里写下自己的心情,不需要太多华丽的文字、更不需要什么水平,我只要把自己想到的或者想说的写下来,那就好了。 这个周末给我留下了深刻的印象,我很想把我的快乐与那些关心、爱我的人分享。本来今天只是单纯的爬山、散步而已,可是后来发生了一些小变化。从家出来走到公路的对面,延着一条小路往上爬,走10分钟的路左右就到另一条公路。那里的公路很奇怪,说错了,不是公路奇怪,而是那车怪。你知道吗?刚到公路口的时候,感觉路很宽很弯曲车又少,于是我走到路中间,可舅妈叫我走旁边,说车很多,本来我不是很相信,可不到1分钟的时间,哇塞,那车就烘烘的来来往往,那时感觉路很窄,那车都是到动物园玩的,那些有钱人就个个开私家车去,显示气派啊!公路旁边的景色很不错哦,有树有花还有休息处。 记得有棵叫紫荆树,当一棵以上中年的树长满茂盛的树叶,然后几朵粉色的花朵粘在树叶上,显的特别的耀眼,特别的让人赞不决口。延着公路边走边拍照,还吸收了好多的氧气的,那里有许多树,就有好的空气咯。走了一段时间后,我们就到动物园上方的草坪上。舅舅们就在草坪坐了一会而,而我、舅妈和表弟妹就走到动物园的门外。《看到小孩都要门票时,感觉舍不得发那钱,可后来想想,他们都没见过大型的动物,那就带他们去看看,让他们高兴高兴》?(这是每个懂的省钱的家长的想法哦)买票的时候舅妈只买了2张,那个门卫人员好好哦,知道我们小孩的门票没买都让进啊,在这里我谢谢那位阿姨咯。 进入动物园见到动物了吗?还没有哦~我们还走了10来分钟的路程才看到动物,你知道看到什么了吗?哈哈……只看到了豹和老虎,有2只老虎都被关起来,有一只特别的大,我们跟它只隔着一个玻璃,我还跟它合照了哦~舅妈被它吓到了,为什么呢?那是因为舅妈的衣服颜色太显眼了,可能是刺激到老虎了吧,当舅妈在玻璃旁照完的那一刻,老虎和舅妈的眼神对上了,它直看我舅妈,舅妈被吓到了,而我则被舅妈的叫声给吓到了,胆小吧?看完老虎和豹后就来到看熊的地方,可惜不能与熊近距离的拍照,因为人与它的距离好高啊……接着就看到了许多不同的鸟,有丹顶鹤、鹦鹉、鸵鸟……在不同的鸟中又分好多类型的鸟,至于名字我就记不得了,太多,且那些字有些陌生啊。 让我最激动的是与骆驼拍照的那刻,有好多只骆驼呆在一起,头伸到栏杆外,为了能够与骆驼近距离的接触拍照,我激动的不得了啊,把我给乐的合不容嘴啊~~在看动物的过程中,看到了许多的马、羚羊、有只袋鼠很可恶哦,本来表弟想跟它合拍,可它切躲起来,表弟感觉有些失望哦。虽然看到了孔雀,可惜没见它开屏啊,郁闷啊……我还跟猩猩合拍哦,可惜照片拍的不清楚啊。咳,最近记性很差啊,看完东西就不记得了,所以我就不知道我还看到了什么了。由于时间的原因,还有很多动物没看到,比如:蛇、企鹅、狮子、大象……希望下次再去看个够咯。 回家的路上,我们是经过一座寺庙哦,那寺庙人多啊,因为今天是周末啊笨蛋~寺庙很大,菩萨显得很金碧辉煌的感觉,闪闪发光啊,我们都在那拜拜了,希望大家身体健康、钱赚多多的,呵呵,这可是很现实的愿望啊,别说我爱钱哦!~~呵呵寺庙门前是一个很大的操场,有7个跟小小塔一样的东西,西西,我选者了在中间一个拍哦,还在操场拍了一个要飞的动作,你知道我身后有个人在打羽毛球,刚好她要接球,那个飞的动作也被拍下了,我在琢磨着,那女的这个动作能坚持多久呢?我想就让她坚持到我那张照片消失的那刻吧! 时间不早了,我也不知道要写什么了,这就是我的周末,有意思吗?朋友们,要经常走走哦,走走的感觉也很不错的哦! 我的周末作文8星期天,骄阳似火,瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空中飘着几朵白云,就 在这么晴朗的一天里。我和爸爸、妈妈一起去逛了苏果超市东 站店。只见超市里人山人海,货架林立。我兴奋极了,推起小 车在商场里乱转起来。超市里的东西可多了,除了有许多日常 用品、家用电器外,还有许多好吃的、好玩的,更有我喜欢看 的学习用品,我真的不知该选哪一样了。但是我还是选取了那 么多东西,爸爸看了有点不高兴地说:“小孩子不要太贪心, 拿这么多东西干吗?家里的东西你还没吃完呢!”我一听就生 气了,说爸爸小气,可是爸爸像没听见似的,不看我也不理 我。这时,妈妈走了过来,对我说:“昊昊,我们家里还有你 上次买的没吃完。今天少买点,等家里的东西没有后我们再来 买也不迟呀!学习上需要的你就买,别太浪费。”听了妈妈的 话我知道自己错了,就赶紧从小车里拿出了一些暂时不需要的 东西。爸爸和妈妈见了后笑了,我也笑了…… 我的周末作文9Saturday, I was drowsy, suddenly remembered today and a small partner agreed to go to ride. So, I swiftly turned up to get up, the first time from the early days We went to Phoenix Road to rent a bike. Just let me leave the flowers: the bike here only on television only Yeah! I can not wait to run to the blue one, I saw that bike has three seats, I think: Hey, how this car has three seats? I only sit in the last part of the bar. After the waiter debugging, my mother said: "We go to test it." I urge my mother go, my mother took me, got into the car. My mother has not been riding a bike for a long time, so just launched, not too skilled, about to turn left, about to turn right, scared me in the back wow wow shouting. Especially in the blind, the tires of the bicycle kept trembling, scared me big. When I came to the green heart, I was so scared: I could sit in the fairy tale car! And finally to the green heart, I am hard to stepping on the pedal, for fear of being thrown behind someone like, my mother shouted slogans: "one two one, one two one, forward! Gradually, I could not support it, and when I got to the sixth slope, I heard the breath of my own. But I clenched my teeth and told myself: it was victory! So, I hold the handle, let the feet more step on the faster, the more the more the bike ride more quickly. At this time, my mother has been sweaty. I see "a bowl of water", then runaway wild horse, ran to it. At this point, I have been out of the hustle and bustle of the city, back to the embrace of nature. And then breathe a little air, never felt in the weekdays, or used to see the lights dim, did not have the opportunity to feel, there is a kind of fresh can not tell. Go back again. Now back to the city, is already a backstage. what! Let the green road become infinitely far away! If the green heart can not be permanently left, then please hide it in my heart, lingering. Inadvertently, the focus has been at your fingertips, green heart, ILOVEYOU! To the end, breakdown of the face of tired footprints, how much I want to borrow a little breeze to wipe it! Think of it soon to return to the city, this sudden change so that I can not afford a bit ... ... I do not know why, once again think of green heart, is all kinds of attachment 我的周末作文10星期天,我和爸爸妈妈去儿童公园逛了一下。我和妈妈比赛摘地上黄色的小野花,结果虽然是妈妈摘得多,但还是我赢了。后来爸爸提议去花鸟市场买花,我们买了几株小小的花,有仙人掌、摇钱树、百合花等。回来后爸爸把它们种在了家里空置的花盆里,我负责浇水,那些空花盆一下子变得很漂亮了。我真高兴。 |
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