标题 | 快乐的星期六英语作文 |
范文 | 快乐的星期六英语作文 在生活、工作和学习中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是小编收集整理的快乐的星期六英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 端午节前一天是星期六,在大学做老师的姑姑回老家过节。她带我与妈妈一起去她的好朋友去做客,姑姑的`朋友是一对70多岁的退休在家的作家。 The day before the Dragon Boat Festival is Saturday. My aunt, who is a teacher in the University, goes back to her hometown for the festival. She took me and my mother to visit her good friend, a retired writer in her 70s. 一到奶奶家,我们每个人满头大汗,作家奶奶马上从冰箱里拿出一个很甜很甜的大西瓜,切开来请我们吃。过了一会儿,作家爷爷打开电视让我看,我一边看电视,一边吃西瓜,但感觉电视不太精彩,又没有小朋友玩,大人的话我播不上嘴,我差点打瞌睡了。 As soon as we arrived at Grandma's house, we were all sweating. Grandma, the writer, took out a big watermelon from the refrigerator and cut it for us to eat. After a while, my grandfather turned on the TV for me to watch. I watched TV and ate watermelon at the same time, but I didn't feel that the TV was very wonderful, and there were no children to play. I couldn't watch it when adults were speaking. I almost fell asleep. 作家奶奶看到我很无聊,她就打电话请她的外甥唐凯来陪我一起玩。唐凯是幼儿园大班的小朋友,下半年要读一年级了。他看到我这个小学二年级的大姐姐,感到很兴奋,问起了许多小学里的事情,我一一回答。作家爷爷为了让我们玩得有味道,提出来让我们二个小朋友一起写字、画画比赛。我们马上拿出笔,认真地开始写啊、画啊,然后作家爷爷将我们的作品进行了评比,大部分是我赢了。姑姑对唐凯说我是学校的三好学生,各方面表现很好。唐凯羡慕地对我说:“姐姐,你真棒,我下半年读小学后,一定要象你一样好好学习,也争取当三好学生。” Grandma, the writer, saw that I was bored, so she called her nephew, Tang Kai, to play with me. Tang Kai is a big class kid in the kindergarten. He will be in grade one in the second half of the year. He was very excited to see my second grade sister and asked about many things in primary school. I answered one by one. In order to make us have a taste of play, the author grandpa proposed to let our two children write and draw together. We immediately took out our pens and began to write and draw carefully. Then the author and grandfather appraised our works, and I won most of them. My aunt told Tang Kai that I was a top three student in the school and I performed well in all aspects. Tang Kai said to me enviously, "sister, you are so wonderful. After I go to primary school in the second half of the year, I must study hard like you and strive to be a good student." 作家奶奶为了表扬我,把她一本新出版的书送给我了,书的第一页写着这样一句话:王科娜小朋友读读——你的大朋友斯菊林。 In order to praise me, the writer's grandmother gave me a newly published book. On the first page of the book, she wrote the following sentence: read it by Wang Kona, your big friend steurin. 我将作家奶奶书拿回家后开始阅读,不认识的字用查字典注上拚音,重要句子我用着重号标出,打算以后再看。 I took my grandmother's book home and began to read it. Words I didn't know were spelled in the dictionary. Important sentences were marked with emphasis marks, and I plan to read them later. 我高兴极了,作家奶奶把我当朋友啦,今后,我一定更加努力学习,争取做一个象作家奶奶那样有学问的人。 I'm very happy. Grandma writer regards me as a friend. In the future, I will study harder and strive to be a learned person like Grandma writer. 这个星期六,可以说是我感觉最快乐、最有意义的星期六。 This Saturday is the happiest and most meaningful Saturday I feel. |
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