标题 | 著名英文座右铭 |
范文 | 著名英文座右铭 座右铭本指古人写出来放在座位右边的格言,后泛指人们激励、警戒自己,作为行动指南的格言。历史上,许多中外名人都有自己的“座右铭”。下面是关于著名英文座右铭的内容,欢迎阅读! 1、人言而无信,便一钱不值。 Man promises, worthless. 2、希望是厄运的忠实的姐妹。 Hope is the faithful sisters of fate. 3、贫不足羞,可羞是贫而无志。 Poverty is lack of shame, shame is poor without ambition. 4、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。 Learn alone without friends, the uncultured and smell. 5、有怎样思想,就有怎样的生活。 How to thought, there is what kind of life. 6、勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。 Diligently study can willing to teach. 7、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间悲哀。 Diligent bees have no time to sorrow. 8、生命是罐头,胆量是开罐器。 Life is a canned, courage is a can opener. 9、不想往上爬的人容易往下降。 People don't want to climb tend to decrease. 10、行动是通往知识的唯一道路。 Action is the only road to knowledge. 11、成功这件事,自己才是老板! Success in this matter, is our boss! 12、心灵的痛苦重於肉体的痛苦。 The pain of the mind is more important than the pain of the body. 13、成功,往往是住在失败的隔壁! Success and failure often live in the next door! 14、幸福的真正名字就是“满足”。 Happiness is the real name "meet". 15、不同的信念,决定了不同的命运! Different beliefs, decide the fate of the different! 16、有理的想着说,没理的抢着说。 Rational thinking about that, not rob to say. 17、不怕百事不利,只怕灰心丧气。 Is afraid of Pepsi is bad but discouraged. 18、静默练习会产生疗效并使人宽心。 Silent practice will produce curative effect and soothing. 19、被爱并不是幸福,爱人才是幸福。 Love is not happy, love is happiness. 20、过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。 The past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to yourself. 21、有所成就是人生唯一的'真正乐趣。 Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. 22、我的字典里没有“不可能”的词。 My dictionary without the word "impossible". 23、只有“贫穷”是不劳而获的东西。 Only "poverty" is something for nothing. 24、只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口。 To find methods for success, not to find excuses for failure. 25、思想若是有错误,生活便不会正确。 Thought if there are any errors, life won't be right. 26、青春的努力会载你到达理想的彼岸。 The efforts of the youth will drive you to the other side of the ideal. 27、我们唯一不会改正的缺点就是软弱。 The only thing we won't correct faults is weak. 28、回避现实的人,未来将更加不理想。 To avoid the reality person, the future will be more ideal. 29、生命是一篇小说,不在长,而在于好。 Life is a novel, not long, but good. 30、不要以为还存在,就永远不会失去。 Don't think there is, will never be lost. 31、假如要飞得高,就该把地平线给忘掉。 If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon. 32、没有不会做的事,只有不想做的事。 There is no won't do, only don't want to do. 33、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。 Success is not important, the important is hard work. 34、人才进行工作,而天才则进行创造。 Working talent, but talent to create. 35、明智的人不会信任模糊不清的事物。 A wise man will not trust ambiguous things. 36、命运是那些懦弱与认命的人发明的! Fate was invented by the weak and the appointed person! 37、先要相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you. 38、钢钎和顽石的碰撞声,是一首力的歌曲。 The clash of steel and stone, is a force of song. 39、出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。 Go out a good way, that speaks well of us exports to do good. 40、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越我们自己。 Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass themselves. 41、大胆地表现自已,别人无理由轻视你。 Boldly show yourself, the other people have no reason to despise you. 42、不要试图控制别人,不要要求别人能理解你。 Don't try to control other people, don't ask someone to understand you. 43、让想象飞起来,让勤劳的双手把计划做起来。 Let imagination fly and industrious hands do plan. 44、自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会有春华秋实。 Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements. 45、残酷的现实,需要你去拼搏,需要你去奋斗。 The cruel reality, you need to work, you need to struggle. 46、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond. 47、不能则学,不知则问,耻于问人,决无长进。 Can't learn, I do not know to ask, he who is ashamed of asking people, should have no progress. 48、梦想舞台,不许命运安排,是鲜花一定盛开。 Dream of the stage, no fate, it is flowers in full bloom. 49、嫉妒别人,仇视异己,就等于把生命交给别人。 Envy others, hostile alien, is to give life to others. 50、这个世界最脆弱的是生命,身体健康,很重要。 The world's most vulnerable is life, healthy body, is very important. |
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