学洗碗英语日记带翻译优秀范文 今天早上,我们吃玩饭,奶奶让我学洗碗,我就去学洗了,水很凉,有很多碗和筷子,我一共学洗了两次,今天是第二次洗碗,奶奶让我穿着围裙,防衣服不弄脏。等吃完晚饭我继续洗碗。 
This morning, we had dinner. Grandma asked me to learn how to wash dishes. I went to learn how to wash. The water was cold. There were many dishes and chopsticks. I learned how to wash them twice. Today is the second time to wash dishes. Grandma asked me to wear an apron to prevent my clothes from getting dirty. I will continue to wash the dishes after supper. |