标题 | 人生的斗士英语作文 |
范文 | 人生的斗士英语作文 在我们平凡的日常里,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的人生的斗士英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 他不仅是现代科学界的泰山北斗,还是一位永远战斗不息的人生斗士,他是谁?他就是史蒂芬·霍金。 He is not only a great fighter in modern science, but also a fighter in life. Who is he? He is Stephen Hawking. 如果说他的命运是那破旧的花架,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得繁花似锦,光艳夺人;如果说他的命运是那漆黑的夜空,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得繁星闪烁,熠熠发光;如果说他的命运 If his fate is the old flower rack, it will become colorful and dazzling because of his strong will; if his fate is the dark night sky, it will become starry and shining because of his strong will; if his fate 是那贫瘠的土地,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得葱葱郁郁、油油翠绿。是的,他的成功,不仅仅是他的非凡的科学成就,其原因中更值人称道的是他坚韧不拔的意志和对人生的无比自信,这造就了一个时代的伟人,人生的斗士。 It is the barren land, so because of his strong will, it has become lush and green. Yes, his success is not only his extraordinary scientific achievements, but also his indomitable will and great confidence in life, which has made a great man of the times and a fighter in life. 先来想想他的成就。他凭借自己的智慧和艰辛,写出了著名的《时光简史》,推动了科学界的飞速发展,为世界作出了巨大的贡献。同时,他也被称为与英国牛顿和德国爱因斯坦并列的世界三大科学家之一,他的成就足以临驾当今科学金字塔的顶峰,成为一颗最耀眼的北斗星。 Think about his achievements first. With his wisdom and hard work, he wrote the famous brief history of time, which promoted the rapid development of the scientific community and made great contributions to the world. At the same time, he is also known as one of the three great scientists in the world, which is tied with Newton in England and Einstein in Germany. His achievements are enough to drive the peak of today's science pyramid and become the most dazzling Big Dipper. 我们在惊叹他在事业上的非凡成就的同时,也不免会感叹他命运的不幸和他意志的无比坚韧。在他身上,不仅闪耀着智者无比的光彩,更散发出斗士所特有的一种韧性,他是精神睿智的结晶,是人格力量的聚集,他,是人生的斗士。 While we marvel at his extraordinary achievements in his career, we can't help but marvel at the misfortune of his fate and the tenacity of his will. In him, not only the brilliant brilliance of the wise, but also the unique toughness of the fighter. He is the crystallization of spiritual wisdom, the aggregation of personality power, and he is the fighter of life. 记得一次新闻发布会上,有个女记者提出了一个令全场鸦雀无声的无比尖锐的问题:“霍金先生,难道你不为被固定在一个轮椅上而感到悲哀吗?”众所周知,霍金是个全身瘫痪的人,只有一些手指可以活动,其命运无比悲惨。然而,霍金镇定自若地用手指在键盘上敲出了这样一些字:“我没有悲哀。我却很庆幸,因为上帝虽然把我固定在这轮椅上,却给了我足以想像世界万物,足以激发人生斗志的能力,其实,上帝对人都是很公平的。”他的回答得到了全场最热烈的掌声。是的`,他战胜了命运,战胜了自己。朋友们,你们是否已为霍金这种“日破云涛万里红”的自信力和“泰山崩前而不动”的坚强所折服?是的,人生的斗志,在他身上得到了最充分的展现,人生的斗志,在他身上得到了最完美的镶嵌。 I remember at a press conference, a female reporter asked a very sharp question that made the whole audience silent: "Mr. Hawking, don't you feel sad for being fixed in a wheelchair?" As we all know, Hawking is a paralyzed man, only some fingers can move, his fate is extremely tragic. However, Hawking calmly typed the words on the keyboard with his fingers: "I am not sad. But I'm very grateful, because although God fixed me in this wheelchair, he gave me the ability to imagine all things in the world and inspire the fighting spirit of life. In fact, God is very fair to people. " His answer received the warmest applause from the audience. Yes, he conquered fate and himself. My friends, have you been overwhelmed by Hawking's self-confidence of "breaking through the clouds and billowing in the sky" and his tenacity of "staying still before Mount Tai collapses"? Yes, the fighting spirit of life has been fully displayed in him. The fighting spirit of life has been perfectly inlaid in him. 也许,在人生道路中我们会遇到这样或那样的挫折,但我们要坚信,命运由自己掌握。让我们怀着刘禹锡“直手天上争春回”的豁达,拍拍我们身上的灰尘,继续我们的人生旅程,去追求我们的理想吧! Maybe we will meet some setbacks in our life, but we should firmly believe that our destiny is in our own hands. Let's take Liu Yuxi's open-minded mind and pat the dust on us to continue our life journey and pursue our ideals! 霍金,他就是火,点亮了我们前进的灯;霍金,他就是灯,照亮了我们前进的道路。 Hawking, he is the fire, which lights our way forward; Hawking, he is the light, which lights our way forward. |
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