标题 | 人生无极限英语作文 |
范文 | 人生无极限英语作文 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是小编精心整理的人生无极限英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 一条路,走了很久,没有尽头;一首诗,作了很久,终难完美;一杯水,一块石,折射出无限可能、无限人生:看似放了石头的杯子已经满了,然而沙子和水还可以放进去……这正如我们的人生,看似已经濒于“极限”的事物总会有“惊世”转机和意外收获! A road, walking for a long time, has no end; a poem, written for a long time, will not be perfect; a glass of water, a stone, reflects the infinite possibility, infinite life: it seems that the glass with the stone is full, but the sand and water can also be put in This is just like our life. Things that seem to be on the verge of "limit" will always have "amazing" turnaround and unexpected harvest! 曾记否,那年小小的你,执拗地甩开父亲的手,爬上自己的“铁马”。你锁眉,你严肃,你满眼执著。终于,你登上“宝座”,用力一蹬,自行车动了。可是你的脚还够不到大大的车蹬啊。下一秒,事情可想而知……父亲急忙挪开压在你身上的车,从摔倒到被扶起一语不发的你笑了,笑着说:“爸爸,我做到了。”也许你摔倒了,但从你执意自己骑车的那一刻起,就注定了你是成功的。因为那一刻,你挑战了自己,超越了自己年龄和身体的极限…… Have you ever remembered that year, you stubbornly threw off your father's hand and climbed onto your "iron horse". You lock your eyebrows, you're serious, you're obsessed. Finally, you step on the throne, push hard, and the bike moves. But your feet can't reach the big pedals. Next second, we can imagine My father quickly moved away from the car on you. You smiled and said, "Dad, I did it." Maybe you fell down, but from the moment you decide to ride your bike, you are doomed to success. Because at that moment, you challenged yourself, beyond your age and physical limits 曾记否,那年你站在小小的舞台上,那样稚拙。涨红的小脸,不自然地向上扬起的嘴角,细密的汗珠,借助你不知所安的眼睛和体侧紧握的双手,一眼就看到你脸上写着:无助。然而,那第一句的清晰歌唱,收尾时的灿烂微笑,表明了你无可争议的胜利爆发,你必将化茧成蝶,炫彩飞舞。因为那一刻,你战胜了自己,解开沉重枷锁,超越了心理极限…… Ever remember, that year you stood on a small stage, so naive. The little red face, the unnatural upward raised corner of the mouth, the fine sweat, with the help of your eyes and hands that you don't know where you are, you can see that your face is written: helpless. However, the clear singing of the first sentence and the brilliant smile at the end show that your indisputable victory will break out, and you will turn into a butterfly and fly in brilliant colors. Because at that moment, you overcome yourself, untie the heavy shackles, and transcend the psychological limit 曾记否,汶川地震158个小时后带给你的惊喜和感动,救援的黄金时间已经过去了八十几个小时,他依然生还,虚弱但不懦弱。在黑暗中,摸索、等待是他生存的重心。然而最苦闷、最绝望的时期,他熬过来了。当第一缕阳光照进那微小的缝隙时,就已宣告了他在这场与死神的拉锯战中胜利了。那一刻,他安全了,胜利了。生命的光辉在他身后光彩夺目,因为那一刻,他也克服了自己的'生理和心理的种种困难,走出阴霾,超越了生命的极限…… Did you remember that 158 hours after the Wenchuan earthquake, the golden time for rescue has passed for more than 80 hours, and he is still alive, weak but not cowardly. In the dark, groping and waiting are the focus of his existence. However, he survived the most miserable and desperate period. When the first ray of sunlight shines into the tiny gap, it has declared his victory in the battle with death. At that moment, he was safe and won. The brilliance of life is shining behind him, because at that moment, he also overcame his physiological and psychological difficulties, walked out of the haze, and exceeded the limit of life 曾经,珠穆朗玛峰是不可征服的;曾经,南极极点是不可穿越的;曾经,马里亚纳海沟是下不去的……而今,珠峰上插遍了各国国旗;极点上留下了我们的足迹;海沟里还有我们的残温……这一个个的不可能现在已经变得平常无奇,不经意间我们发现:都是因为“极限”,我们超越了极限,让不可能成为可能。 Once, Everest was invincible; once, the Antarctic pole was invincible; once, the Mariana Trench was invincible Now, the national flags of all countries are planted on Everest; our footprints are left on the poles; there is our residual temperature in the trenches This one by one impossibility has now become commonplace. Inadvertently, we find that it's all because of the "limit". We have exceeded the limit and made the impossibility possible. 蝶的飞舞是因为它超越了茧层的极限;花的芬芳,是因为它超越了苞叶的极限;果的诱人,是因为它突破了青涩的极限…… Butterflies fly because they exceed the limit of cocoon layer, flowers are fragrant because they exceed the limit of bracts, fruits are attractive because they exceed the limit of green 漫漫人生路,我们知道,害怕退却,没有出路;我们也知道,中途抛锚,又要耽误时间;我们更知道,任其飘摇,就有触礁沉没的危险。所以,“超越”是我们的必经之路,唯有越过“极限”的高山,我们才能看到旷世奇景! Long life, we know, afraid of retreat, no way out; we also know, anchor midway, but also delay time; we know, let it drift, there is a risk of sinking on the rocks. Therefore, "Surpassing" is our only way. Only when we surpass the "extreme" mountains, can we see the wonders of the world! rical meaning. (Li Xiqin) |
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