标题 | 团结的名言 |
范文 | 团结的名言60句 集体是力量的源泉,众人是智慧的摇篮。小编整理的团结的名言,供参考! 团结的名言11、劳动会给明天带来欢乐,团结会给明天带来胜利。——哈萨克族谚语 2、团结一致,同心同德,任何强大的敌人,任何困难的环境,都会向我们投降。——毛泽东 3、团结就是力量。——谚语 4、篝火能把严寒驱散,团结能把困难赶跑。——壮族谚语 5、凡是经过考验的朋友,就应该把他们紧紧地团结在你的周围。——莎士比亚 6、个人如果但靠自己,如果置身于集体的关系之外,置身于任何团结民众的伟大思想的范围之外,就会变成怠惰的、保守的、与生活发展相敌对的人。——高尔基 7、金银财宝不算真富,团结和睦才是幸福。——维吾尔族谚语 8、为了达到伟大的目标和团结,为此所必需的千百万大军应当时刻牢记主要的东西,不因那些无谓的吹毛求疵而迷失方向。——恩格斯 9、我们的事业是正义的,我们的团结是坚强的。——约·迪金森 10、工人阶级的团结就是工人胜利的首要前提。——马克思 11、团结的可贵,在敌人面前才会深知。——哈萨克族谚语 12、只有美的交流,才能使社会团结,因为它关系到一切人都共同拥有的东西。——席勒 13、修剪的树木,生长得又直又高;齐心的人们,团结得又牢又固。——达斡族谚语 14、一个人如果单靠自己,如果置身于集体的关系之外,置身于任何团结民众的伟大思想的范围之外,就会变成怠惰的、保守的、与生活发展相敌对的人。——高尔基 15、三人省力,四人更轻松,众人团结紧,百事能成功。——珞巴族谚语 16、村子团结力量大,家庭团结幸福多。——藏族谚语 17、凝聚产生力量;团结诞生希望。 18、不但要团结和自己意见相同的人,而且要善于团结那些和自己意见不同的人,还要善于团结那些反对自己并且已被实践证明是犯了错误的人。——毛泽东 19、箭装满袋大象踩不断,团结起来的力量胜过大象。——傣族谚语 20、一切使人团结的是善与美,一切使人分裂的.是恶与丑。——列夫·托尔斯泰 21、事成于和睦,力生于团结。——维吾尔族谚语 22、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅精神以及同全世界劳动者的团结一致,是取得最后胜利的保证。——列宁 23、若不团结,任何力量都是弱小的。——拉封丹 24、只要千百万劳动者团结得象一个人一样,跟随本阶级的优秀人物前进,胜利也就有了保证。——列宁 25、团结就有力量和智慧,没有诚意实行平等或平等不充分,就不可能有持久而真诚的团结。——欧文(英国) 团结的名言21、团结一致,攻无不克。 Solidarity, randome. 2、团结则存,分裂则亡。 United we stand, divided we fall. 3、我希望我们可以团结起来。 I hope we can be together. 4、凝聚产生力量;团结诞生希望。 Cohesion is power; Unity is born of hope. 5、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。 Days than right, more important, and. 6、最伟大的力量,就是同心合力。 The greatest power is the collaboration. 7、不怕虎生两翼,就怕人起二心。 Not afraid of the tiger gave birth to the two wings, it is not clear. 8、军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌。 Army-people unity as a people, and proved the world who can. 9、众人种树树成林,大家栽花花才香。 They plant trees forest trees, you many sweet. 10、一人难挑千斤担,众人能移万座山。 A person hard to pick one thousand catties, and they can move ten thousand mountain. 11、团结的可贵,在敌人面前才会深知。 The value of unity, will know before the enemy. 12、聪明人与朋友同行,步调总是齐一的。 A wise man with friends, always has a pace. 13、胜利靠总结和团结,成功靠主动和互动。 Victory by summary and unity that success depends on the initiative and interaction. 14、整个世界团结一致,万众一心来对付这一个人。 And the world as a whole to unite to deal with this one. 15、男女搭配干活不累。柴多火焰高,人多办法好。 Men and women with the work not tired. Wood is much high flame, people are more than good. 16、独人刚愎自用而逆群受忌,众始团结自强,吾也为之。 People headstrong and inverse of the cream, the unity strength, I also. 17、团结能人做大事,团结好人做实事,团结坏人不坏事。 Unite people do great things, unity and good people to do the practical work, unite people not things. 18、我们知道个人是微弱的,但是我们也知道整体就是力量。 We know that people are weak, but we also know that the whole is power. 19、很感动我们这个团队的团结友谊!不管结局怎样我爱大家! Touched by the unity of our team friendship! No matter the ending how I love you! 20、中国人的不能团结,中国人的窝里斗,是中国人的劣根性。 The Chinese can't unity, the throats of the Chinese people, is the prey of the Chinese people. 21、在所有团结的催化剂中,最容易运用和理解的一项,就是仇恨。 In all catalysts of unity, one of the most easy to use and understand, is hate. 22、问我们取胜的秘密,我告诉大家,是教练同队员之间的友谊和团结。 Ask the secret of our winning, I tell you, is the friendship and solidarity between coaches and players. 23、善于发现人才,团结人才,使用人才,是领导者成熟的主要标志之一。 Good at discovering talents and unity talents, use talents, is one of the main sign of leader is mature. 24、只有美的交流,才能使社会团结,因为它关系到一切人都共同拥有的东西。 Only beautiful communication, can make social solidarity, because it is related to things that people have in common. 25、世上最强大的力量是团结,最有生命价值的是信念,最至高无尚的是真理。 The most powerful force in the world is united, most of the value of life is the conviction that the most high is a great truth. 26、团结一致,同心同德,任何强大的敌人,任何困难的环境,都会向我们投降。 Unity, unite as one, no strong enemy, any difficulty of the environment, will surrender to us. 27、全世界无产者为什么不会团结起来,奋然而起?他们除了锁链什么都不会失去! Proletarians why not of the world unite, courageously however up? They do nothing but chains will not lose! 28、将知识的力量、团结的力量加上献身精神的力量结合起来,我们将无往而不胜。 The power of knowledge, the power of the power of unity and dedication, we will gets. 29、优秀的人都善于团结人,而最能征服人心的力量,恰恰是对他人发自内心的尊重。 Good people are good at united, but most can conquer the power of the people is a heartfelt respect to others. 30、搅拌机,善于把分散的颗粒,凝聚成牢固的整体,机声隆隆,高奏着团结进行曲。 Mixer, is good at the dispersed particles, condensed into a solid whole, rumbling sound, playing the unity of march. 31、像蚂蚁一样活着,就要像蚂蚁一样团结,世上最可悲的事莫过于看到两只蚂蚁在打架! Like ants live, it is unity, like ants in the world the most sad thing is to see two ants in the fight! 32、这正是中国的特点,将来如果他们有团结起来的一天,我们将会面对一个真正的巨人。 This is China's characteristic, if they had to unite one day in the future, we will be faced with a real giant. 33、中国人要团结,同行要互助,既然我们有缘相识,能帮的我一定帮,这是我做人的原则。 The Chinese people to unite, counterparts to help each other, now that we know each other decree by destiny, can help I will help, this is the principle of me as a person. 34、团结就有力量和智慧,没有诚意实行平等或平等不充分,就不可能有持久而真诚的团结。 Unity is strength and wisdom, no sincerity to implement equality or inadequate, there can be no lasting and sincere unity. 35、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅精神以及同全世界劳动者的团结一致,是取得最后胜利的保证。 Workers' organization, discipline, persistence spirit and worker solidarity with the world, is the guarantee for the final victory. |
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