标题 | “十”的五天经历英语作文 |
范文 | “十”的五天经历英语作文 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的“十”的五天经历英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 前言:宋体字“十”不论正看、侧看还是颠倒看都端端正正的。但它却不甘于此,决心寻找新的生活位置,即使是身心俱变,只要能体现更大的人生价值就行,于是就有了五天的'经历…… The song style character "ten" is correct in the front, side or reverse. But it is not willing to this, determined to find a new life position, even if the body and mind are changing, as long as it can reflect the greater value of life, so there are five days of experience 第一天——只想上爬 Day one - just want to climb “欲体现伟大价值,就要高人一等。”“十”这样想着,便开始了它第一天的行程。它先来到“又”的头上成为了“支”。“‘支持’‘支援’,这个‘支’没什么意思。”它不屑于待在“又”上,便找到了“口”,爬上去,一下子成了“古”。“‘古’有什么好?‘古旧’‘古板’——过时了的,一点也不新潮,我还是走吧……” "To embody great value, we must be superior." "Ten" thought of this, and began its first day of travel. It first came to "you" and became "Zhi". "Support" means nothing. " It disdains to stay on "again", then finds "mouth", climbs up, becomes "ancient" all of a sudden. "What's good about" Gu "? "Old" and "old-fashioned" - old, not new at all. I'd better go... " 第二天——委身低下 The next day - low commitment 吸取头一天的教训,“十”委下身来,想找个低下的位置。它来到“曰”下成为“早”,却觉得“早”也不够完好,虽有“清早、早晨”之义,但仍不免有“古”那“早先、过去”之味。于是它又来到“ノ”下,立即成为身价百倍的“千”。这回它乐了:原来委身低下也并非不好! Learning from the lesson of the first day, the 10th committee came down to find a low position. It came to "say" and became "early", but felt that "early" was not perfect. Although it had the meaning of "early morning, morning", it still had the flavor of "early, past" of "ancient". So it came under "ノ" and immediately became a "thousand" with hundreds of times the price. This time it is happy: the original commitment is not bad! 第三天——敢于当先 Day 3 - dare to be the first “上下位置都体验了,前边怎么样?”勇于尝试的“十”又开始了它的人生探索:它找到了“办”和“尃”。“兄弟,我当你们的前锋如何?”“那当然好了。”它们异口同声地说。于是它成了“协”和“博”。“‘协作’就能‘广博’,达到‘博大’,当先锋还真不错;明天再做后卫试试。”“十”想。 "I've experienced all the positions up and down. How about the front?" The brave "ten" began its exploration of life again: it found "to do" and "to do". "Brother, how can I be your forward?" "Of course." They said in unison. So it became "association" and "Bo". "It's good to be a pioneer if you cooperate with others. Try to be a guard tomorrow." "Ten" thought. 第四天——处在后边 Day 4 - behind you 这一天“十”走了很长时间,也没有找到适合自己做其后卫的字。接近中午时,它又遇到了“口”。“怎么又是你?前天我爬到你头上成了‘古董’并不好。”“你可以跟在我身后啊,当个映衬红花的绿‘叶’不是很好吗?”“是嘛,那我就试试做个‘叶’。”可成为“叶”后它仍心有不甘:“老是跟在别人后边,总没有处于中心好吧!” This day "ten" walked for a long time, also did not find the word which suits itself to be its guard. Close to noon, it met the "mouth". "Why are you again? It's not good that I climbed over your head the day before yesterday and became an "antique." "You can follow me. Isn't it good to be a green 'Leaf' against the red flowers?" "Well, I'll try to be a leaf." Can become "leaf" after it is still reluctant: "always follow others behind, never in the center, OK!" 第五天——甘心居中 Day 5 - be willing to center “十”悄悄地离开“口”,想找个居中心的位置,直到黄昏时它才再次遇到“口”。“口”知道它的心思,就说:“来吧,不愿在身后,就走进我的心中,成为‘田园’的‘田’也能体现自身的价值啊!”“好!那就让我成为‘田园’的一部分吧!”说着“十”进了“口”中。 "Ten" quietly left "mouth" and wanted to find a place to live in the center. It did not meet "mouth" again until dusk. "Mouth" knows its mind and says, "come on, if you don't want to be behind me, just walk into my heart and become a" field "of" garden "that can also reflect its own value!" "Good! Then let me be a part of the countryside Say "ten" into "mouth". 后记:“十”进入“口”中便再也没有出来。因为这五天的经历让它悟出了这样一个道理:不论处于怎样的位置,只有努力耕耘的人,其生命的绿树才能绽放出有价值的红花。 Postscript: "ten" into the "mouth" will never come out. Because the experience of these five days makes it realize that no matter where it is, only those who work hard can their green trees bloom with valuable red flowers. |
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