标题 | 我的快乐梦想英语作文 |
范文 | 我的快乐梦想英语作文 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编收集整理的我的快乐梦想英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 厌倦了单调的城市生活,多么渴望心灵的解放。 Tired of the monotonous city life, how eager for the liberation of the mind. 骑车在田野上,看见快乐地奔跑着的小狗,想像自己也成为一只小狗儿,在即便不能说广阔但也很大的田野上,兴奋地四处乱跑;对着熊熊的火堆狂吠;用小小的爪子拼命地刨老鼠洞,把老鼠赶出来,和它们一起做游戏;为了一块食物而与其它小狗打架……多么愉快的生活,到处充满了新鲜自由的空气。 Riding in the field, I saw the happy running dog, and imagined myself to be a dog. I ran around excitedly in the field, even if I couldn't say it was vast, but it was also large. I barked at the burning fire. I tried to dig the mouse hole with my little claws, drove the mice out, and played games with them. I fought with other dogs for a piece of food What a happy life, full of fresh and free air. 家门前有一个池塘,池塘边有一块空地,荒芜又寂寥,只有几株不知名的植物,长得还算高大。想像自己是一只蚂蚁。哇,好大的.一片沙漠!每一处都那么新奇与神秘,等待着我去探险。我要用毕生的精力走完这片广阔无边的沙漠,去寻找沙漠中的绿洲,看一看骆驼的样子,和它打个招呼。如果我口渴了,我就爬到仙人掌里面去吮吸它的汁液,如果天气太热,我就躲在仙人掌的影子里乘凉。等我快要走不动的时候,却突然发现前面有一片好大的绿洲。我用尽所有的力气向它跑去,啊,多么高大的树林,还有一个大大的池塘!我大口大口地喝着水,简直开心得要晕了。 There is a pond in front of our house. There is an open space beside the pond. It is desolate and lonely. Only a few unknown plants grow tall. Think of yourself as an ant. Wow, what a big desert! Every place is so novel and mysterious, waiting for me to explore. I'm going to spend my whole life walking through this vast and boundless desert, looking for the oasis in the desert, looking at the appearance of the camel and saying hello to it. If I'm thirsty, I'll climb into the cactus and suck its juice. If it's too hot, I'll hide in the cactus's shadow to enjoy the cool. When I was about to walk, I suddenly found a big oasis in front of me. I ran to it with all my strength, ah, what a tall forest, and a big pond! I'm so happy that I'm going to faint. 家里有一盆长得很大的翡翠。我又要做一回蝴蝶,在阴暗的森林里来一次历险。参天的树木一层又一层,遮挡了强烈的阳光,到处长满了色彩鲜艳的蘑菇。树枝间结满了蛛网,漂亮的小鸟飞来飞去,快活地唱着歌。大蟒蛇把身子盘在树枝上,低下头贪婪地看着我,大片的荆棘后面似乎有饥饿的眼睛在窥探我。好吓人啊,快逃啦! There is a big emerald basin at home. I'm going to be a butterfly again, an adventure in the dark forest. Towering trees, one after another, block out the strong sunlight, to the length full of colorful mushrooms. The branches are covered with cobwebs, and beautiful birds come and go, singing happily. The boa constrictor coiled itself on the branch and looked down at me greedily. There seemed to be hungry eyes peeping at me behind the big thorns. It's scary. Run away! 我还要变作一条小小的热带鱼,跳进加勒比清澈的海水里,在珊瑚间穿梭,爬上鲸鱼的背,却不小心让它打了个喷嚏,高高的水柱把我甩到天空,又掉下来,摔得好舒服,软软的,原来是落到了海星的身上。我要去看鲨鱼们嬉戏,看寄居蟹和海葵的奇妙生活,听终生相伴的老头儿鱼咳嗽,然后我要跟着大家迁徙到别的海域去,把我这一生的经历告诉远方的伙伴。 I also want to become a small tropical fish, jump into the clear water of the Caribbean, shuttle among the corals, climb the whale's back, but accidentally let it sneeze, the high water column threw me to the sky, and then fell down, fell very comfortable, soft, originally fell on the starfish. I'm going to see sharks play, see the wonderful life of hermit crabs and sea anemones, listen to the old man and fish cough that accompany me all my life, and then I'm going to follow you to other sea areas to tell my friends in the distance about my life experience. 我还想要做一只小鸟,飞到长城上去唱歌,飞到富士山去看伴着樱花点点的日出,飞到死海去游泳,飞到金字塔的顶端俯瞰尼罗河,飞到巴黎圣母院给可怜的怪老人敲钟,飞到哥本哈根的朗厄里尼港湾海滨公园,给大海边的美人鱼擦去绝望的泪水。最后,我要飞到奥林匹斯山上去找宙斯,求他让世界上所有的人都快乐地生活着,永远也不要有战争了。 I also want to be a bird, fly to the Great Wall to sing, fly to Mount Fuji to watch the sunrise with cherry blossoms, fly to the dead sea to swim, fly to the top of the pyramid to overlook the Nile, fly to Notre Dame in Paris to ring the bell for the poor strange old man, fly to the langerieni harbor coastal park in Copenhagen, wipe the tears of despair for the mermaid on the sea. Finally, I will fly to Olympus to find Zeus, and ask him to let all the people in the world live happily, and never have war. 心灵如果可以生出翅膀,我还想成为好多好多,我要我的心灵永远可以自由飞扬…… If the heart can give birth to wings, I want to be a lot more. I want my heart to fly freely forever...... |
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