标题 | 小学生秋天的英语作文 |
范文 | 小学生关于秋天的英语作文 秋天,是一个非常美丽的季节,是一个丰收的季节。下面是小编整理的关于秋天的英语作文,一起来看看! 小学生关于秋天的英语作文1美丽的秋天来了,果树上挂满了红艳艳的“小灯笼”。乡下的孩子欢蹦乱跳地跳着喊着,田野里回荡着他们银铃般的笑声。 Beautiful autumn, the trees hanging lanterns with red "". The children in the countryside and dance and skip with joy shouting, the field echoed with their laughter. 村里的人都忙忙碌碌的,姐姐带着弟弟去山上摘果子。到了果园,天呐!果树上的果子都成熟了,姐姐和弟弟欢天喜地的'摘了满满三篮子。 All the people in the village were busy, and the elder sister took her younger brother to the mountain to pick the fruit. When we get to the orchard, God! The fruit on the tree was ripe, and the sister and brother picked up three baskets with great joy. 果园里的果子像海边的沙子一样多。秋天里漂浮着许多香甜的气味,梨香香的,苹果甜甜的,菠萝酸酸的,还有很多种香气在空气中漂浮着。 The fruit in the orchard is as much as the sand by the sea. There are many sweet scents floating in autumn. The pears are sweet, apple, sweet, pineapple and sour, and there are many kinds of scent floating in the air. 秋天它把黄色给了银杏树,它把红色给了枫叶,它把金黄色给了田野,它把橙红色给了果树,它把紫红的、淡黄的、雪白的给了菊花仙子。 In autumn, it gave yellow to the ginkgo tree. It gave the red to the maple leaves. It gave the golden color to the fields. It gave the orange red to the fruit trees. It gave the chrysanthemums the purple, the yellow and the snow-white. 秋天真美啊,我爱秋天! Autumn is beautiful, I love autumn! 小学生关于秋天的英语作文2秋天来了,天气凉了,树叶慢慢的落了下来,就像一只只蝴蝶在空中飞舞;枫叶变红了,小草变黄了,就像铺上了一层橙黄|色的地毯;果园里的果子熟了,苹果红彤彤的.,挂满了枝头,就像一个个红灯笼。 Autumn comes, the weather is cool, the leaves slowly falling down, like a butterfly fluttering in the air; the maple leaves turn red, yellow grass, is covered with a layer of orange | colored carpet; orchard fruit ripe, red apples, covered with branches, like a all the red lanterns. 梨渐渐成熟了,风一吹,梨摇摇晃晃的,好像一个个小娃娃在荡秋千;桔子也渐渐成熟了,有的三四个挤在一起,好像在窃窃私语,有的五六个一堆,好像在开会,有的独自站在枝头好像在寻找伙伴。 Pear gradually mature, the wind blows, pear rickety, like a small doll in the swing; orange also gradually mature, some three or four huddled together, seemed to whisper, some five or six pile, as if in a meeting, standing in the branches seemed to find partners alone. 小动物们也去找自己喜欢的食物,这样它们就可以安心的冬眠了;我们的朋友大雁和小燕子也准备飞向南方过冬了;小朋友们也可以放风筝了;农民伯伯站在山岗上看着一望无际的庄稼自言自语地说:“今年又是个丰收年呀!”眼睛情不自禁地眯成了一条缝。 Small animal are also looking for her love of food, so that they can feel at ease to hibernate; our friends geese and swallow also ready to fly south for the winter; the children can fly kites; farmers stand on the hill watching endless crops automatic speaking said: "this year is a harvest year!" The eyes narrowed uncontrollably. 看,多么美丽的秋天呀!秋天不仅给我们带来喜悦,还是一个丰收的季节。 Look, what a beautiful fall! Autumn brings us not only joy, but also a harvest season. |
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