标题 | 英语小学六年级上册的教案 |
范文 | 英语小学六年级上册的教案(通用9篇) 作为一位杰出的教职工,可能需要进行教案编写工作,编写教案有利于我们弄通教材内容,进而选择科学、恰当的教学方法。那么什么样的教案才是好的呢?以下是小编为大家整理的英语小学六年级上册的教案,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇1一、教学内容 1.围绕本单元重点词汇和句型进行复习巩固。 2.进行听说读写四项能力方面的训练。 二、教学目标 1.能够正确理解和表达本单元词句。 2.能够围绕本单元重点内容完成段落书写。 三、教学重点和难点 1.本课的教学重点是:对前三个单元学习的基本词汇和交际用语进行全面的检测。 2.本课的教学难点是:B项对话活动。D项书写文段的活动。 四、教学手段 教学录音磁带、卡片、挂图 五、教学方法 情境教学法、听说法、翻译法、语言交际法 六、教学步骤: 1.Sort game Read the flash cards 2.T Show the pictures of partA. T: What can you see in these pictures? Where are these places? What do you know about Lhasa/Egypt/crocodiles? 3.Ss listen to the tape, and match. 4.Discuss the answers with the partners, listen again and check the answers in class. 5.Ask the Ss to read PartB. And listen to the tape. 6.The Ss can make a dialogue in pairs, and act out. 7.Part C Read and answer the questions: When did Marco Polo come to China? Did Marco Polo have an uncle? Where did Kublai Khan send Marco Polo? When did Marco Polo leave China? Did Marco Polo write many stories about China in a book? What’s the name of this boo? 8.Do the exercises, check the answers. 9.Ask the Ss to read Part D, and choose one to think about. 10. Write. 11.Homework: Finish the writing. 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇2教学内容: unit 3 part a look, read and say 教学目标: 1、学生能听说读单词exciting 2、学生能听说读写单词excited, sports. 3、学生能了解一般过去时的意义和基本用法:it was there just now. they were here a moment ago. 4、学生通过本课的学习,知道要照看好自己的物品。 重点难点: 一般过去时态的理解和运用 教学准备: 1、多媒体课件 2、录音机 教学过程: 一、free talk t: hello, boys and girls. it’s a fine day today, isn’t? s: yes. t: what date is it today? s: it’s … t: when’s your birthday? s: my birthday’s on the …of … t: my birthday’s on the … of … so yesterday was my birthday. i got many presents and i was very excited. understand? s: yes. t: and i watched a sports meeting on tv with my friends. it’s olympic games. when was the beijing olympic game?(课件展示奥运会图片和口号) s: it was on the 8th of august. 二、presentation 1、sports t: do you like olympic games? s: yes, i do. t: so i think you like sports. (课件展示运动的单词和图片,以旧带新读出新单词) t:look, the children are having a sports meeting. let’s say a chant. the students look at the pictures and say the chant together: swimming, swimming, they’re swimming. skating, skating, they’re skating. skiing, skiing, they’re skiing. running, running, they’re running. 2、race t: look, the men are running, they are having a running race. (课件展示图片,学生根据已学单词自己读出新单词race) t: look at the pictures and tell me what race is it? (课件出示游泳比赛、赛马和赛车的图片,让学生说一说) 3、exciting t: which race do you like watching? s: i like watching … races. t: why? s: because it’s … t: it’s very exciting.(课件出示图片和单词) 操练新单词,朗读、组词和造句 4、excited t: when you watch the exciting games, how do you feel? s: i feel very happy. t: me, too. i will feel very excited. (课件出示图片和单词,操练新单词,朗读、组词和造句) 巩固新内容 课件展示一段学生进行跑步比赛的视频和提示,学生以小组讨论的形式谈论该视频。 5、was were以及一般过去时的意义。 根据学生对视频的描述,教师将课件上的be动词一个个改为was, were并示范朗读,同时出现一般过去时的意义并让学生归纳be动词的变化规律。 6、just now, a moment ago t; 如何判断一个句子是否为过去时呢?在一般过去时的句子中常会出现表示过去时间的时间状语,如just now, a moment ago. (朗读单词和词组,用其中的新单词moment ago组词造句) 三、巩固操练 1、将下列句子改成一般过去时 2、看一看,比一比,说一说 四、consolidation listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions. 五、practice in groups use the things in the gift boxes and make dialogues. 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇3一、教学内容: Let’s read Let’s sing story time 二、教学目标与要求 1.能综合运用动词的过去时。 2.阅读理解故事 三、教学重点 1动词过去时的读音及不规则动词的变化 2阅读部分的理解和有限度地再现 四、教学难点 1动词过去时的读音及不规则动词的变化 2阅读部分的理解和有限度地再现 五、课前准备 1、教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。 2、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。 3、学生准备本课时的单词卡片。 六、教学过程 1、Warm-up Sing the song: at the zoo 2、Presentation A: Activity 1 Memory testing What did you do last weekend? I went shopping. I went shopping and visited grandparents I went shopping and visited grandparents……… B: Activity 2比一比,谁说得最快。(见表格1) 请两个学生上来,背向黑板,教师说出表格中任意一个词组,学生就说出与之对应的词组,败者换其他人,再与胜者比赛,看看全班谁说得最快。 C: Text A.看图跟读课文。B.教师提示总结: was / walked / studied / read /went /saw / jumped / swam / returned D: Activity 3无字的故事书 E: Exercises (1)Finish the sentences (2)Number the sentences 3、Comprehensive activity story time 1. Two students a group and discuss the story. 2. Ask the questions: (1)What did Zoom do on Saturday? (2) What did Zoom do on Sunday? 3. Listen and read the story 4、Consolidation and extension Mini role-play Prepare and act out their stories in roles. 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇4一、教学内容: 六上Project 1 A、B部分 二、教学目标: 1.知识目标 (1)在语境中对U1-U4的知识进行复习和运用。 (2)复习并学习部分动词过去式的不规则变化形式。 2.技能目标 指导学生运用学习策略,自主归纳学习。 3.情感目标 通过本单元学习,激发学生对英语学科的好奇心以及学习兴趣。 三、教学重点: 复习并学习部分动词过去式的不规则变化形式。 四、教学难点: 复习并学习部分动词过去式的不规则变化形式。 五、教学准备: 课件,练习纸三张,板书 六、教学过程: Step 1 Greetings Free talk 1. Topic: travelling 2. Show the students a map of the world. If you have a lot of money and a long holiday, where do you want to go? [设计意图]教学一开始通过让学生自由设想要去的地方,让学生有话可说也愿意说,并未下文旅行话题做铺垫。 Step 2 Presentation and practice Today,I’ll take you on a trip. The first stop: Denmark 1.大致了解丹麦的地理位置 Do you know anything about Denmark? For example, big or small? Where is the country? 2.了解丹麦童话家安徒生及他的作品尤其是皇帝的新装 a. Do you know any people from Denmark?引出Anderson Do you know his stories? PPT呈现他的童话作品并引出“The Emperor’s New Clothes” b. It was written by him. In our book, it is called “The king’s new clothes” PPT呈现U1 Learning tip: recite the text 因此要求学生以故事的形式复习U1 Story time Tips: 1. Prepare to tell the story in group of 4. 2.Tell the story picture by picture. Each one in your group tells about one picture. Ss四人小组合作/上台讲故事 c. 引出皇帝新装加强版故事Here’s another story “ The Emperor’s New Clothes” 新故事共四段,从易到难。每位学生自己选择合适自己的一段,完成后可帮助他人。 Check the answers.从易到难校对新故事。 在讲述新故事内容时指导学生:Note the past forms of these verbs. Mark the new past forms. 并板书板书每段中出现的新动词过去式 第二段:give-gave begin-began 第三段:put-put praise-praised(用英语解释该词的意思) forget-forgot 由此引出学习策略1 How to learn better about past forms:Collect the past forms of verbs while reading. Make a portable word book for yourself. Learn more from a grammar book. [设计意图]设计旅行这一话题,引出第一站丹麦并由此引出童话作家安徒生及他的代表作品,让学生扩充课外知识的同时巩固U1皇帝新装的课文内容,之后呈现加强版的故事,让学生自主选择难易完成故事复习并学习部分动词过去式,并适时传授学生学好动词过去分词的策略。 The second stop: The UK 了解教师的英国旅行经历 a. Ask and answer :Guess what I did there? 可以让学生用Did you …?或特殊疑问句提问老师。 b. Question time 出示老师在伦敦某一天的照片让学生利用What …? Where…? Who…? When…? How…?结合图片信息小组合作完成五个问题。教师指正问题后请学生猜测问题的答案,老师评价。 c. Show the answers 老师通过日记中诗歌的形式出示刚才图片的答案。要求学生先试着完成诗歌并朗诵,老师点评但不否定他们的答案。最后出示老师自己的诗歌。 并出示一些是诗歌中的新的动词过去式:wake-woke meet-met ride-rode sit-sat teach-taught feel-felt think-thought tell-told 按照规律整理动词过去式,并对比朗读,加深印象。 与此同时指导学习策略2。 The third stop: Hong kong Do you know the history of Hong Kong? 用已学的动词过去式,试着说说香港的过去和现在。 For example: ...but now…. Step 3 Homework 1.复习U2-4课文 2. 整理学到的动词过去式 3.准备旅行照片,预先查找照片上的地名如何用英语表达,准备下节课制作holiday album。 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇5教学目标: 知识目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读单词:watch, wallet, calculator, teapot, hairdryer, skateboard。 2、能听懂、会说、会读名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs并让学生感受其用法。 3、能正确理解并能体验句型 ①Whose?is it/are they? It’s/They’re?②Who is it/are they from? It’s/They’re from?的使用语境。 技能目标 引导学生在学习对话的过程中感受如何谈论物品的归属并能正确理解、掌握对话的内容,并能有感情的朗读对话。 情感目标 让学生了解西方国家的`重要传统节日“圣诞节”,体验西方国家送礼与受礼的风俗习惯,帮助学生拓展文化视野,增强跨文化意识。 教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇,初步理解运用本课句型,能正确理解、掌握对话的内容并能流利的朗读对话。 教学难点: 单词hairdryer, calculator, skateboard的读音;有感情的朗读对话并适当拓展。 教学准备: 多媒体课件,单词、句型和人物卡片,练习纸 教学过程: Step1 、Warming-up. 1、课前播放歌曲:“We wish you merry Christmas”。 2、Free talk. ①T: Today, here are so many new English teachers in our classroom. Can you introduce yourself to the teachers? T: What date is it today? T: What holiday(节日)is coming?(Ss: Christmas) 引出课题并呈现卡片进行教学。(Unit 7 At Christmas) T: When’s Christmas? (Ss: It’s on the 25th of December.) ②T: What do you know about Christmas? (Ss:自由介绍!) 提示学生可以用中文自由介绍。(T:You can speak in Chinese.) Father Christmas圣诞老人 stockings长筒袜 ③T: What do people usually do at Christmas? (Ss: They usually eat delicious food.and give presents to each other.互赠礼物) (设计意图:导入简明而直接点题。由于学生对于圣诞节还是有话可说,所以在这一环节还是把更多的话语权交给学生,老师只是辅助性的补充课余知识。) Step2、Presentation and Practice 1、师创设情境导入并教学新授内容:“ T: We know we can get some presents on Christmas day. And last year, on Christmas day, I got a present from my friend Jack. Look, it’s a watch. So we can say the watch is from Jack. It’s for me. It’s my watch. It’s mine. (设计意图:从学生熟悉的手表watch开始导入新句型和名词性物主代词,目的在于让学生能够整体感知名词性物主代词的含义及用法) 2、Learning the whole text Listen and answer(序言) T: Now we know I got a Christmas present from my friend at Christmas. And Jim’s family got some presents, too. Now let’s look at the preface. What holiday(节日) was it? It was Christmas Day. Who are they? They are Jim’s family. Where were they? They were in Jim’s grandparents’ house. What were they doing? They were opening their presents under the Christmas tree. Watch and circle(完整的看一遍课文卡通片,圈出Jim一家的礼物) 根据学生圈出的礼物,教师进行单词教学:a watch, a teapot and some tea, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer. 教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。重点指导calculator, skateboard,hairdryer的发音。 (设计意图:在教学skateboard, teapot, hairdryer时,我借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。) Read and match(快速阅读课文,将对应的人物、礼物进行连线。) 在学生做完连线以后,运用连线后的图引出句型:Whose...is it/are they? It’s/They’re... (设计意图:对于重点句型的导入是放在进入语篇后,让学生整体感知名词性物主代词后再渗透句型,这样学生理解起来更容易。) Read and fill in the form(细读课文,完成表格内礼物来自于谁,然后根据例句造句) 重点让学生操练句型:Who is it/are they from? It’s/ They’re from… 如:The wallet is from Grandma. It’s for Grandpa. It’s his. The teapot and some tea are from Grandpa. They are for Grandma. They’re hers. (注意单复数) Step3、Consolation Read after the T sentence by sentence. Fill in the blanks (Do a summary of the text) On __________ Day, Jim’s family get many presents. The wallet is from Grandma. It’s Grandpa’s. It’s ____. The teapot and some tea are _____ Grandpa. They’re Grandma’s. They’re _____. A calculator and a skateboard are from Mum and Dad. They are _____ Jim. They’re _____. The watch is for father. The hairdryer is for mother. Everybody is very excited. Step4、Write a letter We know that I got a watch from my friend Jack last year. This year, on Christmas day, I want to send some presents to Jack’s family, too. Let’s look at Jack’s family photo. Dear Jack, ’s for you. It’s ’ ’s for your wife(妻子)。It’’ ’s for your son. It’’ Merry Christmas! Sincerely yours, Kitty (设计意图:运用本课所学句型能进行简单的拓展时我们这节课的一个目标。而在课程设计上前后呼应是有必要的。前面提到我去年圣诞节收到Jack的礼物,那么今年我要会送礼物,那么我能送什么,请帮我完成这封信,这样水到渠成。在学生自己拓展前给了例子,并且要求学生根据需求为Jack一家选择礼物) Step5、Homework 1. Read and act the dialogue. 2. Make a Christmas present for your parents or your friends. 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇6第一课时 一、教学目标 知识目标 1、能听懂.会说.会读和会拼: blackboard bookcase music computer sometimes near songbook 2、能听懂.会说.会读: our classroom watch TV lots of 3、能听懂.会说.会读和会写句型: There is/are ...in/on/near... 能力目标 1、能用There be句型介绍某一场所。 2、提高学生的阅读能力。 情感目标 让学生了解贫困地区的教室等,珍惜我们所拥有的生活。 二、教学重难点 1、能听懂.会说.会读和会拼: blackboard bookcase music computer sometimes near songbook 2、能听懂.会说.会读: our classroom watch TV lots of 3、能听懂.会说.会读和会写句型: There is/are ...in/on/near... 4、能用自己的话介绍某一场所。 三、教学方法 直观情景 四、教学工具 PPT 五、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up 1、Greetings 2、Free talk T:What's your job? T: What's my job? T:Do you want to know more about me?(引出bright) Step 2 Presentation 1、 T:What's in my study? 以书房图为中心,讲授生词near,lots of, sometimes, songbook. 2、 总结There be 3、Have a rest引出句型What's in the classroom Step 3 Practice What's in the classroom? There is/are... Step 4 Presentation 1、Watch a cartoon and answer questions 2、跟录音读课文 Step5 Practice Read in roles Step 6 Consolidation 1、To be a guide 2.show some pictures Step 7 Homework 1. Read the passage fluently. 2、 Introduce your bedroom to your classmates. 第二课时 Teaching Aims(教学目标) 学生可以掌握单词及字母:boy,girl,egg,fan,Ee,Ff 学生可理解使用句型:Are you Kitty? Yes,I am./No,I am not. Teaching Importances(教学重点) boy,girl,egg,fan,Ee,Ff Teaching Difficulties(教学难点) Are you Kitty? Yes,I am./No,I am not. Cultivation Education Training Points(养成教育训练点): 继续培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,帮助学生逐步养成善于观察、勇于表现的好习惯,引导学生发现身边的英语。 Teaching Methods(教学方法) 游戏法,小组竞赛法,情境法 Teaching Tools(教学用具) 多媒体课件 Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Pre—task preparations 1、播放音乐,带领学生朗读儿歌,感受Are you …?句型。 Are you a boy? Are you a boy? Yes,I am. Yes.I am. Are you a girl? Are you a girl? No,I'm not. No,I'm not. 2、请个别学生用课时一学过的句子介绍自己。 S1:Hi,I'm…(name).I'm a… (boy/girl). While-task procedures 1、出示Listen and say的图片,播放录音或多媒体动画,让学生跟读对话。板书句型Are you …? Yes,I am./No,I'm not.让学生跟读,然后通过提问帮助学生理解该句型的用法。 T: Are you…? S1:Yes,I am./No,I'm not. 2、再次播放Listen and say的录音,让学生跟读。然后请一个学生上来戴上眼罩,再请另外三个学生和教师一起参与游戏,在游戏中不断重复问Are you…? S1:Are you…? S2:Yes,I am./No,I'm not. S1:Are you…? S3:Yes.I am./No.I'm not. 3、Listen and guess:猜谜游戏。通过游戏帮助学生操练句型Are you…?先让学生看Play a game栏目的对话,然后请一个学生蒙上眼罩,站在讲台上,另一个学生与他/她打招呼,蒙眼罩的学生根据声音猜猜是谁在打招呼。 S1:Hello! I'm a girl/boy. S2:Are you…? S1:No. S2:Are you…? S1:Yes,I am./No.I'm… 4、出示Kitty, Alice,Joe,Peter的图片,每次请一位学生上来选择一张人物图片并扮演人物作自我介绍,请其他学生猜猜他/她是谁。21cnjy.com Sl:(pick the card of Kitty)I'm a girl. Ss:Are you Alice? S1:No.I'm Kitty. Post-task activities 1、学生四人一组分角色朗读Listen and say的对话。鼓励学生仿照Listen and say的内容玩捉迷藏游戏,邀请一组学生上来玩游戏。 S1,S2&S3:One,two,three! Come and catch me. S1:I'm a… S4:Are you…? S1:Yes,I am./No.I'm… S2:I'm a… S4:Are you…? S2:Yes。I am./No.I'm… S4:You're… S3:Yes.I'm… 2、把学生分为四人一组,发给每个小组四张人物图片,请每个组员挑选一张,然后根据图片扮演角色。要求学生用Are you…?句型互相询问对方的身份。 S1:(to S2)Are you Mr…? S2:Yes,I am./No,I'm not.I'm… Blackboard Design(板书设计): Unit3 Are you Kitty? Are you…? Yes,I am./No,I'm not. 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇7一、教学目标与要求 1. 能够听、说、认读what,where,when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应回答。 2. 能够听、说、读、写四会句子:Where are you going this afternoon? I'm going bookstore.What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book. 3. 能够听懂Let's try部分的对话并完成听音选图的练习。 4. 能够使用各种疑问句釆访他人的活动安排并做记录。 二、教学重、难点分析 1. 本课时的教学重点是三个特殊疑问句的问与答以及各种信息的替换和交流。 2. 本课时的教学难点是学生能运用what,where,when疑问句进行真实的交际以工组四会句型的正确书写。 三、课前准备 1. 教师准备一张简明地图,标出bookstore,shoe store,fruit stand,pet shop等场所。 2. 教师准备各商店所出售的货物的小卡片。 3. 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 4. 教师课前在黑板上画出下列表格: 四、教学步骤和建议 1、热身(Warm-up) (1)全班一起吟唱Let's chant的歌谣。 (2)单词拼写小能手 要拼写的单词包括:this morning/afternoon/evening,next week,newspaper, postcard等。可采取小组合作的“接龙式”拼写形式;也可以选取组内一名学生拼写全部单词。拼出单词最快最多的组获胜。 (3)教师出示简明地图,师生问答如下: r:What shop is it? s:It's a bookstore. r:What can you buy in the bookstore? s: … 在学生回答各商店所出售的物品时,教师根据其回答贴出物品的小卡片,如: Fruit stand:orange,apple,pear,banana….Shoe store:sneakers,sandals,boots….(此时可引导学生说“a pair of sneakers/boots'’等) 2、预习(Preview) Let's try 教师指着地图中的商店及各商店所出售的物品说:Look!There are so many storesand so many goods.Let's listen to the tape and find out: ①Where is Sarah going? ②Whatis she going to buy? ③Who is she going with? 教师放三遍Let's try部分的录音,以上问题可根据学生的实际情况分三次提出,直到多数学生能回答并能将前两项答案填人教师课前画出的表格中。在填表过程中,教师请学生一起拼写其中的四会单词,如:bookstore,comic book。 录音内容如下: Chen:Hi,Sarah,where are you going after school? Sarah:Hi,Chen Jie. I'm going to the bookstore. Chen:What are you going to buy? Sarah:I'm going to buy a dictionary. Chen:1 want to buy a comic book.Let's go together! Sarah:OK! 3、新课呈现(Presentation) Let's talk (1)“my shopping plan” 教师指着黑板上的简明地图及表格说:Look, Sarah and Chen J1e are going t(bookstore.Where are you going? What are you going to buy? When are you going? Please write a shopping plan.指导学生结合表格中的购物地点、时间及商品三项提示,根据自己的购物;制定一个购物计划,组内学生可以互相交流讨论。 学生做好计划后,师生根据表格中的三点要求:where,what,when进行。 (教师将获得的信息逐项填人表格),如: 了:Where are you going? s:I'm going to the fruit stand. r:What are you going to buy ? s:I'm going to buy some apples. r:When are you going? s:I am going at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. 教师先与几名学生进行上述对话,再由学生提问来获知教师的购物计划由学生将有关信息填人表格中。 学生两人一组互相了解对方的shopping plan,灵活运用where,when,what导的三个疑问句互相提问和回答。 (2)教师放课文的录音,学生静听后跟读,再分角色朗读。 (3)学生两人一组根据课本上的替换图对对话中的各种信息进行替换,教师文指导,并请几组学生进行示范。 (4)教师引导学生进行四会句子的书写。 Pair work (1)学生两人一组相互采访,根据表格中提供的三个疑问句了解同伴当天下午活动安排(不一定是购物),并简要记录信息。 (2)教师请几组学生在班级内演示采访过程。教师可对采访者的采访记录进行调查和评价,也可在不同桌的学生之间展开互评。 4、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)学生抄写本课时的四会句子。 (2)学生课后对父母或朋友的近期活动进行采访,记录结果并录音,把文字及料以及录音材料交给教师。 (3)学生吟唱本单元的歌谣,录音后与录音带进行比较,不断改进语音语调。 课后反思: 本课的教学重点是三个特殊疑问句的问与答以及各种信息的替换和交流,也是难点所在。学生通过本单元前四课的学习基本上掌握了将来时的表达方法:What are you going to do?---I’m going to……这个句型。但本课是在此基础上增加了另外两个以where/when来提问的特殊疑问句,学生很容易把哪里、什么时候、干什么混淆在一起。所以下节课还应重点操练这三个句型。 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇8教材分析 本课是科学普及出版社《小学英语》六年级上册第三课 Where do you live ? 第一课时。本课本书十二课的第三课,前面两课教的是第三人称单数在疑问句中的变化规则。而本课在学习了新句型时,也以第三人称为主线进行句子的变化,如Where does she live ? 学情分析 学生分析主要包括学生已有的认知经验、学习兴趣、生活经验等。 这课是围绕你来自哪里?你居住在哪里来展开问话的。这些句子比较容易,也符合学生心理,学生学起来比较容易和有兴趣,对于学生来说难度不大。就是国家的一些单词学生可能不太认识,得进行重点教。这里有一点就是学生都是来自中国,这个句型操练性不强,住在哪有一定的变动性。因此为了让学生多操练,得用多媒体,让学生和电脑上的人进行问话,了解不同国家的人,这样也有利于教其它国家的单词。 教学目标 1.能够在对话的过程中,感知、理解、学习交际用语和词汇: 交际用语:Where do you come from ? I come from China. Where do you live ? I live in Beijing. 词汇: Paris France London England Moscow Russia Hong Kong China 2.学生能够利用这种对话进行简单的交流。能知道一些朋友是来自哪个国家和居住在什么地方。 3.学生在知道了一些国家之后,还能学到一些国家的特殊标志性的建筑,知道一些国家的人情风俗,增加学生的知识面。 教学重点和难点 一、交际用语的应用: Where do you come from ? I come from China. Where do you live ? I live in Beijing. 二、词汇的听说读 写: Paris France London England Moscow Russia Hong Kong China 教学过程 1.复习 (1)让学生唱一首歌 教师跟唱,学生全体唱,目的是为了让学生轻松的进入学习的气氛中。 (2)复习第三人称单数 教师说动词原型,学生说第三人称单数,目的是为了复习,同时达到本课呈上启下的作用。 (3)让学生读第二课课文 复习上课的内容,让学生达到巩固的作用。 2.呈现 (1)挂出图片,让学生知道这些国家和首都的名字,让学生跟读。Paris France London England Moscow Russia Hong Kong China (2)再挂出一些图片,让多媒体里面的人自问自答。 Where do you come from ? I come from China. Where do you live ? I live in Beijing. 让学生知道问的是什么意思。然后变化不同的国家让学生知道不同的国家的人如何回答,为学生操练打下伏笔。 (3)然后老师和学生之间对话,就多媒体之间互相问话。 这种呈现方式,让学生能很容易进入本课的学习,通过图画让学生了解各国的不同的标志性建设,有利于学生从感观上认识其它国家,并产生兴趣。并且能让学生马上记住所要教的国家的英语,让学生顺利的进入操练部分。 3.操练 (1)老师和学生之间操练这些句型 (2)学生与学生之间集体操练这些句型 (3)让学生单个上来操练这些句型 这种由点到面的操练模式,是跟据学生掌握知识的一种循序渐进的过程,让学生从容易到难的操练,让学生熟悉句子。 4.游戏活动 当学生能熟练的说出这些句型的时候,就是学生进行游戏比赛的活动时间了。 我把不同国家的卡片分发给每个组,然后每组前后分别一问一答轮流下去,哪个组问得最快最好的为胜,并给于一定的奖励。 游戏是为了巩固本课的重点内容,让学生在轻松的活动中达到更好的巩固新知识的目的。 英语小学六年级上册的教案 篇9教学课题: 译林版《牛津小学英语》6A第五单元PartA(Listen,read and say) 教材分析: 本课是江苏译林版牛津英语6A Unit5的中第一教时的内容,这是学生初次接触过去时,只要求学生能在教学过程中,掌握其时态结构和过去分词的构成,并能对自己在过去做的一些事情进行描述。由于之前已经学过一般现在时,所以在制定教学步骤的过程中,通过和一般现在时进行比照,来掌握一般过去式的结构。 教学方法: 我将采用情景法、游戏教学法、直观演示法、交际法等教学方法,以学生为主体,以过去式话题为核心,以语言功能为主线,以任务型活动为媒介,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,使学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方式实现任务目标,使课堂活起来,让学生动起来,从而达成上述的知识与技能目标。 教学目标: 1. 能正确的听、说、读、写词汇holiday, last, early, meet, before 能正确的听,说, 读词汇 fun, National Day, a film, wonderful 2. 能正确的听、说、句型What (else) did you do??We/I? 3. 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型 Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon. We all liked it very much.. Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. 4. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 5. 能运用本课所学语言谈论过去所做的事情。 教学重点: 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 教学难点: 能比较流畅的朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上运用本课所学语言谈论过去所做的事情。 课前准备: 1.教具准备 a.单词,句型卡片。 b.练习题纸。(每人一张) c.设计并制作多媒体教学课件,准备多媒体教学的设施。 2.板书准备 预先写好课题Unit 5 On the farm 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and warming-up 1. T-Ss greet.(师生问好,活跃课堂,拉近师生距离) 2. T: Look at this man, what’s his job? Ss: He is a farmer. T: His name is Macdonald. He has a beautiful farm. Before class, let’s listen to a song, it’s about Macdonald and his farm. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Teach: National Day ,holiday, last T: What day/date is it today? 出示CAI指名回答 These seven days is this week.(CAI出示 this week) These seven days was last week.( CAI出示 last week) T: What date was it? 指名回答 T: Yes. It was the first of October. And it was the National Day. (CAI出示National Day领读) When National Day comes ,we usually have a long holiday . I had a wonderful holiday. 2 .T:Do you want to know what I did this National Day holiday? You can ask me what did you do? 指名几个学生提问,可提醒学生看黑板上早已贴好的句子。 再次要求学生一起提问,师回答。 3.活动: washed clothes, played computer games, watched a funny cartoon, went to my father’s farm. 幻灯片呈现,让学生了解老师的活动 T:OK, boys and girls. Do you want to go to the farm? Ss: Yes. CAI 出示农场里人们干活的场景 T:OK,here we are. Now we’re on the farm. What can we do on the farm?Can you guess? 指名回答 CAI 出示 S1:Milk cows. T:Great. I can’t milk cows. Can you teach me? 示意学生动作。 教师边动作边带领学生朗读milk cows 同时出示词组 贴到黑板上 T:What can we do?指名学生回答 S2:? T:Good. Collect eggs. (CAI出示)师带领学生边做动作读词组。同时出示词组 贴到黑板上 T:What else can we do?指名回答 S3:? T:Right. Water flowers. 带领学生读短语。 T:What else can we water? It’s big and green. Ss:Water trees. T: Good. 出示词组 water trees 带领学生朗读,并将词组贴到黑板上。 T:What else can we water? It’s on the ground. 指名回答 Ss: Water grass. 看CAI, T :What are these? They’re carrots. 领读carrot 出示单词图片 pull up carrots T: Let’s pull up carrots.师带领学生做动作读词组,并将词组贴到黑板上。 T:What else can we do? S4:? T:Boys and girls, let’s pick oranges. Boys ,you’re tall and strong, please stand up and pick oranges. 师带领男学生们做动作读词组,并将词组贴到黑板上。 出示一篮子橘子。 T:What are these? Ss:They’re oranges. T: Do you want to taste my oranges?问几组学生,Do you want to taste my oranges? 给学生分发橘子 出示 taste oranges 单词图片 Let’s learn how to read it.带领学生读/ei/,/ei/,taste. Step 3 Listen, read and say 1 .T: Helen was on the farm last week. What did she do last week? Let’s ask her together, OK? CAI 出示问题,引导学生提问,What did you do last week? CAI 出示答案。 T: What did she do last week? Ss: She visited a farm?。 T: Yes, Helen visited a farm with her family on Monday and Tuesday. Do you want to visit a farm? 出示词组 visit a farm 领读数遍,并将词组贴到黑板上。 T:Helen visited a farm. Here ed is pronounced /id/,领读 visited,将ed贴到黑板上visit后面。 2. T:What did Helen do on Monday? Who can ask? CAI出示,指名学生提问。 T: What did Helen do on Monday? 引导学生一起回答,She watered trees. 拿出ed/d/,领读短语数遍。并将后缀贴到黑板原词组后面。 T: What else did Helen do? Let me ask her. 师问What else did you do on Monday, Helen?,please listen ! CAI出示答案。 3. T: What else did she do? Together answer. Ss: She pulled up carrots. 师出示ed/d/,领读单词,并将后缀贴到原来单词后面。 T: Helen visited a farm on Monday. She pulled up carrots and watered trees. 贴图Mon. How about Tuesday? Can you ask her? Boys have a try. 要求男生齐问。CAI出示答案。 4. T: What did she do on Tuesday? Ss: She milked cows. 出示 ed/t/ 领读该词组,并将ed贴到原单词后面。 5. T: What else did she do on Tuesday? Ss: She collected eggs. T: Here ed is pronounced /t/,/d/ or/id/?Which one? 引导学生一起复述,Helen visited a farm. On Monday she watered trees and pulled up carrots. T: How about Tuesday? Ss: he milked cows and collected eggs. 6. T: Helen did a lot of things on a farm. What else did she do on the farm? Let’s watch the cartoon. 出示CAI, T: What else did Helen do on the farm? 再次出示CAI,提醒学生看屏幕。 Ss: She picked oranges. 师拿出ed, T:Who can add ed for us?指名,stick for us.领读picked oranges T: She picked oranges and tasted them.师做动作表明品尝。Which one?指名回答。 Here ed is pronounced /id/ ,who can add for us?指名加后缀。 7. T:Were there any fruits on the farm? Ss:Yes. T: Were there any apple/pear/banana trees on the farm? 学生齐答。 引导学生齐说 Ss: There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. T: Nancy wants to go to the farm. So I think the farm is wonderful.(举例wonderful一词,领读) 8. T: Helen did a lot of things on the farm. She had a wonderful holiday. But her friend Nancy also had a good time, what did she do last week? Let’s listen, read and choose. CAI出示,学生听。 提供问题,what did Nancy do last week? OK, you can choose. CAI出示选项。师读三条选项。指名学生回答。 出示 watch a film.词组领读。 Here ed is pronounced /t/.指名读音素。并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。 9. T: Nancy watched a film with her family. Did she like the film? Did her family like the film? Yes, they all like the film very much. T: Let’s enjoy the whole cartoon.播放整篇课文录音。 Do you like the cartoon? Ss: Yes. T: It’s interesting. CAI出示课文前言。 T:Please read the narration and try to answer the questions. Read by yourself. 学生自读前言。 T:Attention please. OK, show time. Is the first day of school after the holiday today? 指名回答,带领学生读体现该答案的原句。 10. T: Take out your books and turn to P38,let’s read after the tape, please try to imitate it.跟录音读。 跟读过程中教授 fun 出示单词卡片 贴到黑板上 出示CAI,Here are five sentences for you. Read and judge, whether they’re true or false.要求学生拿出课前发的判断题,学生自己答题。 T: Let’s check the answer. 集体校对。 提醒学生看黑板。 11. T:Look at the screen. Here’re five pictures from the dialogue. I’d like to read it. I want to be Helen. Who wants to be Nancy? 指名一个学生与师示范朗读。 T:Choose one picture which you like and practise it with your partner. 学生选择一幅图操练 指名学生朗读。 Step 4 Retell the dialogue 根据黑板上的短语,指名要求学生复述课文。 (通过复述课文,检查并培养了学生的理解能力和口语表达能力,调动了学生的理解,促进课堂学习效率。) Step 5 Do a report T: I had a good time this National Day holiday. Please look at the screen.(CAI) 学生看视频表格,师描述自己的国庆节假期。 T: According to the things what I did, complete the passage. Please take out the paper and write down the words. 学生自己根据表格完成短文。 校对,指名一个学生朗读短文。 (让学生用自己的语言来叙述自己的故事,给学生提供拉真实的情景去使用语言,以活动促说,以活动促用,充分体现了任务型教学理念,发展了学生的语言技能,提高了学生应运用语言的能力) Step 6 Assign homework 1. Listen to the tape and read after it. 2. Copy the new words and phrases for three times. 3. Finish the story about your holiday |
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