I now go swimming five times a week, which helps firm me up 我现在每周游5次泳,这对强身健体很有益处。 I went round to Jonathan's to see if he wanted to go swimming 我去乔纳森那里看看他是否想去游泳。 At breakfast next morning my two grandsons were clamouring to go swimming. 第二天早饭时,我那两个孙子嚷嚷着要去游泳。 We really shouldn't have let him go swimming by himself. 千不该万不该,不该让他独自一人去游泳。 Playing cards is no fun; let's go swimming. 打扑克没劲,咱们去游泳吧。 上一篇:以al为后缀的单词有哪些? 下一篇:带有ful后缀的单词20个 |