标题 | 战争中的孩子英语作文 |
范文 | 战争中的孩子英语作文 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编为大家收集的战争中的孩子英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 大家还记得1937年8月28日的那一天吗?那天,日本侵略者轰炸上海火车南站。又一次,在中国人的.脸上,写下了“耻辱”二字,又有多少人,因此而失去了宝贵的生命?一位才三岁的孤儿的父母,就是不幸者中的两个。 Do you remember the day of August 28, 1937? That day, Japanese aggressors bombed Shanghai South Railway Station. Once again, in the face of the Chinese people, write down the word "shame". How many people lost their precious lives? The parents of a three-year-old orphan are two of the unfortunate. 那天,那位母亲带着孩子,来火车站给丈夫送饭,她的丈夫,是埋伏在上海火车站的抗日游击队员,随时都可能有生命危险!饭正吃了一半,一位叔叔就满头大汗地跑来了,“在车站附近发现了一大群鬼子!快准备准备!他们这次准备炸毁这里!所以,这次行动只许成功,不许失败!大家一定要努力!”爸爸从柱子下的洞中,摸出了武器,就匆匆出发了!这时的孩子,还什么都不懂,还开心地在妈妈身边玩石头!过了会儿,从候车室那儿传来了一阵阵的枪声,“忽”,一颗炸弹,从远处飞来,母亲的脑海里,一片空白,在生命的最后一刻,把孩子投到远处一片柔软的草地上。孩子,毫发无伤,可是,母亲,却被炸得粉身碎骨,尸骨无存!孩子呆呆地坐在废墟旁,却已不见了母亲,在他眼前的,只有那熊熊的大火,和浓浓的烟雾,孩子傻眼了!他“扑通“一声,摊坐在地上,撕心裂肺的哭着,喊着:“爸爸!妈妈!”望着已成一处废墟的火车站,他只能哭。 That day, the mother and her children came to the railway station to deliver food to her husband. Her husband, an anti Japanese guerrilla who was lying in ambush at the Shanghai railway station, could be in danger of life at any time! When the meal was half eaten, an uncle came sweating, "a large group of ghosts were found near the station! Get ready! They're going to blow up this time! Therefore, this action can only succeed, not fail! Everyone must work hard! " Dad from the hole under the pillar, touched the weapon, and hurried off! At this time, the child, still don't understand anything, but also happy to play stone beside her mother! After a while, from the waiting room there came bursts of gunfire, "suddenly", a bomb, flying from a distance, the mother's mind, a blank, in the last moment of life, the child was thrown into a soft grass in the distance. Child, harmless, but, mother, but was blown to pieces, no bones! The child sat beside the ruins, but no longer saw his mother. In front of him, there was only the raging fire and thick smoke. The child was stupid! He "plops" and sits on the ground, crying heartbreaking and shouting: "Dad! Mom! " Looking at the railway station which has become a ruin, he can only cry. 他被一位大妈收留了,渐渐成长,成了一位小八路,为他的父母报仇。 He was taken in by an aunt, and gradually grew up to be a little eight road, avenging his parents. 他憎恨战争,渴望着和平,企盼着和平!他希望,有一天,世界上再也没有战争,只有欢乐,只有和平! He hates war, yearns for peace, and hopes for peace! He hoped that one day, there would be no war in the world, only joy and peace! |
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