标题 | 小升初,奥数和英语是敲门砖英语作文 |
范文 | 小升初,奥数和英语是敲门砖英语作文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编精心整理的小升初,奥数和英语是敲门砖英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 小升初,这场没有硝烟的战争已经过去了,而我的小学生涯也画上了一个完美的句号,在这里我就描述一下自己的.小升初历程。 At the beginning of Xiaosheng, the war without gunpowder has passed, and my primary school career has also drawn a perfect end. Here I will describe my own process of Xiaosheng. 因为考虑到交通问题,我只选择了三所学校:五十七中学、十一学校和育英中学。首先是五十七中学,五十七中学考试分两个部分:口试和笔试,口试比较简单,只考了图形题,找规律和逻辑思维题。这些题虽然简单,但给的时间非常短,需要在生活中多观察。而笔试相应来说也是非常简单,考了一些常规的奥数题和英语小作文还有一小部分的英语阅读理解,然后就是面试(被五十七中录取) Considering the traffic problem, I only chose three schools: No.57 middle school, No.11 middle school and Yuying middle school. First of all, there are two parts in the examination of No. 57 middle school: the oral examination and the written examination. The oral examination is relatively simple, only taking the graphic questions, finding the rules and logical thinking questions. Although these questions are simple, they are given a very short time and need to be observed in life. The written test is also very simple. I took some regular Olympic math questions and English compositions and a small part of English reading comprehension. Then I was interviewed (admitted to No.57 middle school) 之后是育英中学的英语实验班。育英中学重视口头表达能力和学生的心理素质,所以考试都是面试加口试组成的。第一次口试,先是问了问你的个人情况(如爱好、学习,用英语),然后发了一张试题纸,要求用英语回答上面所有问题。第二次口试也跟第一次差不多,只不过这次有时间限制,要求15称一道题,必须要仔细看题,还要留时间看一道,这样才能又快又好地答对所有题。第三次面试就比较简单,只问了一些小问题就完事了(被育英中学录取)。 After that is the English experimental class of Yuying middle school. Yuying middle school attaches great importance to the ability of oral expression and the psychological quality of students, so the examination is composed of interview and oral test. In the first oral test, I first asked you about your personal situation (such as hobbies, learning, using English), and then I sent a test paper asking you to answer all the above questions in English. The second oral test is similar to the first one, but this time there is a time limit. It requires 15 to weigh a question. You have to look at the question carefully and leave time to read a question, so that you can answer all the questions quickly and well. The third interview is relatively simple, only a few small questions are asked to finish (accepted by Yuying middle school). 可是十一学校就没那么简单了,它是从上午8:00一直到下午5:00才考完,整整考了一天。上午8:30到中午10:30是读书,之后写一小时读后感。每生交10元钱在十一吃午饭,午饭过后地考英语,一开始是听力,然后是两人一组的小短剧。最后的时间考的是奥数题,时间非常短,需要在生活中多做题,直到下午5:00才考完出来(被十一学校录取)。 But eleven school is not so simple, it is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to complete the test, a whole day. From 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., read books, then write an hour's post reading feeling. Each student pays 10 yuan to have lunch on the 11th. After lunch, they take an English test. At first, they listen, and then they play a short play in pairs. The final time is the Olympic mathematics test, which is very short. We need to do more tests in our life. We didn't finish the test until 5:00 p.m. (admitted by the 11th school). 同时接到三所学校的录取通知,我高兴得不得了。考虑到交通和资金问题,妈妈和爸爸最终选择了育英中学。当我的学籍卡交到育英的时候,我的这场小升初战役也就圆满地结束了。 At the same time, I received the admission notice from three schools, which made me very happy. Considering the transportation and capital problems, mom and dad finally chose Yuying middle school. When my school card was handed over to Yu Ying, my battle of the early promotion ended successfully. 再这里我要提醒学弟学妹:一要有过硬的奥数基础。二要学好英语,至少要是公二水平。三不要偏科,学好语文。 Again here I would like to remind students: first, there must be a solid foundation of Olympic mathematics. Second, to learn English well, at least if the level of public two. Third, do not deviate from the subject, learn Chinese well. 小升初,奥数和英语是敲门砖。 At the beginning of junior high school, Olympic Mathematics and English are the key to success. |
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