标题 | 文明只差一步英语作文 |
范文 | 文明只差一步英语作文 在学习、工作或生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编为大家整理的文明只差一步英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 每人口中的“文明”在哪里?当我看到这组漫画时,总会想起“文明”,但“文明”在我们生活环境中的哪个角落呢?似乎很茫然。 Where is the "civilization" in each population? When I see this group of comics, I always think of "civilization", but where is "civilization" in our living environment? Seems to be at a loss. 在一个阳光灿烂的早晨,小文和小明一起走在上学的路上。走着走着,突然看到了一堆垃圾,发出阵阵恶臭,里面有果皮、塑料袋、纸屑、发霉的面包和牛奶盒。有些人捂住鼻子急匆匆地走了。小文看着那堆恶心的垃圾对小明说:“谁这么缺德,垃圾箱就在旁边,也不扔准点,弄得周围臭气熏天。”小明回答道:“对呀,垃圾箱就只有一步之遥,也不肯放好些!”“这些垃圾会污染环境的呀,不如我们把它收拾干净吧!”小文说。他们说干就干,一起用洁白的小手捡起肮脏的垃圾,把垃圾一点一滴地放入垃圾箱。经过他们的努力,刚才路边上的垃圾被他们清理得一干二净。过了一会儿,小明又皱着眉头说:“这次被我们发现了,又收拾干净了,但不能保证没有人再会这样做,怎么办呢?”小明沉思了一会儿后,说:“有了!”只见小明迅速地拿出笔和纸,一笔一画地在纸上写道:文明只差一步,并把警示语贴在了垃圾箱上。小文看见后,连忙竖起大拇指,称赞道:“你真聪明!这样就能时时提醒人们不要乱扔垃圾了。” On a sunny morning, Xiao Wen and Xiao Ming are walking together on their way to school. Walking along, I suddenly saw a pile of garbage, which sent out a lot of stench, including peel, plastic bags, paper scraps, moldy bread and milk boxes. Some people covered their noses and hurried away. Xiaowen looked at the pile of disgusting garbage and said to Xiaoming, "whoever is so wicked, the garbage can is nearby, and he doesn't throw it on time, which makes the surrounding stink." Xiaoming replied, "yes, the dustbin is only one step away, and he won't put it better!" "These rubbish will pollute the environment. Let's clean it up!" Xiaowen said. They say they can do it. They pick up the dirty garbage with their white hands and put it in the dustbin bit by bit. After their efforts, the rubbish on the side of the road was cleaned up by them just now. After a while, Xiaoming frowned again and said, "we found it this time and cleaned it up again, but we can't guarantee that no one will do it again. What should we do?" After thinking for a while, Xiao Ming said, "yes!" Xiao Ming quickly took out his pen and paper, and wrote one by one on the paper: civilization is only one step away, and put the warning words on the garbage can. When Xiaowen saw it, he quickly gave a thumbs up and said, "you are so smart! This will always remind people not to litter. " 看了这组漫画后,让我想起了发生在身边的.几件事。有时在校园里,不时会看到一些同学把喝完的牛奶盒当成篮球,投入垃圾箱里,如果投中了,就会高兴得手舞足蹈;如果没投中,就视而不理。有时在校门外,总会看到有些人走着走着,突然“咳”地一声就把痰吐了出来,真不卫生,这样会滋生细菌。 After reading these comics, I think of several things that happened around me. Sometimes in the campus, from time to time, we can see some students take the milk box as basketball and put it into the dustbin. If they hit it, they will dance happily; if they don't, they will ignore it. Sometimes outside the school gate, there will always be some people walking, suddenly "cough" to spit out phlegm, which is really unhygienic, so it will breed bacteria. 假如人人都爱护环境,不乱扔垃圾,那我们将会生活在一个干净的城市中;假如人人都从己做起那么我们的大气会更清新,我们不用再浪费纸和笔,真身边的一草一木,那我们将会生活在一个“绿色的海洋”里;假如人人都节约生活中的资源,那我们将生活在一个和谐的城市里;只要人人都从我做起,从生活中做起,那我们的生活环境将会越来越好!请大家行动起来吧,为美好的明天而努力! If everyone loves the environment and doesn't litter, then we will live in a clean city. If everyone starts from himself, then our atmosphere will be more fresh. We don't need to waste paper and pen any more. If there are plants and trees around us, then we will live in a "green ocean". If everyone saves the resources in life, then we will live in one In a harmonious city, as long as everyone starts from me and life, our living environment will be better and better! Please take action for a better tomorrow! |
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