例句: She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck. 她戴着一条粗实的金项链。 She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck. 她脖子上戴了一条项链,上面挂着个金的'小十字架。 She wore a simple band of gold on her finger. 她戴着一枚净面的金戒指。 It was fun working there at first but the novelty soon wore off. 开始的时候在那里工作很有趣,但这股新鲜劲很快就过去了。 They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits. 他们戴着护身符以驱邪。 上一篇:高冷的英文 下一篇:furniture是可数还是不可数 |