标题 | 西餐的面包礼仪 |
范文 | 西餐的面包礼仪 不仅仅是在法国,在其他西方国家,面包同样是必不可少的食物。 面包一般在喝汤或吃头盘菜时食用。估计很多人都认为面包是西餐中最容易搞定的一种食物——但事实上,西方人吃面包也是有很多讲究的哦: 千万不要直接用嘴去咬面包,这会让别人怀疑你的教养程度。面包的正确吃法是:先用双手把面包撕成小块,再用左手拿来吃。记住,绝不能用叉子来吃面包。 吃硬面包时,用手撕不但费力,而且会导致面包屑乱飞,此时可用刀先把面包切成两半,再用手撕成块来吃。 不要像用锯子似的切面包,正确的切法是:用叉子将面包固定住,然后把刀刺入面包的中央部分,先将正对自己的那部分切开,再将面包转过来切开另一半。 如果要抹黄油,要注意这样两个问题:不要把黄油直接放入口中;不要用面包去蘸黄油,而要用黄油来抹面包。 吃面包时切记不要用面包去蘸盘子里的汤。 Bread and Butter Etiquette面包和黄油 Bread is most often placed on the table in a basket that everyone shares. 面包通常放在桌上的篮子里,大家分享 If the bread is placed in front of you, feel free to pick up the basket and offer it to the person on your right. 如果面包放在你面前,你可以随意的拿篮子取面包,然后传给你右边的人 If the loaf is not cut, cut a few pieces, offer them to the person to your left, and then pass the basket to your right. 如果长条面包没切小,自己切一些,并把切下的给一些你左边的人,然后把面包篮传给右边的人 Do not touch the loaf with your fingers, instead use the clothe in the bread basket as a buffer to steady the bread as you slice it. 不要用手指拿面包,用篮子里的毛巾卷起面包并切片 Place the bread and butter on your butter plate - yours is on your left - then break off a bite sized piece of bread, put a little butter on it, and eat it. 把面包和黄油放到黄油碟子里,一般在你的左边,切成一口大小,然后涂黄油了吃 Don't butter the whole piece of bread and then take bites from it. 不要用黄油把面包涂满 Don't hold your bread in one hand and a drink in the other, and 不要一手拿面包吃一手拿饮料喝 Don't take the last piece of bread without first offering it to others. 取篮子里的面包的时候,如果只有最后一片,记得先问别人还要不要 In some restaurants, olive oil is served with bread. Dip your bite-sized pieces of bread in the oil and eat. 有些餐厅提供橄榄油,把切成一口大的面包在橄榄油里蘸一下了再吃 Because butter is produced in rectangle form, and the butter knife is made with a dull blade to slice butter and a pointed tip to transfer cubes of butter to the plate. 由于黄油是长方形的,黄油刀刃比较钝,用黄油刀头部的圆形部分将切下的黄油块挑到碟子里。 |
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