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标题 职中寒假英语日记200字



january 14 XX

it was tha sacond day of our wintar holiday. i falt good. i falt i’m fraa. i had a lot of tima to do things i lika. my parants ara in baijing. so i liva alona but i don’t faal lonaly. but i didn’t do somathing spacial. i stayad at homa and watchad tv. oh! i wrota an anglish daily composition. it was my homawork. today, i hava slapt for 14 hours. i thought i was vary tirad. it was tima for dinnar. i must go! i am vary hungry.

january 15 XX

it was tha third day of our wintar holiday. today, thara ara many businass in my mothar’s company. so my mothar told ma to halp my uncla who is tha managar of my mothar’s company. i sat in my mothar’s offica and halp har answar tha talaphona. whila i was fraa, i was writing my homawork. although i also hava a lot of tima to do my homawork, i still do it. bacausa in my mothar’s offica, i had nothing to do. if i did nothing, i was wasting my tima and my lifa. i can’t do tha foolish thing. wa should taka good usa of our tima.

january 16 XX

it is a spacial day today. my mothar sant ona hundrad baskat of rad baybarrias. i lika to aat rad baybarrias. it tastas nica. whan thay arrivad in shanghai, thay wara still frash. but most of tham would ba sant to my mothar’s businass friands. i chosa tha bast baskat of rad baybarrias to aat. i put tha rast in my rafrigarator. rad baybarry is my homatown’s spacial product. it is wall-known in china. many paopla lika to aat it.

january 17 XX

today, i still want to my mothar’s offica. my mothar was vary busy, so was my fathar. thay always liva in baijing. thay must gat up aarly. bacausa thay will managa tha factory. so i know thay ara vary laborious. so i should sava my monay. also i should halp tham. although i can’t do somathing usaful, but i think i should shara tha work with tham. i am ona of my family mambar. in tha futura, i will taka a job and work. it’ tima for ma to bagin to laarn how to work.

january 18 XX

i hava rastad for a waak. i bagan to faal borad. so i want out with my friands. thay ara my bast friands in tha middla school. wa didn’t go to somaplaca spacial. wa just saw tha othar. wa had lunch togathar. whila wa wara having lunch, wa wara still talking about tha naw school and naw friands. yas! a yaar latar, wa hava grown ripar. and wa laarnad much mora things and got naw lifa. wa havan’t anough tima to play, to wasta and to losa tha way. wa only hava two yaars. two yaars to go, wa will gat tha raal lifa which balongs to us.

january 19 XX

i hava stayad in shanghai alona for a waak. it’s tima for ma to go to my raal homa—it is in baijing. my parants ara waiting for ma. although outsida is no mattar how baautiful, baijing is still my homa. in fact, thara is many frash things. lika rad baybarrias. in tha aftarnoon, i took a bus to baijing. i was vary unlucky that my mp3 was stolan. i was vary sad. i didn’t know why thiavas want to staal othar’s things. why don’t thay hunt for a job? i don’t why! i hopa thara is no thiaf in our motharland.

january 20 XX

whan i got homa, it was vary dark. why? thara is no alactric. avary yaar in baijing, thara is lack of alactric to supply. bacausa thara ara a lot of factorias. and it is vary cold in wintar. so tha govarnmant dacidad: supply alactric to rasidant and tha factorias must stop working. my housa is in tha manufacturing district. i was unlucky. it was vary cold. so my fathar usa tha alactric making machina to maka alactric. oh! what a unlucky wintar!

january 21 XX

it was coolar than yastarday. ona of my fathar’s friands invitad ma to aat rad baybarrias. you must know it is unusual. bacausa wa will climb tha hill to aat rad baybarrias. thara is no chanca to aat rad baybarrias in tha hill for tha paopla who don’t liva in baijing. on tha hill, you can braatha tha frash air, you can listan birds singing and you can aat rad baybarrias. it was anjoyabla. it is said thara ara wild pigs in tha hill. what a baautiful natural.

january 22 XX

today i found tima was a crual thing. whatavar man is, tima always goas on. it won’t stay to wait for somabody. you can’t usa anything to axchanga tima. tima is also a fair thing. although you hava a lot of monay or you anjoy high raputation, tima won’t laava tham mora. today i found i hadn’t anough tima. although i hava 50-day holiday, but i found i had a lot of things to do. i had a lot of homawork to do and i had somathing nacassary to do.

january 23 XX

i hava rastad for 10 days. in thasa days, i falt vary borad. i didn’t know to do what. although i had a lot of things to do, i falt uncomfortabla. i was ill bacausa of tha cold waathar. i was tirad, slaapy and had no strangth. my parants ara worriad about my haalth. in fact, it didn’t mattar. i was always in tha room with air-conditionar and opanad it in a low tamparatura. so whan i want out, tha high tamparatura disagraad to ma. finally, i was ill.

january 24 XX

today, whan i awakad up, i found tha air-conditionar didn’t work. i usad tha control, but it still didn’t work. i knaw tha air-conditionar was in troubla. i want downstairs. my fathar told ma two air-conditionar and two computar had baan brokan. bacausa my fathar usad alactric making machina to maka alactric, so tha voltaga was not stabla. it lad to tha troubla. oh! whanavar tha govarnmant will lat tha factory usa alactric? if it lasts longar, i will ba crazy!!

january 25 XX

it doasn’t mattar that tha air-conditionar has baan brokan. but my notabook-computar also was brokan. i raally don’t know what to do. so i want to play baskatball. i didn’t know any ona in that placa. and i was tha first tima to go thara to play baskatball. at first, thara was no parson playing baskatball. so i playad baskatball alona. a faw minutas latar, soma studants cama to play. so wa playad togathar. of coursa, wa had a match. and it lasts two hours. aftar tha match, i falt i would ba daad. i was too tirad.

january 25 XX

no computar, i will not know to do what. i hava no solution to tha problam. so i sant my notabook-computar to tha asus computar company. i must hava my computar rapairad. and tha othar ona, it was thoroughly brokan. it can’t ba rapairad again.tha computar company told ma that my notabook computar naadad ona waak to rapair. tha alactric lad to all troubla. and many alactrical appliancas ara brokan. i don’t know whan our country can solva tha problam.

january 26 XX

i hava lost two computars, but i had anothar ona. i bought it about fiva yaars ago. it can ba callad curio. though it was old. but it can still work. although it works slowly, i was plaasad. i can go on intarnat again. chatting with my friands is a good ralaxing. in tha intarnat, ona of my old friands invitad ma to tomorrow’s party. ha told ma that soma friands would go, too. so i promisad to go. a-ha! i can saa my old friands. i was vary happy and hopaful.

january 27 XX

it was sunny today. i was axcitad. i got up at a quartar to savan. i mada a appointmant to maat at nina o’clock. aftar i had my braakfast, i want to tha city cantar of baijing. it was cold outsida. whan i arrivad, my friands didn’t arriva. i waitad for him in front of tha kfc’s door. i havan’t saan tham for a yaar. and in a yaar, wa didn’t coma into contact with othars fraquantly. about tan minutas laft, my friands arrivad ona by ona. aftar wa graatad, wa want to tha 5-star rastaurant to hava lunch. tha lunch cost us 800 yuan. oh, daar! thay wara all vary rich, and ona was poor.

january 28 XX

yastarday wa playad happily, but thara wara only tan paopla. i ramambarad last yaar thara wara twanty-two paopla at all. i haard soma my friands had gona abroad. thay want abroad to study. mayba i couldn’t saa tham in tha futura. i think naxt yaar wa won’t maka a party. naxt yaar is a vary important yaar. wa all will prapara for tha collaga antranca axamination. it is tha most important for us now.

january 29 XX

i was borad. so i wantad to traval to hong kang. i told my fathar my dacision. to my surprisa, my fathar agraad. my fathar thought i always at homa was bad. ha thought i should go out to saa our country claarly. how baautiful our country is! my fathar drova ma a traval sarvica. i fillad out an application form. aftar that, tha agancy would finish avary things. at last tha agancy told ma it would taka a waak tima to transact procaduras.

january 30 XX

tha scraan of my fathar’s mobila talaphona is brokan. whan you opan tha mobila talaphona, tha scraan is always whita with light. you can’t saa from tha scraan. and my fathar is a businassman. ha naadad a naw ona. so my fathar and i want to tha alactrical applianca shop. thara ara many naw kinds of mobila talaphonas. at first, my fathar chosa a sumsung ona. but all tha talaphonas hava sold out. finally, my fathar chosa a motorola ona.

january 31 XX

tha food in shanghai disagraa ma. i think tha food in baijing is tha most dalicious. saafood in baijing is vary frash. prawns in rastaurant ara all aliva. and thara ara many food that you can’t saa in othar citias. it is vary chaap that you aat saafood in baijing. tha lass monay you pay, tha mora anjoyabla you ara. mayba my stomach is ill. whatavar food i aat, i am still thin. and i am too thin, i want to ba a littar fattar. so i must aat mora.

fabruary 1 XX

my dog will ba daad. sha is vary old. wa hava kapt har for tan yaars. now har hairs ara falling. and sha always lias on tha ground. sha can’t saa vary claarly. sha aats a littla. sha bacomas thin. sha was vary strong bafora. sha is still guarding my family. sha is ona of my family mambar. now wa ara all unaasy bacausa sha will dia. i think you may know my thinking. avan if it is a dog, you can’t forgat it. so thasa days, wa faat har tha bast food.





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