标题 | 科技节活动邀请函 |
范文 | 科技节活动邀请函 邀请函的正文要写明活动的日程安排、时间、地点,并对被邀请方发出得体、诚挚的邀请,切忌以通知口吻向受众行文。下面是关于科技节活动邀请函的内容,欢迎阅读! 科技节活动邀请函亲爱的家长们: 想和孩子一起分享在幼儿园的趣事吗?想和孩子一起完成挑战吗?那就请您放下手头的工作,接受我们最真诚的邀请,和孩子们共同度过欢乐的亲子时光吧! 活动主题:创意科技节 创想科技梦 活动目标:以教师制作的发光、发声、发电为基础的科技制作,追随孩子们的心声,为了实现"玩中学"幼儿教育理念,我园定于20xx年4月28日上午,开展"创意科技节 畅想科技梦"为主题的亲子科技游园活动,以此彰显我园的科技特色。 活动时间:20xx年4月28日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 活动地点:南岸幼儿园 科技节活动邀请函尊敬的各位家长: 您好! 为了加深学生对科学的理解,养成严谨求实的态度,形成实验探究的思辨习惯,规范学生实验操作的流程;同时,培养学生设计作品的.审美情趣和介绍作品的表达能力等综合素养,我校特举办了本次科技节活动。 学生将在活动中展示他们的科学作品,向现场的家长和来宾介绍其研究结果。我们真诚地邀请您为学生的作品和表现打分,并提出您的宝贵意见。我们还将对优秀作品进行展出,并进行表彰。 因此,我们诚挚地邀请您来参加本次活动。活动将于20xx年3月22日下午12:30在我校3楼和4楼多功能厅举行。国际部科学组教师以及全体学生将为您带来一场精妙绝伦的科学盛宴,非常期待与您共享“科学盛宴”! Dear parents, We will be hosting our annual Science Fair on this coming Friday. The purpose of this fair is to give the learners the opportunity to show what they have learned in the field of Science. By encouraging Scientific inquiry, we aim to deepen the students’ understanding of the sciences. Students will display their scientific projects and present their findings to parents and guests during the fair. We invite you to join us at this event, where you will have the opportunity to assess the quality of work of the students, and also offer your opinion as to which projects are the best. We, in our turn, will also be evaluating the quality of the projects. Top projects in each category will receive awards. We therefore sincerely invite you to join us at this fair. The event will be held on March 22, 20xx from 12:30 p.m. in the ballrooms on the 3rd and 4th floors of our school. Teachers and students of the Science Department have prepared a wonderful scientific feast, and we are looking forward to sharing it with you ! |
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