标题 | 英文简历写作:明确目标 |
范文 | 英文简历写作:明确目标 在应聘过程中,对自己的职位没有明确目标的申请者,是最容易被淘汰的对象。因此,毕业生在简历中应该明确职位目标。 In the process of applying for, for his position without clear objectives of all applicants, is the most easy to be washed out object. Therefore, graduates in your resume, should clear position goal. 具体操作中,毕业生应在联系方式下表述职业方向定位,主要陈述自己的职业理想是什么,然后用一两句话从专业、技能、经验、兴趣等方面简单分析你的目标职位的由来。 Specific operation, the graduates should contact in the professional direction location expression, main statement of your career ideal is what, and with one or two words from professional, skills, experience and interest in simple analysis of your target the origin of the position. 毕业生通常都是带着自己的简历参加企业或学校举办的招聘会,在听完企业介绍之后,应在简历最醒目处(一般是简历的右上角),明确表述清楚自己希望工作的目标城市”以及一两个目标岗位”。 Graduates are usually with your resume to enterprise or the school holds of recruitment, after listening to enterprise after the introduction should be the most eye-catching place on your resume (generally is the top right-hand corner of the resume), explicitly stated clearly wants to work "target city", and one or two "goal post". 在描述所参加的社会实践和项目经验时,应采用倒叙方式,直接从最近的时间入手,让用人单位的简历筛选者更容易获得重要信息。 In describing in social practice and project experience should be used when telling the way, directly from the time of the recent, let the employing unit resume the screening easier access to important information. 要尽可能地量化所取得的成绩,如自己参与组织的某项活动有将近500人参加,组织者约20人,获得1800元赞助费用等。 As far as possible to quantify the achievements, such as their participation in an activity the organization of the nearly 500 people attended, organizers about 20 people, obtain 1800 yuan sponsorship expenses, etc. 另外,毕业生还务必在简历上描述一下个人特长和爱好,并最好能说明爱好的程度和取得的成绩。 In addition, also be sure to resume graduates describe personal skills and interests, and the extent of the best describe hobby and achievements. |
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