标题 | 中南林业科技大学班戈学院招聘启事 |
范文 | 中南林业科技大学班戈学院招聘启事 中南林业科技大学班戈学院(以下简称班戈学院”)是经中国教育部批准(教外办学函[2013]70号)由中南林业科技大学和英国班戈大学合作建立的湖南省首家中外合作办学机构,位于中国长沙。班戈学院将全面施行英国高质量教育理念、课程体系、考核标准,等等;目前开设有林学、金融学、会计学、电子工程4个本科专业。班戈学院的`学生无论是全程在中国境内学习还是赴英学习一至两年,毕业时均可获得班戈大学和中南林业科技大学的学士学位证书,也可赴英攻读班戈大学硕士或者博士学位。 出于学院快速发展的需要,现面向全球招聘如下职位: 一、质量控制兼高级管理人员(Quality Assurance and Administrative Officer) 1、应聘要求: (1)第一学位最好是在英国或其他西欧国家高等院校获得的; (2)精通英语和汉语(特别是说和写); (3)具备良好的组织、协调、沟通能力,熟练掌握计算机操作技能; (4)具有高校管理工作经验; (5)具有良好的团队合作精神。 · A good first degree (or equivalent experience) preferably from a UK or other Western university; · Good command of English (speaking and writing; · Knowledge of the structure and operation of degree programmes; · Excellent organisation, communication, IT and inter-personal skills; · Ability to work accurately to deadlines and under pressure; · A demonstrable ability to ensure that actions are followed up and tasks completed; · An excellent team player; · A willingness to work flexibly as required. 2、薪酬待遇: (1)≥8000元/月;(2)免费入住外国专家公寓。 更多有关岗位职责、应聘要求、应聘流程等信息,请参阅班戈学院官方网站www.bangor.edu.cn 通知公告栏或英国班戈大学官网www.bangor.ac.uk 二、电子工程类助教(Assistant Lecturer of Electronic Engineering): 1、应聘要求: (1)第一学位是电子类或电子工程或其它相关的自然科学; (2)熟悉欧美高校学位课程体系及运做系统; (3)具备电子工程或相关专业的高校教学或助教经验; (4)具备良好的组织、协调、沟通能力; (5)具有良好的团队合作精神; (6)精通英语和汉语(特别是说和写) · A good first degree (or equivalent experience) in Electronic or Electrical Engineering or Physical Sciences or other relevant subject area; · Knowledge of the structure and operation of degree programmes in British/Western universities; · Experience of supporting undergraduate teaching in Electronic Engineering or similar subjects; · Excellent organisation, communication and inter-personal skills; · Ability to work accurately to deadlines and under pressure; · An excellent team player; · A willingness to work flexibly as required. · Good command of English and Chinese (speaking and writing). 2、薪酬待遇: (1)≥8000元/月;(2)免费入住外国专家公寓。 更多有关岗位职责、应聘要求、应聘流程等信息,请参阅班戈学院官方网站www.bangor.edu.cn 通知公告栏或英国班戈大学官网www.bangor.ac.uk 三、金融会计类助教(Assistant Lecturer of Accounting / Banking and Finance) 1、应聘要求: (1)第一学位是金融学、会计学、银行学或其它相关专业; (2)熟悉欧美高校学位课程体系及运作系统; (3)具备金融学或会计学或相关专业的高校教学或助教经验; (4)具备良好的组织、协调、沟通能力; (5)具有良好的团队合作精神; (6)精通英语和汉语(特别是说和写) · A good first degree (or equivalent experience) in finance, accounting, banking or other relevant subject area; · Knowledge of the structure and operation of degree programmes in British/Western universities; · Experience of supporting undergraduate teaching in Accounting/Banking and Finance or similar subjects; · Excellent organisation, communication and inter-personal skills; · Ability to work accurately to deadlines and under pressure; · An excellent team player; · A willingness to work flexibly as required. · Good command of English and Chinese (speaking and writing). 2、薪酬待遇: (1)≥8000元/月;(2)免费入住外国专家公寓。 更多有关岗位职责、应聘要求、应聘流程等信息,请参阅班戈学院官方网站www.bangor.edu.cn 通知公告栏或英国班戈大学官网www.bangor.ac.uk 应聘流程: 1、5月17日前发送简历(CV)至: znlbgxy@163.com ; h.cheng@bangor.edu.cn 2、面试时间:5月28日 咨询电话 (Tel): +86-731-85658663 |
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