标题 | 学练跆拳道英语作文 |
范文 | 学练跆拳道英语作文 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的'、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编为大家整理的学练跆拳道英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 暑假里的一天,我到外面吃东西时,看到一块牌扁上有一行字“冲锋跆拳道俱乐部”南门七楼,我很好奇。于是就挨个找,终于发现了上楼的楼梯,上到五楼时,我看到墙上贴了好多照片,上到七楼,果然看到了跆拳道报名处。一位姐姐坐在那里,我走上前问:“姐姐这是冲锋跆拳道吗?”她说:“是的”我说:“我想学。”姐姐说:“你可以试学一节。”我来到教室,他们已经上课了,教练给我安排了个位置。开始先活动头部和腰部,再活动手腕和脚腕,这些我都会,因为我学过舞蹈。教练又说:“弓步正拳。”这下我就不明白了。教练看我不会,就上前教我,教练说:“你把前腿弯曲、后腿蹬直,抬左手打右拳,打出的拳要有风。”教练又教了我马步上端、中端、下端防御,正拳攻击等好多动作。上完课后,我觉得学跆拳道很有趣,就让妈妈给我报了这个班。现在我已经学到黄带了。 One day in the summer vacation, when I went out to eat, I saw a line on a flat card with the words "charge Taekwondo Club" on the seventh floor of the south gate. I was curious. So I searched one by one and finally found the stairs. When I went up to the fifth floor, I saw many pictures on the wall. When I went up to the seventh floor, I saw the Taekwondo registration office. An elder sister was sitting there. I went up to her and asked, "is this the charge Taekwondo, elder sister?" She said, "yes," and I said, "I want to learn." "Sister said:" you can try to learn a section I came to the classroom. They had already had a class. The coach arranged a place for me. I can move my head and waist first, then my wrists and ankles, because I have learned dance. "The coach added:" lunge is boxing Now I don't understand. The coach saw that I couldn't, so he went up to teach me. The coach said, "you bend your front leg and straighten your back leg. Lift your left hand and hit your right fist. The fist you hit should be windy." The coach also taught me a lot of moves, such as the upper, middle and lower defence of horse stance, and the attack of upright fist. After class, I thought it was very interesting to learn Taekwondo, so I asked my mother to report this class to me. Now I have learned the yellow belt. |
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