You seem to have a feeling for drawing. 看来你有绘画的`天赋。 It's just one of several projects on the drawing board. 这只是正在筹划的几个项目中的一个。 The children were playing in the sand. 孩子们正在玩沙子。 Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage. 德国在国际政治舞台上起着主导作用。 Chess is a game that calls into play all your powers of concentration. 国际象棋是一项需要全神贯注的活动。 Chess is not a game of chance. 国际象棋不是靠运气取胜的。 上一篇:大量的英文短语 下一篇:suchas后面加什么形式的动词 |