标题 | 红与黑读后感英文版 |
范文 | 红与黑读后感(英文版) The novel to connect. Mr. Hale, is a peasant family but Renaissance youth. The outstanding young ambitious, and never willing to earth, boiling life to aspire to napoleon era, keen to join the army to spurs, rise. But in restoration period, under extreme anti-democratic aristocratic bourgeois rule of France, to even see the road had to go, only through the church he didn't have a way hope among the high society. Novel title the red, red is symbol of the army, black or symbol of the church. Even at the beginning in d set yel mayor DE? Tutors, the palace, in retaliation for the noble bourgeoisie contempt for him, find a shortcut to quickly climbed up, make he soon won the mayor's wife's heart, be her lover, so access to the monastery to study, attempt to achieve the goal of the developed. He finally arriving in Paris, and lucky enough to be DE? Pull? Wood, marquis's private secretary, hooked up at the same time the marquis article from secretarial resources network female smart son. Is preparing to marry her son, achieve the dream of the apprentice, mayor's wife, out of jealousy in her confessor cleric's behest, to marquis wrote a long letter accusing him of scandal, made in ambitions and dreams dashed. In his desperate, nu DE shooting? That lady, suffered a severe trial, finally were guillotined, ending his short life. Wish with all my heart to get rid of disadvantaged position in even revenge society contempt, is painstakingly, by hook or by crook. He openly worship napoleon, but want to lambaste napoleon in public, he clearly did not believe the gods, but to read the bible lessons, can recite it completely. A young good hypocrisy!!!!! I don't know at that time, the background of life, only know that should come in even in order to make his fame and fortune to cheat themselves, with a mask to entertain the people of all, if I were him, I will be very tired. His time like a movie to play the role of a world and their inner strange, but also to let oneself no matter when and where all don't play, immersed in the character it is almost impossible. As the saying goes: "the leopard cannot change, the temperament is difficult to move. I feel so sorry for the way of teachers' professional development. Justice always prevail over evil, in the final fate is sad, so to be more sincere best less hypocrisy. 小说主人翁于连。索黑尔,是一个出身农民家庭但博学多才的青年。这个出类拔萃的青年雄心勃勃,决不甘于贫贱,一心向往拿破伦时代的沸腾生活,渴望通过从军去建功立业,青云直上。但在王政复辟时期,在极端反民主的贵族资产阶级统治下的法国,于连看到这条路已经走不通了,只有通过教会一途他才有希望跻身上流社会。小说题名《红与黑》,红即象征军队,黑即象征教会。于连开头在维立叶尔市长德?瑞那府上当家庭教师,为了报复贵族资产阶级对他的鄙视,找到迅速爬上去的捷径,使他很快赢得了市长夫人的欢心,成为她的情人,因此得以进入修道院学习,企图以此达到发达的目的。他最后到了巴黎,又有幸成为德?拉?木尔候爵的私人秘书,同时勾搭上了候爵的此文来源于文秘资源网女玛特儿。正准备和玛特儿结婚,实现自己飞黄腾达的美梦的时候,市长夫人出于嫉妒,在听她忏悔的教士的指使下,给候爵写了一封揭发他丑行的长信,使于连的野心和梦幻完全破灭了。在他绝望之余,一怒枪击了德?瑞那夫人,受到了严厉的审判,终于被送上了断头台,从而结束自己短暂的一生。 一心希望摆脱贫贱地位报复上流社会蔑视的于连,是煞费苦心,不择手段的。他明明崇拜拿破伦,却要当众大骂拿破伦,他明明不信神灵,却要把《圣经》读得烂熟,能够完全背诵。好虚伪的青年啊!我不了解那时的生活背景,只知道于连为了争名夺利做自己的黄粱美梦而欺骗自己,带着假面具来应酬所有的人,如果我是他,我会很累。要自己时刻像电影里一样去扮演一个和自己内心世界异样的角色,而且要让自己无论何时何地都不出戏,沉浸在这个角色里是很难办到的。俗话说:江山易改,禀性难移。我真同情于连教师专业成长的途径。 正义永远战胜邪恶,于连最终的下场是可悲的,所以待人最好多一些真诚少些虚伪。 |
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