双语例句: We've found a great new restaurant near the office. 我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。 The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about. 这家新餐馆没什么值得特别激动的地方。 There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof. 在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和饭馆。 It also has many eateries open during the day and night. 它也有许多小吃店开放白天和夜晚。 We met in a little eatery just off the main road. 我们在主要道路旁的小餐馆见面。 上一篇:have become是什么时态 下一篇:我非常好用英语怎么写 |