标题 | 香奈儿的经典的广告语 |
范文 | 香奈儿的经典的广告语大全 在平平淡淡的日常中,许多人对一些广为流传的广告语都不陌生吧,你所见过的广告语是什么样的呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的香奈儿的经典的广告语,欢迎大家分享。 香奈儿的经典的广告语 1、fashion passes, style. remains 时尚会过去,但风格永存。 2、don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. 不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。 3、in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。 4、i love luxury. and luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. i stay in the game to fight it. 我爱奢侈。奢侈并不意味着贵重与装饰华丽,奢侈就是屏除粗俗。粗俗是我们语言中最丑的一个词。我从事设计就是为了对抗粗俗。 5、look for the woman in the dress. it there is no woman, there is no dress. 记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。如果完全看不到女人,衣服的意义就失去了。 6、some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. it is not. it is the opposite of vulgarity. 有些人认为奢侈的反义词是贫穷。事实上不是这样。奢侈的反义词是粗俗。 7、 one cannot be forever innovating. i want to create classics. 人不能永远创造。我想做的是制作经典。 8、a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。 9、“where should one use perfume" a young woman asked. "wherever one wants to be kissed," i said. “应该在何处擦香水”一位少妇问我。“只要是想被亲吻的地方”我如此回答。 10、dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman. 穿着破旧,则人们记住衣服;穿着无暇,则人们记住衣服里的女人。 11、i don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness. and then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. and it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny. 我无法理解一个女人怎么可以毫不修饰就走出家门,哪怕出于礼貌也该打扮一下。而且,你永远也猜不到,也许那天就是她与真命天子约会的一天。而为了自己的真命天子总是越美丽越好。 12、luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury. 奢侈就必须舒适,否则就不是奢侈。 13、fashion is made to become unfashionable. 时尚创造就是为了使之过时。 可可香奈儿生平的故事 20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa ? Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre ? 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par。 20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。 Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style。 Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend。 可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。她以灵巧的双手和过人的时尚直觉,加之以独具特色的设计风格,为时装界写下了一段不朽的传奇。 Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden。 Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past。 Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness。 In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality。 在她成功的背后,隐藏着许多不为人知的秘密。童年的贫穷出身、父亲的抛妻弃子,造就她自悲的性格,使她急欲抹灭这样的过去。最爱的亲人、朋友及情人,相继离她而逝,使她一生都活在孤独与寂寞之中。为了掩饰她的弱点,造就了她骄傲、自大、严峻的个性。 She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty。 With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend。 She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours。 她积极、努力的往上攀爬,绝不放过任何可能成功的机会,为的就是要脱离低下阶层贫穷困苦的枷锁。凭着绝对的自信、敏锐的流行感,创造了一个属于自己的.时尚王国,开启了20世纪流行时尚风潮。她讨厌弱者,从不同情、或怜悯贫困的人,因为她坚信,只要肯努力,成功就会是你的。 Named as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20thcentury, legendary designer Coco Chanel was a pioneer in the world of fashion。 Her kind of fashion was inspired by menswear and she believed in simple yet highly expensive designs。 Not only did she make “black” the black it is today, but she also created the wardrobe staple that none of us can live without – the little black dress! Here are some little—known facts about her: 可 可·香奈儿被誉为20世纪最具影响力的百位名人之一,这位颇具传奇色彩的设计师是时尚界的先锋。她特有的时尚灵感来源于男装,推崇简洁但高贵的设计风格。她不仅使“黑色”拥有了今天的地位,还创造出我们衣橱中不可缺少的服饰——小黑裙!可可·香奈儿鲜为人知的七件事: 1、 She loved pockets 1、她钟爱口袋 Coco Chanel was so enchanted with pockets that this would prove to be the main focus of her designs in handbags for women! 可可·香奈儿非常喜欢口袋,她的女包设计的重点就是口袋! 2、It started as a hobby 2、一切源于爱好 Chanel started her career by designing hats which later be came a bit hit with aristocratic Parisians。 It was her innovative and fancy hat designs that got her attention。 香奈儿的设计事业是从设计帽子开始的,她所设计的帽子后来成为巴黎贵族的挚爱。新颖并具有想象力的帽子设计为她带来了大量的关注。 3、 Hosiery to high fashion 3、 从卖袜子到卖高级时装 Did you know that before she became a fashion legend, Coco Chanel used to work as a clerk in a small hosiery shop? Legends do start small! From humble beginnings tograndeur! 你知道可可·香奈儿在成为时尚传奇人物之前,曾在一家小袜子店里做过店员吗?传奇人物总是从小人物开始的!从渺小的开始走向伟大! 4、 Sun tan was started by her 4、 她开创了“美黑” If you thought tanning became fashionable by accident, think again! It was Coco Chanel who made it seem fashionable when she got burnt by sun rays way back in 1923 on a cruise towards Cannes! 如果你认为“美黑”是偶然形成的时尚,请你再好好想想! 1923年,可可·香奈儿从戛纳巡游回来时皮肤被阳光晒伤,是她让“美黑”看起来非常时髦! 5、 Hotel Ritz was her home 5、 里茨酒店是她的家 For more than 30 years Coco Chanel made the mighty hotel Ritz in Paris her home! It was rumored that German officer Dincklage (with whom she was having an affair)made arrangements for her to stay in the hotel! 可可·香奈儿在巴黎著名的里茨酒店居住了30 多年!据传是德国军官丁克拉格( 与可可·香奈儿有暧昧关系)安排她住在这个酒店! 6、 5 was her favorite number 6、5 是她最喜欢的数字 Maybe there was something special in the number 5 – enough to have Coco Chanel superstitious and in awe of it。 Chanel No。 5 was introduced on 5th May 1921! No coincidence this! 也许数字5 有些特别之处而足以让可可·香奈儿迷信并敬畏它。“香奈儿5 号”香水于1921 年5 月5日推出!绝非巧合! 7、She never got married 7、她从未结婚 Coco Chanel might have dated and had affair swith plenty of men but she never got married。 Maybe she thought it would take away from her dedication to the fashion world。 可可·香奈儿可能与许多男人约会过并与他们有过风流韵事,但她却从未结过婚。也许,她认为婚姻会阻碍她对时尚界的贡献。 |
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