标题 | 表达心情低落的英文句子 |
范文 | 表达心情低落的英文句子 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都听说过或者使用过一些比较经典的句子吧,句子是由词或词组构成的,是具有一定语调并表达一个完整意思的语言运用单位。那么你有真正了解过句子吗?以下是小编收集整理的表达心情低落的英文句子,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 表达心情低落的英文句子11、即使我输掉了一切,我都可以做到无所谓。 Even if I lose everything, I can do it. It doesnt matter. 2、我的小心翼翼,希望你的回心转意。 My care, I hope you change your mind. 3、暗恋是一出最好的哑剧,说出来就会成为悲剧。 Secret love is the best pantomime. It will be a tragedy if you say it. 4、如果你要离开请断了这根牵连的线我会把手放开。 If you want to leave, please break the thread, I will let go. 5、你看不懂我,是因为你站在自己的位置上看我。 You cant understand me because you stand in your own position and look at me. 6、如果知道没有终点,也就不会轻易的停下来。 If you know that there is no end, you will not easily stop. 7、当初是谁大义禀然的说爱,可如今又是谁先离开? At the beginning, who said love, but now who left first? 8、在你骗我之前,请做好我永远都不会原谅你的准备。 Before you cheat me, please be prepared that I will never forgive you. 9、人生未了,柱子已倒。 The pillar has fallen before the end of life. 10、我们虽不能一起出生,但可以一起祸害苍生。 We cant be born together, but we can do harm together. 11、明明说要放弃,眼泪和本能却和理智在抗拒。 Clearly said to give up, tears and instinct and reason in the resistance. 12、别问我为什么不高兴,麻烦你直接把我搂进怀里。 Dont ask me why Im not happy. Please put me in your arms. 13、说的再多,不如沉默;给的再多,不如懂我。 No matter how much you say, its better to be silent; no matter how much you give, its better to understand me. 14、傻孩子,太黏一个人,终究是会被讨厌的啊。 Silly child, too sticky a person, will eventually be hated ah. 15、脚踏两条船,迟早会落水。 If you step on two boats, you will fall into the water sooner or later. 16、连最后的温存,也被你一点一点剥夺。 Even the last warmth is deprived by you bit by bit. 17、从无话不说到无话可说,多深刻多难忘我都懂。 Never say nothing, never say nothing. I know how deep and unforgettable it is. 18、我们同时放弃的是爱情,而不是彼此。 What we give up at the same time is love, not each other. 19、眼神憔悴脆弱,心如刀割的`感觉。 The eyes are haggard and fragile, and the heart is like a knife. 20、如果有一天我离你远远,你是否会对我有所牵挂? If one day I am far away from you, will you care about me? 21、高傲的活着,不如平凡做自己。 Its better to be yourself than to live arrogantly. 22、遇见你,也许容易,忘却你,已经不可能。 It may be easy to meet you, but it is impossible to forget you. 23、我们有太多凑巧,却唯独缺一个正好。 We have too many chances, but only one is missing. 24、在我心里,你和阳光、酸奶、赖床一样重要。 In my heart, you are as important as sunshine, yogurt and bed. 25、依旧那么浑浑噩噩的活着,像行尸走肉般。 Still so muddled alive, like a walking corpse. 26、成熟最大的好处就是:以前得不到的,现在不想要了。 The biggest advantage of maturity is: what we didnt get before, we dont want now. 27、愿岁月无恙,愿青春能缓,愿故人不散。 May the years go well, may the youth slow down, and may the old friends stay. 28、我承认我并不坚强,只是一而再的逞强。 I admit that I am not strong, just try to be brave again and again. 29、放下所有面子去逗你开心,换来的却是痛彻心扉。 Put down all face to make you happy, in exchange for pain. 30、敏感的人爱胡思乱想,心软的人总会自讨苦吃。 Sensitive people are fond of wishful thinking, soft hearted people always ask for trouble. 31、几度遗失的身影沿着古老的窗子,走进又离去。 Several times lost figure along the old window, into and away. 32、你那么忙,还亲自来伤害我,真是辛苦你了。 Its hard for you to hurt me when you are so busy. 33、缘分让爱情变成可能,爱情是一场毫无征兆的邂逅。 Fate makes love possible. Love is an encounter without warning. 34、多年来,未曾有人能暖我心。 No one has warmed my heart for many years. 35、我有多爱你,是你不知道的秘密。 How much I love you is a secret you dont know. 36、刚刚他发了一条短信说分手,我回了一个哦。 Just now he sent a text message saying that he broke up, and I returned one. 37、执笔写下关于爱情如花的文字,却每一页都是伤痕。 Write about love like flowers, but every page is a scar. 38、你送我的答录机,现在只剩下了空气的回应。 The answering machine you sent me is now only the air response. 39、说片面是熬夜,说实在是失眠,说真的是想你。 Its staying up late, insomnia and missing you. 40、你是孤独的岛,而我却是上不了岸的潮。 You are a lonely island, but I cant go ashore. 41、我敬余生一杯酒,从此良心都喂狗。 Ill drink for the rest of my life and feed my conscience to the dog. 42、照片上,那些笑依旧清晰,可现总那么残酷。 In the photo, those smiles are still clear, but now they are always cruel. 43、我理解的幸福生活,就是不用违心的活着。 I understand the happiness of life, is not against the heart to live. 44、每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。 Everyone has a period of sadness, want to hide but want to cover. 45、我不怪你,但我真的无法装作自己不在乎。 I dont blame you, but I really cant pretend I dont care. 46、眼泪留下来的时候、才知道芯有多痛。 When the tears stay, I know how painful the heart is. 47、真正海枯石烂的爱情,只有神话上才美好的出现过。 True love, only the myth of the beautiful appeared. 48、男人我和你牵牵手,这辈子你只能爱着我。 Man, I hold hands with you, you can only love me in this life. 49、真想让你众叛亲离,让你知道,全世界只有我要你。 I really want you to betray your family and let you know that I only want you in the world. 50、下次绕过人间,如果你也不在的话。 Next time, if youre not here. 表达心情低落的英文句子21、There are no easy answers; there's only living through the questions、 生活没有容易的答案,只有去克服重重问题。 2、If you focus on results, you will never change、 If you focus on change, you will get results、 如果你专注于结果,那么你永远不会有改变。如果你专注于改变,你将自然获得结果。 3、Your big opportunity may be right where you are standing right now、 你最好的机会,可能就在此刻。 4、You have not failed until you quit trying、 放弃尝试之时才是失败到来之日。 5、Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning、 梦想,其实也是计划的一部分。 6、There is only one success — to be able to spend your life in your own way、 能用自己的方式度过一生,只有这样才是成功。 7、You have freedom when you are easy in your harness、 在约束中能感到自如,那你就是自由的了。 8、Every day may not be good,but there's something good in every day、 并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。 9、Nothing is perfect, the world is not perfect, so it looks beautiful、 没有什么是完美的,这个世界并不完美,所以才显得美丽。 10、 It is not our abilities that show what we truly are 、 It is our choices 、 让我们成为什么样人的.,并不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 —《哈利波特与密室》 11、I love the way you laugh、 I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away、 我喜欢你笑的样子,我想偷走你的痛苦,让你一直开心下去。 12、You are still young, and so good, deserve better, ready to yourself, somebody will love, you have to wait、 你还年轻,又如此善良,值得拥有更好的,准备好自己,一定会有人爱,你要等。 13、Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one、 采取正确的态度可以将负面的压力转化为积极的动力。 14、Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom、 沉默,好比睡眠,会滋养出智慧。 15、You can't change your situation、 The only thing that you can change is how you choose to deal with it、 境遇难以改变,你能改变的唯有面对它时的态度。 16、Do not pray for easy lives、 Pray to be stronger men、 不要祈求轻松的生活,要祈祷成为更加坚强的人。 17、A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour、 真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。 18、Life is a journey, and one that is much better traveled with a companion by your side、 人生是一场旅程,我们最好结伴同行。 19、 To escape criticism - do nothing, say nothing, be nothing、 想要避免被批评的唯一方法就是什么也不做,什么也不说,做个什么也不是的人。 20、Sometimes you have to fall before you can fly、 有时候,你得先跌下去,才能飞起来。 21、Life is a wonderful journey、 Make it your journey and not someone else's、 生命是一段精彩的旅程,要活的有自己的样子,而不是别人的影子。 22、All the advantage isn't in running fast, but rather in getting an early start、 优势不在于跑得快,而在于起身早。 23、When the world says, "Give up!"、 Hope whispers, "Try it one more time、" 全世界都在说“放弃”的时候,希望却在耳边轻轻地说:“再试一次吧”! 表达心情低落的英文句子31、你的别离不停的刺痛自己。 Your parting does not stop the pain. 2、最好不相爱,便可不相弃。 Had better not fall in love, then can not abandon. 3、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me you say, put in the heart more rough. 4、你给的温柔,我还是那么着迷。 You give the gentle, I was so fascinated. 5、他不爱,何必再傻傻去认人欺凌。 He does not love, why bother to recognize people to bully. 6、我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。 I said I love you, but I did not say that I love you. 7、你能否把心腾干净只装下我一个人。 Can you put your heart into my heart. 8、尴尬的时候、哭不想哭,笑不像笑。 Embarrassed, cry don't want to cry, laugh like smile. 9、我爱你,生生世世都要和你在一起。 I love you, generation after generation will together with you. 10、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。 Only because of the young, always think of the future is too good. 11、你爸你妈真善良,都把你养这么大了。 Your father your mother is so kind, you keep so big. 12、笑着的人往往是在用最美的方式难受。 The person who is smiling often is in the most beautiful way. 13、这一夏的温晴,是你给我的最好诠释。 This summer is warm and sunny, you give me the best interpretation. 14、谁又从谁的雨季里消失,泛滥了眼泪。 Who has disappeared from the rainy season, the flood of tears. 15、你我之间本无缘分,全靠我颜值死撑。 Between you and I do not have the fate, all by my face value. 16、这一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。 This is another gray temples eluting eyes for you. 17、讨厌你的不在乎,讨厌你对我忽冷忽热。 Hate you do not care, I hate you sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 18、夏初的悲伤,我站在阳光下无尽的眺望。 Summer sad, I stood overlooking the endless in the sun. 19、我听过最可笑的故事,是你和她的爱情。 I have heard the most ridiculous story, is you and her love. 20、天知道我有多爱你,天知道我动了真情。 God knows how much I love you, the day I know I moved the truth. 21、你的名字加我的名字,是世界上最美的诗。 Your name, my name, is the most beautiful poem in the world. 22、冬天你是我的优乐美,夏天你是我的冰棒。 In winter, you are my baby, you are my summer popsicle. 23、我不懂什么是爱,我只知道我心跳的很快。 I do not know what is love, I only know that my heart is very fast. 24、无力的控诉,你认为我无所谓般的无所谓。 The inability of the complaint, you think I do not like the so-called. 25、或许我们都太过年轻说过的话经不起考验。 Maybe we are too young to say can not stand the test. 26、我现在只想安静地坚定地一直喜欢一个人。 I just want to be quiet and still like a person. 27、我不想感动谁,只想有一个不会放弃我的人。 I don't want to touch who, just want to have a person who will not give up my. 28、你无动于衷对我的伤害,我还在默默的等待。 You indifferent to my injury, I was still waiting for the. 29、很想很想告诉你,我所爱的'人就是这样的你。 Very want to tell you, I love the people is like you. 30、我中了你设下的圈套,就想陪你到天涯海角。 I am in your trap, just want to accompany you to the remotest corners of the globe. 31、不要难过,不要回头,愿你所愿,终能实现。 Don't be sad, don't look back, may you wish, and it will come to you. 32、简简单单的生活才是真,爱情宣言又有何用呢。 Simple life is true, what is the declaration of love with it. 33、你用沉默来回避我,那我就用不联系来成全你。 You use silence to avoid me, then I do not contact to help you. 34、我难过的时候你不在,我就会认为你不要我了。 I am sad when you are not, I will think you do not want me. 35、明知道爱情并不牢靠,但是我还是拼命往里跳。 I know love is not strong, but I still desperately to jump. 36、一辈子住在一个地方,一辈子睡在一个人身边。 Live in a place all one's life, a lifetime to sleep in a person. 37、如果我们换个心脏,你就会明白,我就会懂你。 If we change the heart, you will understand, I will understand you. 38、如果爱情是场必输的局,那你选择放弃还是继续? If love is a game to lose, then you choose to give up or continue? 39、没有小三的存在,谁去鉴定你们那些扯淡的爱情。 No mistress exists, those who go to identify your love. 40、说什么都没有意义了,因为你已经不再属于我了。 Said nothing, because you no longer belong to me. 41、明明爱的很疼,却要执着的看着自己继续疼下去。 Obviously love is very painful, but to persist in looking at himself to continue to hurt. 42、那一季,忧伤无尽绽放,原有的阳光,消失殆尽。 That season, sad endless bloom, the original sun, disappeared. 43、真心的微笑,越来越少。心中的伤痛,越来越多。 Sincere smile, less and less. In the heart of pain, more and more. 44、相似的人适合一起欢闹,互补的人适合一起变老。 Similar people for fun, complementary fit to grow old together. 45、我希望有这么一个人陪我一直到老,白首不分离。 I want to have such a person to accompany me to the old, the elderly not separation. 46、女人喜欢长得坏坏的男人,不是喜欢长坏了的男人。 Women like men who have a long, bad, bad, bad, bad man. 47、爱情就像一部影片,影片结束时,所以人都会散去。 Love is like a movie. When it's over, people will go away. 48、人生就像斗地主,刚还是一伙的,一转眼就是敌人。 Life is like the landlords, or just a group, it is the enemy. 49、那个她出现得我毫无防备,那个爱离开得不知不觉。 That she appeared I have no defense, that love to leave unconsciously. 50、即使只是你最随便的问候,都会让我觉得你太暖心。 Even if only your most casual greetings, will make me feel that you are too warm heart. 51、我也想做一个优雅的淑女,是生活把老娘逼成了泼妇。 I want to be a lady, is the old woman forced into a life. 52、当他不爱你时,你的苦苦挽留只会被看做无耻的纠缠。 When he does not love you, your hard to retain will only be seen as a shameless entanglement. 53、种一个属于你的小太阳,悲伤的时候也可以充满力量。 Kind of a small sun, when you are sad, you can be full of strength. 54、一个人,一个夜,一首歌,一段情,忘不掉,就怀念! A person, a night, a song, a love, forget not to lose, just miss! 55、你永远看不见我眼里的泪,因为你不在时我才会哭泣。 You will never see the tears in my eyes, because when you are not in, I will cry. 56、不管有多么放不下,每段感情到最后都会是一地沧桑。 No matter how can not put down, each section of the feelings to the end will be a vicissitudes of life. 57、我蹲下来抚摸着自己的影子说:对不起让你受委屈了。 I squat down to touch my shadow said: I'm sorry to let you wronged. 58、因为有你在,最黑暗那一刻还是会有缝隙投进微弱的光。 Because of you, the darkest moment there is still a gap in the faint light. 59、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重要。 Sometimes, not the other side does not care about you, but you look at the other side is too important. 60、说好就此放手,说好不为彼此停留,可回忆说走又不走。 Say good to let go, say not to stay for each other, can be recalled to say that do not go. 表达心情低落的英文句子41、我们都一样、流着眼泪笑着说自己没事。 We are all the same, flow tears smiled and said he is ok. 2、你曾经的舍不得,变成了现在的无所谓。 Have you ever been to, turned into a now doesn't matter. 3、所谓繁花不过一梦,我曾用爱雕刻时光。 The so-called flowers but a dream, I was carving time with love. 4、寂寞有一千种滋味、却只能有一种体会。 Loneliness has one thousand kinds of taste, but can only have one kind of experience. 5、不是我割舍不下,只是早已没有了选择。 Not I'm going to give up, but have no choice. 6、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 Love is hard to get into, but once the input, it is more difficult to come out. 7、虽然我走的很慢,但我却从没有后退过! Even though I walk slowly, but I never retreat! 8、花开是花落的回忆,遇见是别离的序曲。 Flowers is a flower fall memories, meet is the prelude of separation. 9、暗恋是成功的哑剧,说出来就成了悲剧! Unrequited love is successful pantomime, say it is a tragedy! 10、不是我感伤,只是情绪太过于苍白无力。 Not sad, I just mood too pale. 11、微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛。 Smile, sometimes is a kind of injury did not say exports. 12、或许我狠庸俗,不断寻找那可耻的幸福。 Maybe I malicious vulgar, constantly looking for the shame of happiness. 13、不要给我希望,得到的却是莫大的失望。 Don't give me hope, and got great disappointment. 14、放不下,舍不得,忘不掉,却又得不到。 Not put, loathe to give up, forget not to drop, but can not get. 15、明明有男朋友,却总觉得只有我一个人。 Clearly have a boyfriend, but always felt that I was the only one. 16、我陷入了爱情的无底洞,而且越陷越深。 I'm into a bottomless pit of love, and love more. 17、情愿为你画地为牢,我在牢里慢慢变老。 Willing to designated area for you, I grow old in prison. 18、谁是我梦想,是给我希望,谁伴我闯荡。 Who is my dream, is to give my hope, who accompany me to travel. 19、即使三宫六院七十二男妃,我也唯宠你。 Even if sannomiya six homes seventy-two male princess, I also only spoil you. 20、没温度的路灯提醒着我,我们已经分手。 Reminds me of the lamps in the temperature, we have to break up. 21、多希望你能明白我,即使我什么也不说。 Hope you can understand me, even though I said nothing. 22、别总拿出你的骄傲,来抹杀别人的尊严。 Don't take out your pride, and to kill the dignity of others. 23、以前是拿心珍惜你。现在是拿命珍惜你。 Is that taking the heart to cherish you before. Now is to take life to cherish you. 24、我们认输好不好,不要这么难过好不好。 We throw in the towel is good, don't be so sad ok or not. 25、一颗坚定的心,比任何甜言蜜语都重要。 A strong heart, sweet words are more important than any other. 26、即使我知道结果,我想我也仍然这么做。 Even if I know the result, I think I still do the same. 27、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。 What I miss is not you, but you give the deadly ever. 28、谁都看见了我的憔悴,只有你视而不见。 Who saw my gaunt, only you turn a blind eye. 29、最初的爱越像火焰,最后越会被风熄灭。 The original love is like a flame, finally can be put out by the wind. 30、反反复复、不确定。飘飘荡荡、很游离。 Repeated, not sure. Her hair, very free. 31、沉默像首悲伤的歌,捂上视线却模糊了。 Silence like a sad song, covering the line of sight is blurred. 32、从那时到相信不相信,你杀了我的信任。 From that time to believe or not, you killed my trust. 33、时间不会等人,所以你要自己追赶时间。 Time will not wait for man, so you want to catch up time. 34、我应该忘记什么、还是我应该放弃什么。 Should I forget what, or what I should give up. 35、是你给我了我希望,为何你又让我绝望。 Are you gave me I want, why you let me despair. 36、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 Beginning, we know, there will always be an end. 37、突然发现,我再也没有离开你的力气了。 Suddenly found that I never leave your strength. 38、梦想不会逃跑,会逃跑的永远都是自己。 Dream will not escape, will run forever is yourself. 39、人生如天气。可预料。但往往出乎意料。 Life is like the weather. Can be expected. But often unexpected. 40、那些最初的快乐,现在留下的只剩记忆。 The first happy, now leave only memories. 41、都为情受了伤,却还是奋不顾身的向往。 For the injured, but still desperate yearning. 42、爱来时你措手不及,爱走失你神情失措。 Love comes you off guard, you look lost. 43、我愿抛弃我的容颜,只为与你白头相守。 I would like to abandon my appearance, only to grow together with you. 44、接纳不了一个人是因为忘不了另一个人。 Can't accept a person because forget the other one. 45、我只是习惯了有你,并不是缺你不可。 I just used to have you, is not short of you. 46、如果还有如果,最后结局能不能你陪我。 If there is if, finally ending can you accompany me. 47、夜雨初歇,有风潇潇而过卷了几许落叶。 The patter early rest, have the wind was raining over how much the fallen leaves. 48、那些没说出口的思念,都变成了黑眼圈。 Miss, the unspoken turned black rim of the eye. 49、遇见一个人容易,彻底忘记一个却很难。 Met a person easily, forget a is difficult to completely. 50、有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉。 Sometimes we miss is not the time, is feeling. 51、忘记一个人是很简单的,不再见不再见。 Forget that a person is very simple, no longer see no longer. 52、有些路走下去会很累,可是不得不继续。 Go to the some road will be very tired, but had to continue. 53、爱你,是我说过,而且是一辈子的`事情。 Love you, is I said, and it is a lifetime thing. 54、只有一觉不醒,才可以阻止明天的到来。 Only a sleep not awake, can prevent the arrival of tomorrow. 55、不要因为我爱你,你就可以肆意欺负我。 Don't because I love you, you can bully me. 56、走到最后,你会发现过程是如此的悲惨。 Walk to the end, you will find that the process is so tragic. 57、试着疏远你,因为我知道我不能拥有你。 Try to alienate you, because I know I can't have you. 58、如果没有你,我在那里,又有什么可惜。 Without you, I was there, what a pity. 59、有些痛,说不出来,有些事,无能为力。 Some pain, say not to come out, there are some things, can do. 60、偶尔的相遇,是我这辈子都忽略的绚丽。 Occasionally meet, is I this lifetime all ignore the flowery. 61、也许你永远都不会懂的。你一定要幸福。 Maybe you will never understand. You must be happy. 62、不管选择有多少种,其实结局只有一个。 No matter how many kinds of, in fact, only one end. 63、忘记了什么时间开始,我没了白天黑夜。 Forget what time to start, I didn't day and night. 64、眼泪可以尽量不落,但心痛的无法停止。 Tears can not fall as far as possible, but can't stop heartache. 65、别把自己当主角,你没有那么多的观众。 Don't take yourself when the leading role, you don't have much audience. 66、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand, eyes closed go you won't get lost. 67、蕴含爱情的风景,任何时候都是美丽的。 Contains the scenery of love, is beautiful at any time. 68、回忆还是温热的,但承诺却已经冷却了。 Memories still warm, but it has cooled commitment. 69、如果没有你,我在哪里,又有什么可惜。 If have no you, where I was, what a pity. 70、生命必须要有裂缝,阳光才能照射进来。 Life must have cracks, the sun can shine in. 71、假若念你变成习惯,假若爱你变成信仰。 Read if you become a habit, if love you into faith. 72、有些人要进来,就有一些人不得不离开。 Some people want to come in, there are some people had to leave. 73、彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。 Love each other is happiness. So simple, so difficult. 74、其实想跟伱说话,只是不知怎么开口了。 Really want to talk to you just don't know how to speak. 75、若你在天涯流泪,我会守在海角陪你哭。 If you shed tears at the end of the world, I will keep in cape accompany you cry. 76、我不可能百依百顺的。即使是那么的爱。 I can't be subordinate. Even so the love. 77、给眼泪少一点自由、让微笑多一些时候。 To tear a little less freedom, let smile a little more time. 78、天空转晴了又多云,幸福过后只剩孤寂。 The sky clearing up and cloudy, after happiness only loneliness. 79、微笑向暖,安之若素,继续现在的现在。 Smile to warm, returns to business continue now now. 80、情歌象游戏,每句都入戏,可惜太虚拟。 Love songs like the game, every sentence into play, it is a pity too. |
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