His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。 Nationalism is one of the theories that promote the consciousness of Chinese nation. 国家主义是促进中华民族自觉的理论之一。 Part three proves the modern sense of nihilism. 第三部分论述了虚无意识的现代主义宣泄。 On the Values of Nihilism and Their Cultural Effect. 论虚无主义价值观及其文化效应。 Then nihilism easily goes to the pursuit of physical experience. 由此虚无主义者走向了身体体验。 上一篇:ance结尾的单词来源 下一篇:有哪些大专专业可以出来创业 |