标题 | 兰英语作文 |
范文 | 兰英语作文 在学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编为大家收集的兰英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 我家有3盆吊兰。吊兰是一种香草,历来为人们所爱,是高雅纯洁的象征。在古代的文章以兰喻人时,是美好、高尚的意思。我喜欢花,喜欢兰花儿,更喜欢兰花中的吊兰。 I have 3 pots of Chlorophytum. Chlorophytum is a kind of vanilla, which has always been loved by people and is a symbol of elegance and purity. In ancient times, when people are compared with orchids, it means beautiful and noble. I like flowers, like orchids, more like orchids in the Diaolan. 吊兰的叶子像翡翠那样碧绿,叶子的中间有一条像波纹一样的叶脉。从远处看,叶子有宝石般的光泽。吊兰的叶子大约有三四十厘米长,长出来的“花茎”垂下来,有六七十厘米长,花蕾长在“花茎”上,又能长出一朵新的兰花,这大概就是称它为“吊兰”的原因吧。吊兰的花儿很小,它是由6个小花瓣组成的,花儿中间有七根橘黄色的花蕊,非常美丽。花开时,香气四溢,只要你仔细闻吊兰的那股淡淡的清香,立刻神清气爽,心旷神怡,精神抖擞。 The leaves of Chlorophytum are as green as emerald, and there is a ripple like vein in the middle of the leaves. From a distance, the leaves have a jewel like luster. The leaves of Chlorophytum are about thirty or forty centimeters long, and the "flower stems" that grow out hang down, sixty or seventy centimeters long. The flower buds grow on the "flower stems", and a new orchid can grow. That's probably why it's called "Chlorophytum". The flower of Chlorophytum is very small. It is composed of six small petals. There are seven orange pistils in the middle of the flower, which is very beautiful. When the flowers bloom, the fragrance overflows. As long as you carefully smell the light fragrance of Chlorophytum, you will feel refreshed, relaxed and energetic immediately. 吊兰又叫“春兰”、“兰花”、“兰草”。吊兰的`繁殖方法与众不同。大多数的花儿是用种子繁殖后代的,而吊兰是用“花茎”繁殖后代的,每年的春天,吊兰都会伸出两三条“花茎”,“花茎”上有一朵朵小花苞,一簇簇茂盛的小吊兰。微风吹拂着,“花茎”轻轻地摆动着,像少女正在梳理她那长长的秀发。“花茎”上开出的小花凋零后,“花茎”上的小吊兰开始长。叶子开始变长,底下的根慢慢伸展,根会变得越来越多,越来越长,小吊兰长完之后,就可以把小吊兰栽到花盆里,不久,小吊兰就可以长成一棵和它妈妈一样的大吊兰。 Chlorophytum is also called "Chunlan", "orchid", "orchid". The breeding method of Chlorophytum is different. Most of the flowers are propagated by seeds, while Chlorophytum is propagated by "flower stems". Every spring, Chlorophytum will stretch out two or three "flower stems". On the flower stems, there are small bracts and clusters of luxuriant Chlorophytum. The breeze is blowing, the "flower stem" is swinging gently, like a girl combing her long hair. After the small flowers on the "flower stem" withered, the small Chlorophytum on the "flower stem" began to grow. The leaves begin to grow, and the root under them will gradually expand, and the root will become more and more, longer and longer. After the small Chlorophytum grows, it can be planted in a flowerpot. Soon, the small Chlorophytum can grow into a large Chlorophytum like its mother. 我最敬佩的是吊兰那顽强的意志。那一次,“雷公”使劲敲击大鼓,发出闪电,“风婆”使劲号叫,“龙王”把咒语一遍又一遍地念着。在这样狂风大作,电闪雷鸣,大雨倾盆的天气里,吊兰被折磨得死去活来,看样子,好像奄奄一息。可是当大雨停了以后,吊兰却慢慢地直起身子。好像在说:“我才不怕呢,大家看,我多顽强啊!” What I admire most is Diaolan's indomitable will. At that time, "Lei Gong" pounded the drum hard, sent out lightning, "Feng Po" shouted hard, "Dragon King" read the mantra over and over again. In such a windy, thundering and rainy weather, Diaolan was tortured to death. It looked like she was dying. But when the rain stopped, Diaolan slowly straightened up. It's like saying, "I'm not afraid. Look, how tenacious I am!" 我喜欢吊兰,喜欢吊兰的高雅、圣洁,喜欢吊兰的清香,更喜欢吊兰那顽强的意志。我也要像吊兰一样做一个意志坚强的人。 I like the elegant, holy, fragrant and indomitable will of Chlorophytum. I also want to be a strong willed person like Diaolan. |
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