例句: I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. 我已授权他在我外出时代理我的职务。 You understand that any authorized signer on your current account can access your credit line. 你要知道你目前银行账户的任何授权的签署人都能够获取你的`信贷限额。 Parliament has in fact already authorized the government to tame the tobacco trade. 事实上,议会已经授权政府来控制烟草贸易。 The first library in the United States was a private library, which could be used only by authorized readers. 美国的第一家图书馆是一家私人图书馆,只能被授权读者使用。 上一篇:英语六种基本句型结构 下一篇:get down的用法总结 |