标题 | 学英语作文 |
范文 | 【实用】学英语作文十篇 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编为大家整理的学英语作文10篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 学英语作文 篇1I got up early at this morning.I do my homework for a while,thenI found that my parents were not at home,I have to cook food by myself. After a meal,I went on my homework,and I finished it finally,I watched the wacth,the time is early,so I went to wacth TV,my favorite program would be held by TV at this time. It's a good text for me that living without parents,and I was very happy though there was no person close to me. 学英语作文 篇2每当在校园里听到学生恭恭敬敬地称一声“Miss!”,我打心眼儿里汗颜——我是半道出家,赶鸭子上架。 这话还得从三年前说起,听说我们这地方的小学英语开始纳入考试了,学校也开始着急了,怎么办,这各年级的英语老师在哪里?领导们把所有的老师扫描了一番,思来想去,隆重启用了我们四个年轻的语文老师兼任! 唉,人在屋檐下不得不低头啊,谁叫我还得在人家锅里抓饭吃呢,硬着头皮上吧。于是就有了最开始的“Good morning boys and girls!”说实话,现在小学的英语教材比我读中学时还难,好多单词我都不认识。这可害苦了我。每次上新课之前,都得花好长时间查字典,听录音,不然来到课堂上休想张嘴。 搞笑的是有一次学校派我们几个外出听人家的优质课,我老早就跑去了,生怕找不到好位置。最后选了一个最佳——第一排正中!然而一节课下来,着实恼火,除了黑板上板书的单词我知道外,老师的课堂口语我一句都听不懂!真是笑话呀,英语老师听不懂英语课! 当然,这几年不是一直都当南郭先生的。我一边学,一边教,好歹还是学到了一点,至少后来出去听课还是能听懂了。我的要求不高,只希望我的学生每一节课能感受快乐。 学英语作文 篇3Today we have computers to use, it changes our lives in many different ways .There are two different main catalos, there are good ones and there are bad one. There are more bad ones than the good ones. They also steal/change other people identity/information. There are even worst thing coming up. People use computer to cheat in class for test, those are min computers that they can hide when teachers comes near. Some people use computer to trick kids and teens into meeting them and then they kidnap them. Now back to the good said of using a computer. Computer made storing information easier and getting information easier. Different people may have different ideas on computers. Some people like computers other did not. 学英语作文 篇4Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents. Importance should be attached to studying abroad. There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living and studying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, international students are likely to encounter their counterparts from various countries and areas and are exposed to diverse ideas and values. What is more, overseas experience is the best opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. In the first place, in addition to knowledge, overseas students can gain precious experiences that those who stay at home will never have. Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to the growth of adolescents. 参考译文: 目前,出国留学在年轻人中间非常流行。我们应该充分重视留学问题。 出国留学有很多好处。首先,国外生活和学习为学生提供了一个看待世界的不同视角。在大学校园中,国际学生很可能遇到来自不同国家和地区的同伴,并且面临迥异的观念和价值。此外,海外经历是外语在实际生活运用的最佳时机。没有什么比住在母语国家提高第二外语技能的更好机会了。 总之,我认为尽管出国留学很昂贵,并且可能会痛苦,但这种付出是值得的。首先,除了知识之外,留学生可以获得留在国内的学生永远无法获得的宝贵经验。其次,尽管留学经历可能使人沮丧痛苦,然而这对年轻人的成长是有益的。 学英语作文 篇5I hope the stars and hope for the moon, the New Year came. I am visiting relatives and friends received a lot of red packets, we give each other greetings. At noon, we had a big meal, so delicious! Firecrackers sounded, and I covered their ears, then, the beautiful fireworks in the dark night sky, like a blossoming chrysanthemums. Evening, the family sofa Spring Festival, I like Chinese New Year! 学英语作文 篇6I have a good father. He is tall and thin. He is an engineer. He loves his work and he is kind to his friends. He likes to watch football games. He likes blue. His favourite fruit is apples. He is kind to me and cares of my study, especially English. Dad likes to play with me, he is my good friend. Dad loves me and I love my dad too. 学英语作文 篇7我现在已经六年级了,英语成绩有了很大的提高,这里面包含了爸爸不少的功劳。那还是三年前的事了。那时我正读小学三年级,英语成绩很差。虽然爸爸当时很忙,但从今以后,还是决定当我的英语辅导老师,为我补习英语,争取使我的英语成绩来个飞跃式的发展! 其实,爸爸的英语水平并不高,顶多就是小学三四年级的水平。爸爸常说:“要想给学生一碗水,自己先得有一桶水,为此,他不得不自学英语。这无疑给他增加了难度。他学英语学的很艰苦,很认真。爸爸是将近四十岁的人了,他学习没有别的目的,只为辅导我,以便让我学的更好。“望子成龙”嘛!可见爸爸在为我成才方面付出了多少心血。 爸爸他买了好多有关英语方面的书,还买磁带和光盘。在这方面花钱他似乎从不心疼。爸爸学英语经常一学就是半夜。爸爸的英语水平并不高,课本上有很多单词他都不会读,就自己查字典,注音标,跟着复读机一起读,目的是为了学会更准确的发音。遇到似懂非懂的问题时,连我都懒的弄懂它,可爸爸总要查字典找资料,一定要弄个明白。有一天,我们一起学到深夜12点,我都打盹了,我问爸爸:“爸爸,你不瞌睡吗?”爸爸说:“为了你爸爸不能瞌睡!” 爸爸经常和我说,要想学习好,必须热爱学习,对学习产生浓厚的兴趣。把学习当成一种乐趣去享受,看见书就头痛,是没有好成绩的。对于学习的兴趣是完全可以培养的。要想学习好还得勤奋下苦功去钻研,一个不学无术之人,永远不会在考试方面做出好成绩来。 我明白,自己英语差,是不努力用功的原因。爸爸为了鼓励我学习,常常和我以起朗读,做作业。用他自己的话来说这叫“陪读”。爸爸说“陪读”一词是近几年听说的,如今社会变了,父母亲在教育子女的方式也似乎变了。爸爸说“陪读”只能陪到我小学毕业,不可以陪到我初中,高中。他只能充当我的一个启蒙老师,学习成绩的好坏关键在我自己把握。 从那一年起,在我和爸爸的共同努力下,我的英语成绩有了很大的提高,后来,每当我学习想偷懒的`时候总会想起爸爸的话和他的学习精神,每当这时我也自然勤奋起来。 爸爸在我身上充满着无限希望啊!爸爸那种认认真真刻苦钻研的学习精神让我实在感动。今后,我一定不辜负爸爸对我的希望,一定刻苦加倍学习,用特别优异的成绩来回报他对我的一片“爱心”。 学英语作文 篇8For most people, travel is a great thing. They will make a long plan before the trip starts. It is believed that shopping and delicious food are considered to be the necessary plans. While for some people, they don’t care about the things mentioned above. Different people have different ways to travel. 对大多数人来说,旅行是一件很棒的事情,他们会在开始旅行前做好长远的计划。相信购物和美味的食物一定是计划中的必要部分。而对于有些人来说,他们并不在乎上面提到的这些事情。每个人都有每个人自己的旅行方式。 For most people who enjoy shopping and delicious food, the purpose of the trip is to buy local products and to eat local food. So they prepare a large amount of money, enjoying the feeling of shopping. In a lot of tourist cities, almost all the shops will write the commercial ads with mandarin, for attracting more Chinese customers. 对于大多数只想享受购物和美食的人来说,旅行的目的就是购买当地产品、吃当地食品。所以他们准备了大量的金钱,享受着购物带来的快感。在很多旅游城市,几乎所有的商店都会用汉语写上一些商业广告,以此来吸引更多的中国客人。 For other tourists, they just enjoy the atmosphere and do nothing. They prefer to sit in the cafe shop and read the books for a whole afternoon. Once I did not understand such behavior, but now, as I have seen more and more scenery, I started to realize that it was another way to relax themselves. 对于其他部分游客来说,他们只是在享受这样的氛围,什么也不做。他们喜欢坐在咖啡馆里,花上一整个下午的时间来看看书。以前我不理解这样的行为,但是现在,当我看过越来越多的风景后,我开始意识到这也是另一种放松自己的方式。 We can’t judge which way is best for a trip, because the way to enjoy life is various. 我们无法判断哪种方法最适合旅行,因为每个人享受生活的方式是不一样的。 学英语作文 篇9I have an uncle, he is so kind to me and I like him so much. My uncle looks very young, he is busy with his work. But when he goes back on business, he will bring me the gift. Sometimes I will play basketball with him or we watch the game together, we share our opinion. My uncle is like my brother. 我有一个叔叔,他对我很好,我很喜欢他。我的叔叔看起来很年轻,他总是忙于工作。但是当他出差回来了,会给我带礼物。 有时候我会和他一起打篮球或者我们一起看比赛,彼此分享意见。我的叔叔就像是我的兄弟。 学英语作文 篇10School, more than a month of holidays, the dream of the past. Early in the morning, is sleeping in me, was the mother that familiar voice wake up, more than a few months did not wake up, I really could not bear my winter vacation life. We have ushered in the new semester, in every new starting point, each of us will have a hope: tomorrow I will be more exciting. Therefore, I must be in the vision of a better future, showing their new semester to meet the new atmosphere. Today 's teachers and classmates are dressed up in their own, the office, the classroom are clean and clean, so to create a vibrant, peaceful and new weather. I believe that in this new meteorological infection and encouragement, I must make new progress in the new semester. In the new semester, I have a new goal - do not do the language of the giant, go abroad to become the owner of the network! I know that success is not by dream to achieve, but by their own actions. Of course, in the new semester, in the study to have new achievements, which will make unremitting efforts! Pay an effort in exchange for a harvest. Learning is not an interest, but a responsibility, I should do and must do a good job, while learning will be a burden. There is no tired of the process, there will be no progress and promotion, whether it is the past, or the future is not the same reason? I put my joy, sadness are turned forward to the power and power, it will continue to overcome difficulties to achieve new progress. Success is our joy, success is our hard sweat, there is no hard work on how to harvest, there is no pay where the income. Book Hill has a road for the trail, learn the sea without boundaries bitter boat. Toward their own goals, struggling to move forward! The new semester begins again, starts a new journey, raises new sails! I want to refuel, in the colorful primary school life, good learning, this is the sprint, for the new journey, there may be ups and downs, dangerous, I will overcome all difficulties to avoid all the shoals to reach the other side of success! The first day of school, a new day; the first day of school, a meaningful day; the first day of school, a surprise and happy day; the first day of school, the perfect end, the new start! |
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