标题 | 英语日记作文300字 |
范文 | 英语日记作文300字汇编八篇 一天的生活不知不觉间结束了,想必有很多难忘的瞬间吧,需要进行好好的总结并且记录在日记里了。相信许多人会觉得日记很难写吧,下面是小编为大家整理的英语日记作文300字8篇,欢迎大家分享。 英语日记作文300字 篇1英语课时,我们学了人体五官,吴老师突发奇想――让我们画五官。 吴老师拿着纸走进教室,嘴角微微一笑,说:“把这……”还没说完,小组长已经开始发了。同学们拿到纸,吴老师见我们一脸茫然,便兴致勃勃地说:“你们要在它们的脸上 画五官,可以任意发挥!” “噢!知道了!”我拿着笔就刷刷画过去了,一抬头,见许多人没画好,又给小女孩添上弯弯的眉毛、弯弯的嘴角,形成一个笑脸,然后又画了两个马尾辫……我再次抬起头时,组长开始收画纸了。 接着,吴老师开始展示我们的作品,真是千奇百怪:有的是憨厚可爱的小猪,有的是美如神仙的小姑娘,还有的是尾巴长长可爱的猴子……“哈哈!哈哈!”所有同学哄堂大笑。原来是有一位同学把小水滴的头上画了小辫子,眼睛睁一只闭一只,鼻子长长的,尖尖的,像一把小刀,嘴巴张的老大了,都可以塞下一个西瓜了!口水垂涎三尺的滑稽样子让我们忍不住哈哈大笑起来。吴老师也笑得合不拢嘴,连在旁边批作业的田老师也笑成了一朵花。我后面的同学徐阳自豪地宣布:“这是我画的!” 这次作业实在是太有趣了,原来做作业也是有创意的。真希望多一点这样的作业。 英语日记作文300字 篇2Today, I washed the small hamsters with bath sand. They were very funny in their bath. First they scratch their back, then they roll, and then they run. It's so cute! I fed them a few cookies, and they ate with their little PAWS, and now and then they grind their teeth, so lovely that I like them better. This is my super cute little hamster, and they taught me a lot of knowledge. 英语日记作文300字 篇3送报那天下午,我和几位同学跟一个从美国回来的'女老师在大庆区健强超市里玩“英语”。 老师说我们抢答英语单词可以得分,最后看谁的分数得的最高,她就免费给那个同学买一根冰淇淋。我们都兴奋得不得了,都想快点拿到高分。 老师先带我们到水果区,老师让我们自己挑水果,挑完了,老师就开始教我们读,读完了再复习一遍,复习完了就开始抢答问题。答对一个得一分。我们都开始积极地抢答,我们都得到了很多分数。 老师又带我们到了蔬菜区,老师让我们每人挑一样蔬菜。我挑了一个西红柿。又一阵叽哩呱啦的讨论后我们就要开始抢答了。这一次抢答,我只拿到了3分,不过这也算最好的成绩了。 抢答完蔬菜,我们又去抢答零食。看到那么多好吃的零食,我的口水都快要流下来了,但我还是忍了回去。 最后我得了13分,没有拿到最高分。最高分是15分,然后是14分。拿到这两个分数的同学都得到了老师给的冰淇淋。虽然没得到老师的奖赏,但我妈妈仍然给我买了一袋薯片解馋。吃着薯片,我很开心! 英语日记作文300字 篇4The weather is very sunny. We are happy too. I have an English name now. The name is William, and it’s also the England’s Princes’s name. But this afternoon, Danielle didn’t give us an English Lesson, but Miss Ding did. We learnd a lot of words. They are relatively easy 初中政治. In the evening, we saw an English Movie. It’s “Gone With Wind”. At first I don’t understand its content and meaning. 英语日记作文300字 篇5Today,I went home with my schoolbag after school。On the way home,I saw a child crying on one side of the road。I asked him whast up is,he told me that he couldn t find his mother。 I felt very sorry for him and I think he must feel afraid。So,I decide that waitting for his mother with him,and told him don tworry。 A half of hour later, his mother found him and she said thanks to me, I felt very happy! 英语日记作文300字 篇6january 27 20xx it was the second day of our winter holiday. i felt good. i felt i‘m free. i had a lot of time to do things i like. my parents are in beijing. so i live alone but i don’t feel lonely. but i didn‘t do something special. i stayed at home and watched tv. oh! i wrote an english daily composition. it was my homework. today, i have slept for 14 hours. i thought i was very tired. it was time for dinner. i must go! i am very hungry. 英语日记作文300字 篇7Hello, I today am in Hangzhou. Hanghzou was very hot. We are in Zhejiang University. It’s very big and becaemeour beautiful. We study English. It has a lot of fun. We play English game. The teacher Jenny and Sara are kind to us. In lunch, it was very good. I eat slowly. I think Hangzhou is a beautiful city, and it’s very big. The car was going away. The house study. I study happily, living happily. So I’m happy in Hangzhou. 英语日记作文300字 篇8Wednesday, November8th,I felt terrible yesterday morning. My mother took me to the hospital. “What’s your trouble, little boy?” the doctor asked. “I can’t stop sneezing and I have a headache. ” “When did it start?”“This morning. ” “Open your mouth and say ‘Ah’. ” My mother was worried and asked the doctor, “What’s the matter with him?” “He has a bad cold, but it’s nothing serious. ” the doctor said. Then the doctor let me take some medicine. He asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. I feel better after taking the medicine. |
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