标题 | 月亮的自我介绍英语作文 |
范文 | 月亮的自我介绍英语作文 当我们在一个新环境中,通常需要用到自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的认识。但是自我介绍有什么要求呢?以下是小编收集整理的月亮的自我介绍英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 大家好,我叫月亮,听到这个熟悉的名字,你一定会想到嫦蛾奔月。吴刚伐桂等故事吧!呵呵,其实,我的真名叫月球,我还有”嫦蛾”。婵娟””顾兔”等多达几十个美称呢!它们都是古近代的诗人。歌手以及一些词人给我取的。真是数不胜数呀! Hello everyone, my name is moon. Hearing this familiar name, you will surely think of Chang moth running to the moon. Let's wait for the story of Wu Gang's felling GUI! Ha ha, actually, my real name is the moon, and I have Chang moth. Chan Juan "Gu rabbit" and dozens of other good names! They are all ancient and modern poets. I got it from the singer and some poets. How numerous! 下面,让我来做个自我介绍吧! Now, let me introduce myself! 在人类的肉眼中来看,我只有盘子般大小。其实我是一个巨大的球体。我的半径约1737400米。是一个不规则的球体,虽然有这么大,可是与地球。太阳相比,我就好似茫茫大海中的一叶扁舟。之所以在人类肉眼中我只有盘子大小。是因为我离地球的距离影响的。现在让我来回答这一个问题。 To the human eye, I'm only the size of a plate. In fact, I am a huge sphere. My radius is about 1737400 meters. Is an irregular sphere, although there is such a large, but with the earth. Compared with the sun, I am like a boat in the vast sea. The reason why I am only the size of a plate in human eyes. It's because of my distance from the earth. Now let me answer that question. 我是里地球最近的一颗天然卫星。我距离地球384400米,有人会很惊讶”离地球最近的天体也有这么远呀!”是啊!所以人类在地球看到的我才会只有盘子大小呀。我离你们太近,你们在地球上看到的我就是个能一手遮天的了,这样就失去了我温柔善良的一面。你们也很容易就能来拜访我了。 I am the nearest natural satellite on the earth. I am 384400 meters away from the earth. Some people will be surprised that "the nearest celestial body is so far away from the earth!" Yeah! So what we see on earth is only the size of a plate. I'm too close to you. What you see on the earth is that I can cover the sky with one hand, so I lose my gentle and kind side. It's easy for you to visit me. 不光只有这些,我还有地方能使你们感到惊讶呢!这就包括我的表面温度。就说表面温度吧!你知道阿姆斯特朗为什么要穿宇航服上太空和我近距离接触吗?这是因为我的表面积温差很大,最高达到150度以上,最低至-120度左右,如果你不穿宇航服的话,就一定会被烧焦的,要不然就会被冻成冰块儿的!呵呵,听到这些会感到恐惧吧!不用怕,现在科技发达的很,制造的宇航服具有隔热和保温等作用,有了它,你就不会被我的温度给烧焦或结冰了。 Not only that, but I have a place to surprise you! This includes my surface temperature. Let's talk about the surface temperature! Do you know why Armstrong put on a spacesuit to make close contact with me in space? This is because the temperature difference of my surface area is very large, the highest temperature is above 150 degrees, and the lowest temperature is about - 120 degrees. If you don't wear a spacesuit, you will be burned, or you will be frozen into ice! Ha ha, I'm afraid to hear that! Don't be afraid. Now the technology is very developed. The spacesuit has the functions of heat insulation and heat preservation. With it, you won't be scorched or frozen by my temperature. 说了半天,让我和你们谈谈我和地球的相似之处吧!除了和太阳的距离差不多以外,还有很多相似的地方。现在我就来举几个例子吧! For a long time, let me talk with you about the similarities between me and the earth! In addition to the distance from the sun, there are many similar places. Now let me give you a few examples! 和地球一样,我是一个不规则的球体,我是一个赤道略宽。两极稍扁的球体,我的扁率是0。006,所以你们在地球上看到的我是一个圆,现在,人类发明了许多观察我的工具,可大部分都不能发现我是个不规则球体。对于上面说的:”在地球上看到的我是一个圆。”有人会问:”可我平常看到的'月球是一个弓形或半圆呀?”这是由于太阳把我的一部分遮住了,实际还是你们看到的我是个圆,在每年中秋节时,你们就会看到一个圆形的我。 Like the earth, I am an irregular sphere. I am a little wider at the equator. For a sphere with flat poles, my oblateness is 0. 006, so what you see on the earth is that I am a circle. Now, human beings have invented many tools to observe me, but most of them can't find that I am an irregular sphere. For the above: "I see a circle on earth." Someone will ask, "but the moon I usually see is a bow or a semicircle?" This is because the sun has covered part of me. In fact, you see that I am a circle. On the mid autumn festival every year, you will see a round me. 除了扁率,还有我的自转周期,我的平均自转周期是27。32166天,与地球的平均自转周期只差仅仅2天左右,这一点可以证明我和地球的确有许多相似之处。就因为这些特点,人们把我说成地球的女儿,这怎么说也不合理嘛,就因为它比我大吗?现在是法制社会,不是体积和武力能解决的,说她是我姐还可以勉强接受,可……就为这事,我哭了几个月,整日以泪洗面,哭肿了眼睛,哭瘦了身子,后来才发现,哭原来是一种很好的减肥方法。 In addition to the oblateness, there is also my rotation period. My average rotation period is 27. 32166 days, only about 2 days less than the average rotation period of the earth, which can prove that there are many similarities between me and the earth. Because of these characteristics, people call me the daughter of the earth, which is unreasonable, because it is older than me? Now it's a legal society, not one that can be solved by volume and force. It's acceptable to say she's my sister, but For this matter, I cried for several months. I washed my face with tears all day. My eyes were swollen and my body was thin. Later, I found that crying was a good way to lose weight. 在我这个充满黑暗,一望无际,孤独的星球中,有许许多多的传说。最具有代表性的是嫦蛾奔月。吴刚伐桂,在此,我就不一一讲述了!为了纪念我,人们把每年农历八月十五这一天做为中秋节,这一天,月亮格外的大。圆。亮。这一天人们要吃月饼打灯笼,是撮合姻缘的大好日子。说到这儿,又引出一个朱元璋月饼起义的故事…… In my dark, endless, lonely planet, there are many legends. The most representative is Chang moth running to the moon. As soon as Wu felled GUI, I won't tell you all about it here! In order to commemorate me, people regard August 15 as the mid autumn festival every year. On this day, the moon is very big. Circle. Bright. It's a good day for people to eat mooncakes and make lanterns. Here comes another story about the moon cake uprising of Zhu Yuanzhang 人们探索我,是因为我身上有许多可利用资源。下面,让我来一一讲述吧。 People explore me because I have a lot of available resources. Next, let me tell you one by one. 在我身上有着丰富的矿产资源可利用。何诈麻也说:”21~22世纪人类将移民地球,建立月球村。月球村将利用太阳能取暖,利用月球上发现的水生产蔬菜。粮食,建立各种生活设施。月球村的重要任务是开采氦,并运用地球这一热能源发电,供应全球所需电能。人类还将开发地球上拜访月球村的旅游业。”口说无凭,人类还有拜访我的纪录呢! I have abundant mineral resources to use. "In the 21st-22nd century, human beings will immigrate to the earth and build a moon village," he said. The moon village will use solar energy for heating and water found on the moon to produce vegetables. Food and various living facilities. The moon village's important task is to mine helium and use the earth as a thermal energy to generate electricity to supply the world's electricity. We will also develop tourism on earth to visit the moon village. " There's no reason to talk. There's still a record of people visiting me! 1969年美国人阿姆斯朗特乘”土星5号”来到了我身上。他先采集月壤和月岩的样品。然后树立了一块纪念碑,上面写了一些地球字,我不认得便也没有在意。他取出摄像机安装在月面,又安装了一台太阳风测定装置,用来检测宇宙射线,再安装了一台月震仪用来测定月震,后来插上了星条旗。准确时间是1969年7月21日11点56分20秒,这是一个伟大的时刻。 In 1969, American Armstrong came to me on Saturn 5. He first collected samples of lunar soil and rocks. Then I set up a monument with some earth characters written on it, which I didn't recognize and didn't care. He took out the camera and installed it on the moon. He installed a solar wind measuring device to detect cosmic rays. He installed a lunar seismograph to measure the lunar tremor. Later, he put in the stars and stripes. The exact time is 11:56:20 on July 21, 1969, which is a great time. 过了几十年,中国人杨利伟。聂海胜。费俊龙三人也陆续来到太空,这验证了中国的发展速度是飞快的 After decades, Chinese Yang Liwei. Nie Haisheng. Fei Junlong's three men also came to space one after another, which proves that China's development speed is very fast 今年,日本再发射了”月亮女神”绕月卫星,它的任务是观察并向地球上的基地发出信号,时刻向基地报告我的情况。 This year, Japan launched another moon goddess satellite. Its mission is to observe and send signals to the base on earth, and report my situation to the base at all times. 此后不久,中国也再发射了绕月卫星”嫦娥一号”这是中国人民对科学崇尚的良好见证。 Soon after that, China also launched another moon orbiting satellite, Chang'e-1, which is a good witness of the Chinese people's admiration for science. 我介绍完了。相信你们一定了解了一些关于我的知识吧!希望你们常来拜访我,和我做伴! I'm done introducing. I believe you must know something about me! I hope you will visit me often and stay with me! |
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