标题 | 藏宝洞探险英语作文 |
范文 | 藏宝洞探险英语作文 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编帮大家整理的藏宝洞探险英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 要是你去香港尖沙咀的星光大道,一定会看见一艘海盗船,船上的旗杆上挂着一面旗帜:张保仔。 If you go to Xingguang Avenue in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, you will see a pirate ship with a flag on its flagpole: Zhang baozai. 张保仔是清朝广东沿海的着名海盗,后被清朝招安,在香港的长洲岛上有一个山洞,据传是张保仔收藏宝物的,成为大家寻宝探险的.兴趣之地,五一假期的时候我也去藏宝洞探险了。到达长洲后我们步行了大约半个小时来到了张保仔洞郊游区,一路上还有不少和我们一样来探险的人。沿着张保仔路往山上走了大约十分钟,就看到一个油漆写的向下箭头及“洞” Zhang baozai was a famous pirate along the coast of Guangdong Province in the Qing Dynasty. Later, he was recruited by the Qing Dynasty. There was a cave on the island of Changzhou in Hong Kong. It is said that Zhang baozai collected treasures and became a place of interest for everyone's treasure hunting exploration. During the May 1st holiday, I also went to the cave for exploration. After arriving at Changzhou, we walked for about half an hour to zhangbaozidong outing area. There were many people who came to explore like us on the way. After walking along zhangbaozai road for about ten minutes, I saw a downward arrow and "hole" in the paint 字,旁边就是大海。由于我们没带照明用品,所以只能下洞口看看,洞入口十分狭小,但洞内十分宽阔,爸爸先下去了,他下去后,便不停的叫我也下来,我胆战心惊的站在上面,不知该从何下“脚”,最后我终于下去了。我刚下去,看到里面黑黑的,心里很害怕,就对爸爸说我先上去了,然后就落荒而逃。我一上来,妈妈就笑我胆小如鼠,我心里很不服气,于是又下去了。我紧紧地抱住爸爸,不停的说可以上去了吧,可以上去了吧。最后我们离开了张保仔洞。 Word, next to the sea. As we didn't bring lighting supplies, we had to go down to the cave entrance. The entrance was very narrow, but the cave was very wide. Dad went down first. After he went down, he kept asking me to come down too. I stood on it in fear. I didn't know where to go. Finally, I went down. As soon as I got down, I saw the black inside, and I was afraid. So I said to my father that I went up first, and then I ran away. As soon as I came up, my mother laughed that I was as timid as a mouse. I was not convinced, so I went down again. I hold my father tightly, and keep saying that I can go up, I can go up. At last we left the hole. 如果不像我这样胆小的话,说不定真能找到宝藏呢! If I'm not as timid as I am, maybe I can find the treasure! |
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